"Obama APPEALS for public support on health care": Yahoo!

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  1. fishskinfreak2008 profile image59
    fishskinfreak2008posted 14 years ago

    Web-site/URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100308/ap_ … h_overhaul

    "President Barack Obama accused insurance companies of placing profits over people and said Republicans ignored long-festering problems when they held power as he sought to build support Monday for swift passage of legislation STALLED IN CONGRESS" since the middle of '09.

    "It asked companies to "post on your Web sites the justification for any individual or small group rate increases you have implemented or proposed in 2010". THAT WON'T HAPPEN. THIS IS GOING TO BE A DOGFIGHT.

  2. MikeNV profile image67
    MikeNVposted 14 years ago

    Is this the same guy who engineered the 700 Billion Hand out to Bankers?

    Going to tell Doctors what they can charge their patients?  There will be a mass exodus of Physicians from Medicare. So the influx of new patients will have no Physicians to see and wait times will be come longer and longer.  The quality of care will diminish substantially.

    Good luck seeing a qualified specialist with your Obamacare plan in hand.

    And the Government can not even manage Medicare... it's ripe with fraud.  Do you see Private Insurers getting burned by fraud? 

    Mandating Coverage will result in enormous costs increases and horrific health care options.

    You can't improve the health of people by telling them to pay more!  Health is not about Medicine it's about preverntion

    And the poor will not be able to make payments mandated or not.  and Credits don't kick in until AFTER you file for taxes.

    So all this will do is HURT the people who do not currently have coverage.

    Obama likes to attack the Health Insurance Industry... but hands out Tax Money to the Bankers in any amount with no accountability whatsoever.

    Health Care Reform which breaks up Monopolies is a good idea.  But a 2,700 page Mega bill that is so full of pork and payouts to special interests is only going to make the whole system work.

    Obama is no leader and he is destroying his own party.  There are Democrats with some very good ideas, Democrats that want to do this right.  And he is completely ignoring them.

    Obama is doing for the Democratic Party what Bush did for the Republicans.  His own party is beginning to loathe him.

    He isn't making any friends with House Democrats trying to force the Senate Bill on them with no concessions.  And he is doing the American People no favors with secret Back End deals as he tries to rush this through without giving the House a chance for any input.

    i'm not against Health Care Reform... I'm very much for it.  But I am very much against this horrific bill which is being proposed.

    1. livelonger profile image91
      livelongerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No. That would be George W. Bush.

    2. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      please look at how other national health care systems peform before making assumptions.

  3. Ohma profile image61
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    Thank-You I finally think I understand exactly ehat is going on with the health care issue. This is the first time I have ever seen it stated so clearly.

    1. livelonger profile image91
      livelongerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you're being sarcastic. That disjointed jeremiad is rife with so many untruths and distortions, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

      1. iantoPF profile image80
        iantoPFposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I totally agree with you Livelonger, that is nothing more than sound bites from conservative radio talk show hosts. Words without fact or substance.

        1. Padrino profile image60
          Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I assume you mean if a conservative said it it is untrue? Do you have facts that prove your statement or is this more of the same belittle and hope it sticks doctrine of the left?

  4. MikeNV profile image67
    MikeNVposted 14 years ago

    “Here are the facts: For two weeks I was on the phone everyday with [Treasury] Secretary [Henry] Paulson and the congressional leaders making sure that the principles that have been ultimately adopted were incorporated in the bill,” Obama said.

    Obama was a HUGE supporter of the Bailout. He worked the phones continually trying to get Democrats to support the bill AFTER Congress had originally voted it down.

    Obama urges Congress not to block bailout

    http://www.time.com/time/business/artic … 32,00.html

    I worked inside one of the Nations largest Health Insurance companies.  I've seen how they operate from the inside out.

    The commenters like to throw accusations but never back them up.

    In 2008 Kaiser lost over $700 million.

    The Democratic Party ... not all of them... but people like Reid, Pelosi, and Obama are demonizing the insurance industry.  There are many High Quality Insurance companies that are NOT taking advantage of the people.  Companies that are providing the best possible coverage at prices they can afford to offer.

    People who have insurance use the insurance.  They use it over and over and over. They DEMAND expensive tests. They rush to the Doctor for every little thing.

    I've seen the influx of claims first hand.  I've witnessed the phone calls and complaints.

    I've seen the actuarial charts.

    The health care plan that Obama is trying to force down Americans throats is Horrific.

    "About four in five Americans say it's important that any health care plan have support from both parties. And more than three in five say the president and congressional Democrats should keep trying to cut a deal with Republicans rather than pass a bill with no GOP support."

    Obama is not working for the people... but he is dividing his own party.

  5. Glenn S. profile image60
    Glenn S.posted 14 years ago

    Goverment Health care reform... good luck

  6. profile image0
    Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years ago

    President Obama's Plan for Health Reform I received in email..

    • You will never be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions
    • You will never be hit with arbitrary premium hikes
    • You will never see your coverage revoked just when you get sick or injured
    • You will never face unlimited out-of-pocket expenses for your care

    • If you like your current doctor and you like your current plan, you keep them
    • Uninsured individuals and small business owners will become part of a powerful negotiating
    pool, just like members of Congress and other federal employees, lowering prices and
    increasing choice
    • Struggling middle-class families will receive a tax credit to make coverage even more
    affordable – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history

    • We’ll save billions of dollars every year by reducing waste and abuse in our current system
    • We’ll save and create millions of jobs, raise wages and strengthen the economy
    • We’ll cut the deficit by nearly $1 trillion over two decades

    1. JON EWALL profile image62
      JON EWALLposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Pelosi stated ''WE NEED TO PASS THE BILL
      SO THAT WE WILL KNOW WHAT IS IN IT ''. That statement should
      tell you something about what is going on in the democrat controlled
      congress and the Obama administration.

      • We’ll save and create millions of jobs, raise wages and strengthen the economy
      • We’ll cut the deficit by nearly $1 trillion over two decades
      tell us that it's a joke   wake up america open your eyes and ears.

  7. profile image0
    Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years ago

    Cost of Inaction

    Up to 17 million more people will be uninsured by 2019 than today. 1

    The average family's health care costs will nearly double by 2020, from $13,000 to $24,000
    — meaning they'll be paying a quarter of their income toward health care costs. 2

    Insurers can continue the massive and arbitrary premium rate increases we've heard about recently — such as Anthem Blue Cross raising rates for customers in California by nearly
    40%, and rates in Illinois going up by as much as 60%.

    As many as 275,000 people could die prematurely over the next 10 years because they don't have health insurance. 3

    Health care costs will take up a staggering amount of our national budget. In 1960, it was 5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), last year it was 17 percent. Costs will reach 21
    percent of our economy by 2020 if we fail to act. 4

    Rapidly rising costs will make it harder for employers — particularly small businesses — to provide quality health insurance to employees, leading many to drop coverage or shift to plans that cover less. 5

    Even those who have insurance today will be less secure, and more likely to lose coverage if they switch jobs or lose their job due to rising costs on the individual market or being
    denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. 6

    1. http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/411965 … _enact.pdf
    2. Commonwealth Fund, via NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/weeki … elson.html
    3. Families USA, via NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/weeki … elson.html
    4. http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content … ilure.aspx
    5. http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content … ilure.aspx
    6. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/07/opini … wanted=all

  8. profile image0
    Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years ago

    Then there was a poster that states:

    The Final March for Health Reform

    If not now, When?

    If not us, Who?

    1. Padrino profile image60
      Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know what will happen but if the bill is passed then we are screwed, blued and tattooed!

  9. Padrino profile image60
    Padrinoposted 14 years ago

    • We’ll save billions of dollars every year by reducing waste and abuse in our current system
    **I might believe that if government had ever done that with Medicare and Medicaid, but they haven't and wont with this idiotic plan!

    • We’ll save and create millions of jobs, raise wages and strengthen the economy
    **Isn't that what was said about the stimulus bill? Again it wont happen!

    • We’ll cut the deficit by nearly $1 trillion over two decades
    **You won't cut the deficit by spending more you just add to it. And you will be spending more! How do I know? Government has never operated anything within its means, ever!

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The positive effects from the Stimulus are brewing. Thus far up to 2.1M jobs created. 

      Well things are going to change because the government has to operate more efficiently to reduce the jurassic deficit once the economy rebounds.

      Change you can believe in.

      1. Sab Oh profile image57
        Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Ok, now I know your whole thing is just a comedy act! I knew it!

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Sab, could you provide a rebuttal to President Obama's plan outlines from either Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Tea party leadership, and/or other GOP leaders?

      2. JON EWALL profile image62
        JON EWALLposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The other day a 30 day extension of unemployment benefits was approved     $ 10 billion      added to deficit

        Today another job bill was passed $130 billion  added to deficit

        I guess this congress forgot just a week ago that they passed and Obama signed the PAY-GO BILL
        No more spending unless cost is found in budget to pay for (really ) the expenditure

        Your hub
        Well things are going to change because the government has to operate more efficiently to reduce the jurassic deficit once the economy rebounds.

        Hot Air I  guess ?

  10. Padrino profile image60
    Padrinoposted 14 years ago

    The positive effects from the Stimulus are brewing. Thus far up to 2.1M jobs created.
    ** Where are those 2.1M jobs?

    Well things are going to change because the government has to operate more efficiently to reduce the jurassic deficit once the economy rebounds.
    **Things are going to change? The President has shown no signs that he isn't just more of the same! Is he waiting to spring it on us and catch us off guard?

    Change you can believe in.
    **Not falling for that one again!

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Padrino, feel free to contact the CBO for this information.

      CBO: Stimulus bill created up to 2.1 million jobs

      http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100223/ap_ … mulus_jobs

      1. Padrino profile image60
        Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Are you a politician? The story says that between 1M and 2.1M jobs were created, first I don't just believe everything I read, secondly the CBO has been wrong MANY times why should I believe them now?

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          yes.. that's why I stated up to 2.1M. Was the CBO also wrong with this assessment?

          Budget Monitor Says G.O.P. Bill Leaves Many Uninsured

          "The Republican bill, which has no chance of passage, would extend insurance coverage to about 3 million people by 2019, and would leave about 52 million people uninsured, the budget office said, meaning the proportion of non-elderly Americans with coverage would remain about the same as now, at roughly 83 percent."

          http://prescriptions.blogs.nytimes.com/ … alth-bill/

  11. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    I can't wait for this to finally pass...........

    A step in the right direction....

    1. Sab Oh profile image57
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In ways you don't now appreciate

  12. aware profile image65
    awareposted 14 years ago

    notice you don't see any opposition from a single  ins. provider company  to the health care reform bill? dose that not seem odd to anyone but me?  i want a bill that every single ins company in the country decry s as  a  death sentence to their company.. that's a bill i can get behind.  i ll say it we want free health care not  a 10 % discount . its our frigging tax dollar .  are we to just let them waste it on war and foreign  aide and  commity costs or will we insist that its spent takeing care of the ones footing the bill . aka us?

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe the insurances are afraid to protest the bill in the public due to the outrage regarding recent rate hikes and especially after Obama sought new authority to curb their excessive rate hikes.

  13. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    Sad...I already appreciate it....I have universal health care....free coverage...5 dollar payments for my prescriptions...medical, dental, psychological....

    I only hope others can gain what I have....

    1. Sab Oh profile image57
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      missed the point...

  14. JON EWALL profile image62
    JON EWALLposted 14 years ago


    Today,speaker of the house Pelosi stated ''WE NEED TO PASS THE BILL SO THAT WE WILL KNOW WHAT IS IN IT ''. that statement should tell something about what is going on in the democrat congress and the Obama administration.

    Wake up America, we are not being told the truth, the whole truth about the healthcare bill. This group in Washington wants our elected representatives to pass a bill that is not yet written.The CBO can't score the bill until it is written.

    President Obama said about his plan regarding the cost of insurance, '' we must have more people paying so that the cost can come down. He's right, that's why the plan mandates that everyone will be forced to buy insurance.
    So, why isn't congress and the president concentrating on  first getting the people back to work (14.9 million ).
    The president said ''if we have more people paying the cost (insurance) will come down.

    Our government plays a major role for premiums escalating.  The insurance companies have no choice , in order to stay in business,but to raise rates to the paying members.
    In 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6%(republicans controlled congress),2007 6.0% ( democrat take over of congress ),2008 7%
    (second year of democrat congress)2009 9.7%  (SUPER MAJORITY Democrat controlled congress )
    That's a lot of people out of work losing healthcare

    1. Sab Oh profile image57
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That was a classic example of accidental honesty! Although, I think she said they had to pass it so 'the people' could find out what's in it.

      What universe do some of these people live in?

  15. Glenn S. profile image60
    Glenn S.posted 14 years ago

    Perhaps Health care reform is a benefit for 10’s millions of Americans, but what I see is more abuse and wasted American taxes for 100’s of millions of Americans. I think we need to get Medicare, S.S., unemployment benefits, and other government programs abuses resolved first.
    Obama says he has a plan to stop the abuse, but I believe he will run into a lot of opposition from democrats. Nevertheless, I don’t believe a true plan can be implemented.

  16. theirishobserver. profile image60
    theirishobserver.posted 14 years ago



    Good afternoon,

    9 -- that's  number of states and the District of Columbia where there is still no specific law that makes it illegal for insurers to reject applicants who are survivors of domestic violence by citing the history of domestic violence as a pre-existing condition.1

    Unfortunately, the gender inequalities across our broken heath care system don't end there.  In many states, insurance companies can still discriminate on the basis of gender -- charging women higher premiums than men simply because of their gender or denying coverage because of so-called "pre-existing conditions" like being pregnant, experiencing a prior pregnancy complication, or having undergone a C-section.  And health plans in the individual market often do not cover basic maternity care.

    President Obama's proposal for health insurance reform would end the days of discrimination based on gender.  Insurance companies would be banned from denying coverage because of a pre-existing condition and would have to cover preventative care like mammograms.

    For America's women and families, the time is now for health insurance reform.

    9 is the latest number in ‘Health Reform by the Numbers,' our online campaign to raise awareness about why we just can't wait any longer for health insurance reform.  Help spread the word by sharing this message with your family, friends and online networks.

    Let's get it done.

    Nancy-Ann DeParle
    Director, White House Office of Health Reform

  17. profile image0
    Poppa Bluesposted 14 years ago

    The end justifies the means. Obama will have his health care bill. Americans will now have the RIGHT to health care bestowed upon us by our sovereign leader. Our freedom was just a small price to pay for the security of being cared for, for the rest of our lives, and our treasure no longer matters, it is theirs to use for the good of all.

  18. American Romance profile image61
    American Romanceposted 14 years ago

    has the government ever done anything like this that didn't affect the real working man and tax payer! did you see the rallies on TV where minorities are screaming bring on the health care!  Im sorry so many are allready addicted to the govt. tit,  but this is America, built by individuals,  I am not responsible for those who are able!

  19. JON EWALL profile image62
    JON EWALLposted 14 years ago

    FREE MARKET CAPITALISM, let's not be swayed that Europe,Canada and Cuba  is better than our system.
    Remember that Obama's  healthcare plans are not about healthcare but about insurance premiums and free coverage for the needy.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image70
      Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Jon, I haven't seen anybody saying the European countries' economic systems, let alone Cuba's are better than ours. Health care systems are better in Europe, however. However, "free market" require a certain amount of regulation to prevent the system from self-destructing as it did in the 1930s and nearly did two years ago. The only argument is over what regulations and social programs are necessary and effective. Social Security and Medicare arent' a communist plot as you seem to be saying. Neither is the Democrat's health care reform proposal. The Republicans made a strategic error in their decision to try to defeat any Democrat proposal rather than cooperating in developing a bi-partisan proposal to solve the obvious problems with the current system. If the bill passes they may regret this decision.

    2. Ron Montgomery profile image60
      Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Europe, Canada, and Cuba?  Is there a new federation of non-U.S. countries that no one but you has heard of?

  20. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    When the amendment came up for members of Congress to be bound by the same HC rules the rest of us will be, it was voted down by Dems - except for Ted Kennedy and Dodd. All the republicans except for one voted for it. If this is so great, why didn't Congress want it for themselves??


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