Is there a way to curb unscrupulous behavior in adults?

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  1. Earl S. Wynn profile image78
    Earl S. Wynnposted 12 years ago

    Is there a way to curb unscrupulous behavior in adults?

    Legislation just doesn't do the trick, and (in my opinion) it's wrong to lock someone up for doing something immoral (that doesn't hurt anyone, at least.) It seems the only other option is education, but even then it's hit or miss.

  2. CloudExplorer profile image77
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    I don't think so, unless you give them an incentive such as money to correct such behavior.  By talking to the alone won;t quite work effectively, and especially those who are under the influence of some illegal drug or narcotic.

  3. Kathleen Cochran profile image78
    Kathleen Cochranposted 12 years ago

    In my lifetime we've taught Americans not to litter, to wear seatbelts, to eat less red meat, not to hit their wives and children (at least in public).  That last one is probably as close as we've come to changing moral behavior.  Unxcrupulous implies theft, scams, con artists.  I don't think we've made a dent.

  4. profile image0
    MP50posted 12 years ago

    If you can't beat em join em! But only in the good stuff.

  5. Attikos profile image81
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    There's a hubris about modern social philosophy that assumes people can be taught to behave better ("better" is as always primarily convention defined by whomever has authority at the moment, but never mind that), but hubris is all is. The reality is you can't change human nature. All that can be done with those lacking a good moral compass is to provide them with consequences when their conduct becomes too much to overlook.

  6. GNelson profile image58
    GNelsonposted 12 years ago

    You could shoot them but that is a little much.  Cheaper than locking them up.  Human nature is not going to change with legislation or education.  There is a reason that prostitution is the oldest profession.  It is the demand for the service.

  7. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    According to the Bhagavad Gita, with Krishna speaking to Arjuna regarding the concepts of Atman and Brahman "I am all a man may desire without transgressing the law of his nature."

    Everything that we do, depending on where we are in our lives, stems from "desire",  more specifically unfulfilled desire for something...tangible or intangible.

    I used to get really angry when confronted with lies and greed ...not so much "immorality" as you have implied..and until I have accepted them as part of my nature a human being..

    Morality is defined by society..for good gives the appearance of order..but one's morality is defined  by the individual alone..and in this, he has "free will " only to the extent he has worked on himself...

    This has to come from within..for no one can really "teach" another or for that matter, force another to learn.

    To want to learn, to go through the discipline required to learn something, that too is a choice but within a limited context.He has to go beyond norms and mores of the society he was brought up in. He has to go beyond religion, beyond the definitions of good and evil.

    Choice is a privilege of the free, and in a free being there is no desire to impose his own values on another. He has no "desire", although he can create that desire, at will.

  8. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    I guess it would like training an animal - like the dog whisperer - a short, sharp jab on the Mastoid process ....

  9. Doc Snow profile image89
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    Education and asking nicely can both be surprisingly effective.  Shunning and ostracism have their adherents for dealing recalcitrants.

    Failing that, if the 'unscrupulous' is also illegal, slapping them in jail is highly effective, though usually temporary.  (So I suppose that I disagree somewhat with the statement that "Legislation just doesn't do the trick.")

  10. georgethegent profile image60
    georgethegentposted 12 years ago

    If they are brought up properly then they already know the difference between right and wrong, how they should and should not behave etc. That's the job half done!!!

  11. Paulw2751 profile image61
    Paulw2751posted 12 years ago

    Yes, legislation rarely does any tricks, unless it is played on us. BUT, your question seems a bit nebulous...what exactly are you asking here? If a criminal only steals a few thousand dollars without harming another, is that justified? Or by "hurt" do you mean either/or financial, physical, emotional or psychological?
    Both unscrupulous and Immoral can be interpreted so many ways. They are relatives without concrete base until defined.
    Your question has heart...let's see if we can go somewhere with it.

  12. JBBlack profile image60
    JBBlackposted 12 years ago

    Sort of draws up a question.  What immoral behavior hurts noone?  Also the word immoral is loaded with possible interpretations.  To attempt an answer: It is only possible for some and it is either self management or fear.

  13. Cara.R profile image65
    Cara.Rposted 12 years ago

    I think the education part is difficult. People's personalities don't change, it develops then stops. I think that these people would have to be treated as if they were being raised all over again.
    Nature you can't always change but Nurture you can. If there were counseling of such a kind; with "parents" that were attentive. And could recognize early warning signs; that could be taken care of sooner, it could help. Problem is, these people are not a clean slate like a child. During their development something went wrong.
    Sometimes I think there is no answer and that we live in a world that is similar to a movie about good against bad. It is something, we, as a people, have to find better solutions too because it won't go away. As if life can not have good without bad.  As long as we keep trying to find better ways to curb unscrupulous behavior, it can be something that can be achieved.  I think as much as we want change we are still afraid of it in many aspects.

  14. Faiz Ul Haq profile image56
    Faiz Ul Haqposted 12 years ago

    When everyone learn their religion well from the childhood then the unscrupulous behavior in adults will curb especially in Islam...! Learn it how islam curb this..!

  15. terrektwo profile image80
    terrektwoposted 12 years ago

    Lobotomy? well I suppose that wouldn't be legal but not sure their is, they grew into what they are, they will change only if they really want to.


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