How do you get interviewed for the HubPages weekly newsletter?

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  1. Angie Jardine profile image70
    Angie Jardineposted 12 years ago

    How do you get interviewed for the HubPages weekly newsletter?

    I'm curious ... I have seen some interviews with new hubbers who have been on HubPages for a very short time and there is no named interviewer. How do these happen? Does the hubber submit them themselves as if being interviewed? Or do HP staff do them?

  2. Redberry Sky profile image88
    Redberry Skyposted 12 years ago

    Simone Smith interviewed me, then the 'torch' passed to me and I chose a Hubber to interview, and he will then choose and interview another Hubber.  I think staff do it if the last-interviewed Hubber doesn't want to do the next interview. (and I didn't submit anything myself - I was approached and asked)

    1. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your clear answer.

    2. Redberry Sky profile image88
      Redberry Skyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      interview archives: I've also seen features on the HP blog about Hubbers who've had interesting things come out of their HP work- if something cool has happened to you via HP you might want to email them smile

  3. 50 Caliber profile image61
    50 Caliberposted 12 years ago

    You have to commit a "Felony" most choose armed robbery. Then you hand the funds over to Hub Pages Staff in small unmarked bills or newly minted gold or silver coins, after setting up a pick up point with your Hub Name and real name, address and all contact information. If all goes well, wait 6 to 12 weeks and you get contacted and scheduled for an interview with in the next few years. If all goes bad they turn you in with all the info you left in the bag, and if you write well from the Federal Prison Library consistently you then will be picked a little before your parole date, at least that's what they told me, I get out in seven years but am eligible for parole in 2 years.
    Truth? I've no Idea and it's and interesting question.
    Peace Dusty

    1. Redberry Sky profile image88
      Redberry Skyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, yeah, well there is *that* part of it, but I was trying to gloss over my whole life in crime smile

    2. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, thanks for the heads-up, Dusty, I am just choosing a dinky little scarf for a mask now. Now do I want the blue to match my shoes or the green to match my eyes? It's so tricky and it is so important to look your best when doing an armed robbery.

  4. tonymead60 profile image84
    tonymead60posted 12 years ago

    no idea, but I saw your pic and just thought I'd say 'hi', and wish you well.

    1. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Bless you, Tony ... and 'hi' to you too. Have just used your scone recipe ... it was a bit hit all round. Thanks!

  5. cclitgirl profile image93
    cclitgirlposted 12 years ago

    I was interviewed by a fellow hubber for the newsletter and then the next week I chose someone else to interview.  I think your chances of getting interviewed are greatly improved if you're active on the site, you regularly comment on other people's hubs, and you write a lot of high-quality hubs.  I think sometimes the staff chooses, but usually it's a hubber who got interviewed that chooses someone else to interview.

    1. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm,  I do all of those things and have done for 17 months now. I'm in line shortly for 50,000 views, I earn money and am an active commenter. So I suppose I need to find someone to interview and hope someone reciprocates.

  6. kallini2010 profile image81
    kallini2010posted 12 years ago

    Call me ...

    I wanted to say insane but than I thought it would be more appropriate to say

    Call me anything, but I would suggest spreading the word like "I would very much like to be interviewed" because ... and because in turn I can produce another very interesting interview with another hubber...

    the idea is that you have to actively seek it and maybe discuss it in comments with your friends until some of them will be accidentally struck by the idea (their idea nonetheless) to make a hub interviewing you.

    I know it is not your ultimate goal, but I do believe it will take you closer to the Mount (choose your favourite - Fujiyama)  - look, there is a popular author if there is a bunch of hubbers interviewed her and she still has something to say.

    Don't we all?

    You get the idea.  Seek it and ...  Isn't it the same principle in every book about success - ask, ask, ask, do, do, do... never stop until you get what it is you are after.

    And again, call me anything...

  7. PDXKaraokeGuy profile image84
    PDXKaraokeGuyposted 12 years ago

    I was interviewed by Tammy Swallow and then I had the torch passed to me and I interviewed Audrey Howitt

  8. cherylone profile image86
    cheryloneposted 12 years ago

    I don't know the answer to this, but I thought it was a great question.

    1. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that ... it just seemed unexplained anywhere on Help.

  9. Vitallani profile image81
    Vitallaniposted 12 years ago

    I just received an email last week asking if I could be interviewed for the newsletter. It is going up today. I have no idea why I was picked, but I was very grateful for it.

    1. Angie Jardine profile image70
      Angie Jardineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well done you! I look forward to reading it ...

    2. Vitallani profile image81
      Vitallaniposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It was actually published in the blog, not the newsletter if you want to check it out smile

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