If we could shop around for health care like we do for homes would it be less ex

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  1. tirelesstraveler profile image59
    tirelesstravelerposted 11 years ago

    If we could shop around for health care like we do for homes would it be less expensive?

    If we could look at reviews like Kelly Blue book and Consumer Reports, when purchasing healthcare, as we do when making major purchases I think we would get better quality and value..

  2. bankscottage profile image91
    bankscottageposted 11 years ago

    We can shop for our car insurance and select the coverage we want along with the deductible (there are some state minimums).  We get good rates on car insurance because of competition and choice.
    We should be able to do the same for health insurance.  Part of the problem is that there are too many laws mandating what must be covered and prohibiting insurance companies from offering plans across state lines.  Coverage is required that not everyone needs.  My wife and I are in our 50's, we don't need maternity coverage (although some 50 y.o. men with younger wives do).  Should people that don't drink alcohol have to pay for alcohol rehab coverage?  We should be able to buy the coverage we want not what the government says we must buy.
    Catastrophic insurance could be reasonably priced.  It would be coverage for very expensive care, an appendectomy, a broken leg, etc.  It wouldn't cover visits to the doctor for a cold, elective plastic surgery and maybe even not medications.  Should all insurance plans include full coverage for birth control pills, Viagra, medical marijuana, etc.  Where should the coverage end.  Even a national health insurance could not afford to cover anything and everything.

    1. tirelesstraveler profile image59
      tirelesstravelerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great example.  That is what might make a difference.  Have you noticed that medical technology never get any less expensive, Why would that be? No competition?

  3. Lipnancy profile image79
    Lipnancyposted 11 years ago

    In a way we did. My husbands employer provides health insurance from 3 different companies. All of which had 2 or 3 different levels (plans) of coverage to choose from meaning we could choose the level of our co-pays and some of the services that were covered. I realize that we are the exception and not the rule.

    1. tirelesstraveler profile image59
      tirelesstravelerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We have that sort of thing as well, but there isn't anything that tells what the best hospital/doctor/ labs etc.  You get your choice of what the company offers and take what you like best.

  4. TravelAbout profile image68
    TravelAboutposted 11 years ago

    I agree with bankscottage in regards to paying for two healthy people in their mid 50's that don't need some of the same coverage as the younger couples as well as paying the same premium for 2 as a family of 5. 

    With that said, I see several problems with complete privitization of health insurance to allow for competition particularly when we are talking about a persons health, quality of life, or worst scenerio, death due to lack of medical insurance.  Insurance companies, next to the banks and wall street, are the biggest profit makers in the country.  Should our overall health and well being be totally dependant upon those trying to make the most profit?  This is a typical example of the period of time when utility companies were monopolies.  The push to deregulate them was based on some of the same logic that is used with the health care argument.  I know for a fact, that since utility companies were deregulated, even with all the choices out there, the price of all have gone up at an astronomical pace.  Utilities are a necessity like health insurance that more and more cannot afford.

    I don't know the anwer to the problem because capitalism is a good thing, but, unfortunately unmandated greed can ruin a good concept.  Just my humble opinion.

    1. bankscottage profile image91
      bankscottageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Health insurance should cover the expensive items, not the day to day things.  Car insurance covers accidents not oil changes.
      Apple makes a lot of money and is sitting on a ton of cash, should we demand cheaper computers, iPhones, or iPads?

    2. TravelAbout profile image68
      TravelAboutposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The analogy here is you won't die or become ill without a computer, IPhone or iPad. The death of a car from lack of maintenance does not compare with the death or illness of a human due to lack of health insurance.  No perfect answer to this.

  5. ESPeck1919 profile image86
    ESPeck1919posted 11 years ago

    I actually ended up shopping around for health insurance a couple of months back, when I left an extremely unhealthy job. COBRA wasn't happening, since we'd essentially be paying two mortgages if I went for that. It would have been very useful if I would have been able to read reviews for various health insurance coverages.

    I doubt reviews would make the coverage any less expensive, though. The problems in our healthcare system are so deeply submerged in politics, greed and business aren't easily solved at all. Half the time, I really wish there was just a huge reset button we could push and try again. The other half realizes that's not possible, nor a good idea.

  6. profile image0
    rickyliceaposted 11 years ago

    Yes the free market will reduce prices, right now theres all these restrictions and barriers that keep the prices sky high. Like the prohibitions of canadian drugs.


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