~ Why do you need to follow any religion? ~

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  1. CriticalMessage profile image65
    CriticalMessageposted 12 years ago

    ~ Why do you need to follow any religion? ~

    I am just curious as to why people need to, or choose wanting to believe in, follow, and participate in any religious affiliation? What drive people to believe in their religions? Is it simply because of tradition, upbringing, or an actual spiritual connection that is hard for some of us to logically rationalize?

  2. SportsBetter profile image62
    SportsBetterposted 12 years ago

    I think people reach "God" for different reasons.  Some people were raised and taught to believe in God and it is all that they want to believe. 

    Or, people have hardships in their lives whether it be drugs, money, or whatever ails you. 

    Others just need something to believe in. They wouldn't be able to take the fact that living and dying is it, and we have no purpose in life.

    As for me, I'm not sure how I feel.  I have a few things I believe are possible.  First, is there is a God, and he did create us.  Second, aliens used part of their DNA to create us and use us as slaves.  Aliens control political figures and give them power to remain silent and keep the people slaves.  I don't mean slaves like work for free slaves, I mean economic slaves.  Slaves to your government. 

    The Third, possibility in my mind is there is no God, there aren't Aliens or at least not here near earth, but we were just here and it just happened.

    Who knows though, as of right now people have the freedom to believe what they want.

    That may not be the case soon.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Believing in a 'Rat' gives me reason and purpose...

    2. SportsBetter profile image62
      SportsBetterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You asked why people believe in religion and I told you why some people believe in religion.  I don't know why people won't stop believing in a religion.I do know it's their freedom to believe whatever they want. No proof there is or isn't a god.

  3. CriticalMessage profile image65
    CriticalMessageposted 12 years ago

    So if I can not believe in what you state?, and if I am still a very socially responsible in a compassionate fashion? Does that mean I have no reason or purpose in life?... Simply because I can not logically, or rationally believe in mystical fear mongering hocus pocus routines and their unverifiable results ?

    That is one stone cold determination that is more of a faithful falicy than it is an actual reality.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Peeples?, that is exactly where my concern is.

      I personally believe in myself above anything and everything else.

      Can I rightfully expect to be believed by anybody at anytime for anything if I do not beleive in myself, above all else?
      No, I can't

    2. snoblet profile image86
      snobletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      are we talking about a believe in general or believe to any religion?  as you said i do believe in self but not so much into any religion.  many religious people tell me its for guidance, makes me wonder what their gps is like without being religious

  4. StrategyCoaching profile image72
    StrategyCoachingposted 12 years ago

    Interesting question CriticalMessage. I don't feel I or anyone else needs to follow any religions or dogma's. I think just following our own needs, desires and whims is adventurous enough.

    That being said, even though no one "needs" to follow any religion, there isn't any reason they couldn't lead one, believe one or create one. Just as a person could choose not to do any of the above. There's no "need" or "must" involved in any of that, just want and will wink

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Am I simply nothing as a human just because I can not logically, or rationally believe in mystical fear mongering hocus pocus routines and their unverifiable results?

  5. howlermunkey profile image68
    howlermunkeyposted 12 years ago

    Life is short. It's nice to believe that all of "this" is not by chance. The big question is, What is this and why are we here? There are so many wonderous things about life, our planet, our universe. Sure, we can cast away any hope that something bigger exists and simply say that we believe in ourselves and what we see in front of us etc. If that's your take than good for you. But noone knows for sure what "reality" actually is, therefore, we cling to hope that there is a purpose.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yet out of 5 answers provided... Nobody specificly addresses the question definitively... Why so we need to?, or why do we choose to follow any religion? What actually drives our need for religion?

    2. SportsBetter profile image62
      SportsBetterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "What actually drives our need for religion?" We are very controllable.  In my opinion we were put on this earth or created, to be slaves. Our only purpose is to run everything for the elite. Watch Ancient Aliens.  I could be wrong though.

  6. Darrell Roberts profile image69
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago


    Following a religion is not a need it is a choice once a person becomes an adult.  Faith is based on experience not sentiment.  There should be evidence that what you believe works for you, this is the spiritual connection. 

    I cannot speak for others, but I choose to believe because of research, practice and experience.  I started out with one tradition and that did not work well, so I moved on and kept moving until I found what I was seeking.  It is nice to be part of something far greater than ones self.  This is my humble opinion.

    Best wishes.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "If you have an opinion? There is no need to be humble about it!" ~ Joan Baez ~

  7. Mittalmailbox profile image60
    Mittalmailboxposted 12 years ago

    I think religion gives you direction in life about what is wrong and what is right. I is not necessary to follow any religion but it will help you taking decisions in your hard time.

  8. hi friend profile image61
    hi friendposted 12 years ago

    Religious belief is part of our culture.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I believe that the beliefs provided by 'lburmaster' in this stream are those of the fanatical believer. Their reasons do not need to make sense, and that comes off as concerning to say the least.

  9. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    Religions of the world have been based on much scriptural recording over thousands of years and is accepted by most forms of religion and its followers, as inspired by a god or creator and is a very important part of cultures, globally, and thought to provide a social and civil guide in relations of people. It concerns social issues, civil behavior, respect and the human spirit, as well as seen as caring for human life, and interrelations, in most cultures around the world.It is thought of as a showing of faith and honoring a God, or source of Creation. As Christians, we have been provided a road map or guide, by our early leaders, and is a testament in the inherent goodness of mankind, in caring and sharing, and love, as we define this human characteristic. Yes, it is influenced by our upbringing, and later we have a choice in who and what faith to follow. We are each so given the choice to not believe or have no faith in a Creator or God, if we so choose. I do not see, personally, how an individual can live and face this daily life, with all of its challenges and not have a strong faith.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "how an individual can live and face this daily life, with all of its challenges and not have a strong faith?" quoting you whonunuwho..
      My answer to that? Very Easily Indeed!
      And yes, we can still love and be loved without religion. Imagine that!

    2. whonunuwho profile image52
      whonunuwhoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Critical..imagine what life would be like if all thought as you and there was no religious beliefs or social, cultural, and respectful society an everyone wanted to rule the earth. There would be many kings and few subjects.A short lived civilization

  10. yeagerinvestments profile image71
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 12 years ago

    Religion makes people feel connected, I guess. Connected to something higher than they are in order to make sense of life. Everyone does it, but it's not always a religious connection. God designed us to seek Him, however many choose to seek possessions, wealth, status, power...etc.

    1. CriticalMessage profile image65
      CriticalMessageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Quoting yeagerinvestments "Everyone does it"

      Which is the most wrecklessly over-used generalization of them all. No, not everyone does it... *rolls eyes*
      And what about those of us who do not seek god, wealth, power or status. What about us? answer.

    2. yeagerinvestments profile image71
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You worship something. Perhaps your ego or image of high intelligence.

  11. Mike Marks profile image56
    Mike Marksposted 12 years ago

    are we talking only about religion as it pretains to concepts such as God(s) or Creation?  Is money a religion?  Is rock and roll a religion?  To feel an adoring reverence or regard for "something" is Worship.  Is "worshipping" a component of religious, and do we have a need to worship "something", particularly something we reckon will save us or bring us happiness?  And if we reckon that no matter what we witness today concerning such entity failing to save us or failing to bring us happiness, we may continue to worship it with faith that it will succeed tomorrow? Is Love a religion we believe can bring us those things while not hurting others in the process?  Is living in the present moment, attentive to what works in for here and now as the only evidence of truth, with reasonable conjectures of how it will directly affect the future short and long term, a religion?  Is following anything at all a religion of giving up our own individual thinking, itself based on doubting our our own individual experience, a doubting that leads to the acceptance of an authority, the authority of government, of scientists, of priests, of experts?  Experts on what?  Experts on stories?  Stories, for whatever they're worth, can be communicated.  Experts on subjective experiences of their own?  Subjective experiences can't be communicated, though a hive may simulate a buzz shared that individuals can believe is a sharing of the experts same subjective experience, for whatever that's worth, and an authority must be accepted or not accepted to determine the amount of proper interpretation of each subjective experience as pertaining to the leaders'.  An expert on plumbing or car mechanics, now those guys I'd probably hire, though I'd still keep my fingers crossed (though I'd be adhering to the religion of finger crossing... supersuspicious).

    1. Mike Marks profile image56
      Mike Marksposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps we gather with folks to see and listen if we can find some one who can logically articulate our true personal experience, though in the listening, and perhaps in a desperate need to hear the right words, we confuse other words to be discribin

  12. snoblet profile image86
    snobletposted 12 years ago

    Not sure if need is what it is, maybe want, but that's a personally preference.  From what It seems like is that religion becomes a guidance of right and wrong.  some obey religion and others follow the law.  I guess without one it would be chaos.  In my opinion free will does not exist, it's an illussion to give those looking for a reason to listen.  In this society it has become important to belong to something and participate with those they can relate.  There are more followers than leaders in this world.

  13. oscarwms profile image62
    oscarwmsposted 12 years ago

    I don't follow a religion, I follow a relationship. Religion is mans feeble attempt at reaching God. Maybe they know or feel that there is a god and they need some sort of catharsis to sooth perceived wrong doing and guilt. I pursue a relationship with a God that came down and demonstrated his love toward us in no way a religion can.
    "Unto us a child is born, unto us the Son was given. His Name is Jesus and he shall save His people from their sins"


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