For Women : Do you prefer men with facial hair, or without any facial hair?

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  1. Clayton Fernandes profile image77
    Clayton Fernandesposted 12 years ago

    For Women : Do you prefer men with facial hair, or without any facial hair?

    Sitting around with a bunch of friends, I don't even know how this conversation came around, though it turned into a debate. I'd like to put it to the Hubpages community, especially the women, Since it started with 1 woman & made the other crazy enough to go back and forth with, Hence dragging the rest of our lovely little group into it. I would honestly love your views on it.
    Cheers and thank you for the feedback!  (i win 10bucks if most of you agree its sexy)   
    My views on it - I like having a beard and yes that's a picture of me with 1.

  2. divacratus profile image87
    divacratusposted 12 years ago

    A stubble always looks good on a man smile Makes him look extremely sexy. Also a french beard is nice. A clean shaven look is so passe!

  3. bbpaula888 profile image60
    bbpaula888posted 12 years ago

    My type is always clean shaven...although there are men who look sexy with a stubble.

  4. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    I don't always like it. It depends on the man. For a quick toss into the bed, sure. But I don't plan on keeping a man with a beard. Only a little stubble is acceptable and even then, only at certain times.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    No, I don't like facial hair on a man anymore. When younger I liked a mustache.  But (forgive me) hair on the chin as in the picture reminds me of pubic hair and that is what I think of every time I see a man with it.  I actually have a physical response to it, my stomach clenches up.  Also many men (not all of course) do not practice proper hygiene and the hair can smell bad or have food in it.  ARghhhhhh

    1. Clayton Fernandes profile image77
      Clayton Fernandesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Completely understandable!. Some men actually tend to keep beards untidy or take great pains to clip and cut loose ends. I bet George Lucas is one of them haha!

    2. mtkomori profile image89
      mtkomoriposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you mean George Lucas has an untidy beard? I thought he looks pretty sexy with his beard, even if it's gray.

  6. profile image0
    Starmom41posted 12 years ago

    personally I think clean-shaven always looks better.

  7. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I hate my beau's mustache. I wish he would get rid of it ASAP. I love him so I put up with it. Otherwise, I prefer clean shaven guys.

  8. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    Clean shaven is much sexier on a guy for sure !  A tidy beard is better than a long one but I still don't like them .

  9. Ciel Clark profile image71
    Ciel Clarkposted 12 years ago

    I like it. My husband shaves about once a week, and I like the contrast between his two styles. 
    My twelve-year old son is growing a "mustache" and when I asked why, he said,  "For the respect."  (No idea where he got this idea!)   
    If I were a man I would experiment with different types of mustaches and beards.  (Yours looks good!)

    1. Clayton Fernandes profile image77
      Clayton Fernandesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hahaha! i know just what your son might be feeling when he says that lmao!. once upon a time!. Aye i too shave every thursdays before going out on the weekend, and yeah it feels nice, when you're gruff to clean shaven, or just styled out!.

  10. jeanniedoe profile image55
    jeanniedoeposted 12 years ago

    I like a clean shaven man. It looks attractive and younger to me.

  11. Shanaaya profile image59
    Shanaayaposted 12 years ago

    hmmm men with facial hair do look good,,provided they keep it tidy and well trimmed..personally i like it ..they do look handsome smile

  12. mtkomori profile image89
    mtkomoriposted 11 years ago

    It depends. If it looks good on a man, then yes, but if it doesn't look good, I'd prefer a clean shaven face.
    When I lived in Canada, some men looked very good with mustaches, goatees, or stubbles, but in Japan, facial hair is not all that socially acceptable, though it is slowly gaining in acceptance. Only celebrities, musicians, and artists tend to have facial hair and people in other professions tend to be clean shaven (usually). There is even a term which roughly translates to "lazy beard", referring to beards men grow when they don't shave. Another thing is not too many Japanese men look good with facial hair, maybe because of their hair color??

  13. pbsandwichofdoom profile image86
    pbsandwichofdoomposted 11 years ago

    While my preference is usually clean shaven, I do think some guys can pull off facial hair pretty well. However, I do think you kind of have to choose one or the other. While some of the ladies here are saying that stubble is nice, hair long enough to scratch and short enough that it sticks straight out just feels sharp and uncomfortable when kissing. I know some guys who hate lip gloss because of the sticky feeling it gives a kiss, and I guess I'm that way with scratchy stubble. I want to get close to my boyfriend, but not if it hurts!

    1. Clayton Fernandes profile image77
      Clayton Fernandesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Aye completely understandable.  Long enough to annoy, & short enough to prick. Clean shaven lasts for a day lol. Must find a way to balance in between. Tell me about the lip gloss, the flavors & stickiness, more confusing that annoying 8-)

  14. DreamyJadedChick profile image61
    DreamyJadedChickposted 11 years ago

    I think it depends on how it goes with his face and how well maintained it is.

    1. Clayton Fernandes profile image77
      Clayton Fernandesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes that is also true, i completely agree.

  15. Peanutritious profile image60
    Peanutritiousposted 11 years ago

    Sorry Clayton but I really don't like facial hair. It looks like there's food stuck in it and moustaches are just wrong! Stubble can look quite sexy though.

  16. Mystique33 profile image69
    Mystique33posted 11 years ago

    I say yes, I love a man with facial hair it just confirms that he is a man and not a boy. To me ,a mans face should not look like mine, there should be some differences between the opposite sex. But don't get crazy, if a mans facial hair is so thick and long that it looks like something could have been residing in it for year, that's a problem.

  17. hrymel profile image79
    hrymelposted 11 years ago

    I've always preferred facial hair. Not necessarily a huge amount of hair, more like a few days worth of growth.  This may be because I've usually dated guys with baby faces, so the hair helped them look older.


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