What is a weekend?

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  1. Pamela N Red profile image83
    Pamela N Redposted 12 years ago

    What is a weekend?

    I'm curious about this two days off I hear some people have. It's a mystery to me since I work seven days a week between my writing, editing, keeping my house, kids, pets and my rentals.

    Just wondering if any of you actually have days that you don't do anything.

  2. profile image0
    Kathleen Kerswigposted 12 years ago

    I've found myself wondering what a weekend is myself these days. I too spend Saturdays and Sundays writing and getting caught up around the house. I've come to realize that I do need to take some more time for me or else I'm going to burn myself out way too quickly. Great question - my specific answer is no, I don't have days that I don't do anything. Thanks for asking! smile

  3. Perspycacious profile image64
    Perspycaciousposted 12 years ago

    Even though calendars show Sundays as seemingly the first day of each week, and even though I have my health store open 5 days 9-6 and Saturdays 10-4, we consider Sunday the week's end. And we consider church, prayer, scripture reading, and wholesome activities as being restful, so we consider that a quiet, restorative day, and a day of rest, to prepare us for the days that follow Sundays on the calendar.  We eat leftovers, so we don't have to cook, and we try to include an afternoon nap, too.

  4. charmike4 profile image67
    charmike4posted 12 years ago

    I definately have weeks that feel like they are endless!  Our usual weekend is taken up with children's activity - Saturday AM, one at Basketball or Soccer, another at Cricket, then dancing. Saturday PM either food essential shopping or cleaning.  Sundays is Football (aussie rules) for the oldest boy.  In between I will do some work, study, read business related papers, entertain, host at a sporting event or some other business related activity.

    The big difference for me is that during the weekdays I am working, whether this is in the office, travelling for work or entertaining at night...I am working.  On the weekend it is 'different' work, family activities or sport. So it is different.  On weekends we also eat out as a family and make a roast on Sunday, so it's not like the busy weekday experience.

    That all said, there are rare days where we don't do anything on a weekend.  But they are very rare.  Today is one that might fit into that category - we had a sleep in, I went for a 6km run, I made a cooked breakfast & am now just checking emails.  For the rest of the day I'm going to take the neighbour to the footy (watching Port v Crows v Carlton) in a corporate box and then will wander home for a roast & movie night with my wife...this is about as much as a doing nothing Sunday that I get!

  5. Mardi profile image76
    Mardiposted 12 years ago

    Oh my I long for the days I had a "real" job and therefore had a "real weekend". I now work from home, manage the farm and am a full time caregiver for hubby. I do try to find time, at least 30 minutes at night to enjoy a book. I also take a long walk each morning with the dogs, which builds in time to reflect, enjoy the beautiful outdoors and think of other things.

  6. Marisaupa profile image72
    Marisaupaposted 12 years ago


    I first heard the question on the wonderful British TV drama Downton Abbey.  Ah, yes, to be able to enjoy a life of aristocratic leisure which lasts 365 days out of the year.  Alas, thanks to the industrial revolution and the urbanization of society, fixed schedules, etc. we now have, what is to some, a weekly reality and to others (such as the person posing this question and myself) an elusive dream.

    Between my business, home and other family responsibilities the concept of a structured weekend which conveniently falls on a Saturday and Sunday is unrealistic.  Yes, I do engage in activities of rest and leisure, but they happen with a frequency far less than every 5 days.

    In an average month I only take 1 or 2 days of solid R&R.  I remember weekends as a child, but as an adult they are, for better or for worse, an elusive concept.

  7. CorinneCanada profile image60
    CorinneCanadaposted 12 years ago

    I work from home, so my week-end is not a real week-end. But I do go slower during the "week-end", it's like social conditioning!

  8. tigerbaby777 profile image79
    tigerbaby777posted 12 years ago

    The weekend started in the beginning of humanity.  It was created by God and called the Sabbath.  He created it as a day of rest starting Friday at dusk and moving through Saturday at dusk.  A day to do nothing but worship and spend time with your family.  No work, week done, weeks end.  Sunday beginning the next week a day to prepare for work and school.  Its just one girls opinion.

  9. Alex Powers profile image61
    Alex Powersposted 12 years ago

    A "weekend" is a mythical two day span of rest and relaxation that allegedly used to occur between Fried(ay) and Moan(day).


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