Save money, time, and hassles. Avoid the crowds and be ready for anything.
Cats are different from each other in so many ways, but they can be silly. They can be good company and they won't argue with you as well.
Every Valentine's Day it is the same thing. A red heart, a red rose, or a box of chocolates. Try something else for a change.
How we see things, and our previous experiences, will affect how we react to things in the future.
Here are things you can do that are fun ways to celebrate one of the biggest Holidays of the year.
Having a routine for all of your usual tasks makes them go faster with fewer errors. Read on to get started.
Heat affects pets just like it does us, but they can't sweat to cool themselves.
Did you get a kitten to be your child's companion? You should read this first for helpful tips.
Our feline friends do seem to be jerks sometimes, but they are hunters and will hunt even if they aren't hungry. It is in their nature to be in charge and independent, and they are really good at it.
As we get older it is harder to remember the little things. These are tips to help you stay on track.
Did you make a mistake at work or with friends? We all do. Don't beat yourself up for it.
Every year hundreds of children are injured from Halloween pranks or treats that have been altered and made dangerous. But you can celebrate without worries, here's how.
Cats are hunters and are hunted. They can't tell you when they are hurt because their instinct says that would alert other hunters to their vulnerability.
It's difficult to keep to your resolutions. Most of us don't. This article is all about choosing a realistic resolution and sticking with it to get results.
Do I get the clay kitty litter, the scoopable kind, or do I go by brands? Here are the pros and cons for each type, along with my recommendations.
We don't do Winter Cleaning or Fall Cleaning. We don't even do Summer Cleaning. So why do we Spring Clean every year?
Make the decision to get a pet easier by answering these questions for yourself and your family.
Sometimes, cats do unusual things that make us wonder. Find out more about cat behavior and why cats do the things they do.
Did you know that cats can hear you when you speak to them? However, they don't necessarily understand the words coming out of your mouth. Learn how to help them understand in other ways.
Are you trying to introduce a new cat or dog into your animal mix? It can be dangerous and difficult so here is the best way to do it.
How often do you find yourself overwhelmed with things to do, while there is little to no time to do them? Here is a guide to help you with that and more.
You have just been informed that no one is going to help you with your party again. What do you do? Read on for lots of answers to that question.
Where you live can affect whatever pet you have in a physical and mental way.
Bites, scratches, or worse can happen when we don't approach an animal correctly. Even if we have seen them around or know them from a neighbor, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach an animal.
The holidays can be incredibly stressful. This step-by-step guide, based on my years being a mom and a grandma, will turn your holidays from stressful to a breeze!
Save money using things you already have on hand. Save money, time, and resources.
Going green doesn't necessarily mean living off the grid. Here are some ideas that will help you go green using the world around you.
We are all pack-rats, penny pinchers and time hogs at heart, but there has to be an end somewhere. Here are twenty ideas that will help you clean up.
Going small with tiny cars, tiny purses, and tiny homes is all the rage. But how do you reduce what you already have? Read on for a list of things to reduce and declutter.
Here are 20 gifts you can make for your Mom's special day. She'll love that you took the time to make something for her!
So, you rescued an animal from the shelter, or you took in a stray, but does that make you a good pet parent? Is there more to it than that?
You swear that your pet knows your language because they know when they are doing something wrong or right. This article explains the real reason why pets can understand us.
We have all heard the names before, but what do they actually mean? Read on for information about what they mean and how they can affect you and your life.
Pets, no matter what kind, are fed and nurtured in a controlled environment. Are they then able to survive in the wild?
Can't remember the last time you were relaxed, ready for the day, or spent a happy day with your family? Try the following ten tips that take little time but work wonders.
Cats are independent, but they can be very loving and attentive to their human companions. Here are five signs that they have accepted you into their family which, to them, means love.
Here is a list of things you can do that cost little or nothing to do, but they will mean the world to your Valentine. Also, these are for either sex, so everyone-listen up--uh, I mean, please listen up.
Here are some ideas to keep those Holiday Blues far away!
Have you seen real Holiday smiles latetly? Did last year bring joy to your heart as you moved around trying to get things you needed for the Holidays?
Kitty litter is a necessity for people who own indoor cats, but it can be used for so many other things around the house. The sky is the limit, but here are ten ideas to get you started.
When staying with family is supposed to be easier, but often is not. And running daily errands become nearly impossible so you have to ask for help.
Here you can find helpful ideas to make some traditions of your own to hand down.
A fictional satire about road etiquette. And it begins with: have you ever wondered where some drivers get their licenses? Perhaps they get them on Mars or Saturn.
As a writer, I relish those quiet moments when I can think about the things that are, things that could be and the things beyond my understanding.
A humorous look at those embarrassing moments that we all dread especially when we wish to impress. I like to put the blame on Gremlins, how about you?
A cute story about a problem Santa had over a tree that will have the whole family smiling.
Depression is a disease that affects millions of people; but it also affects the people with whom they are close.
Remembering gets harder as we age. Memories seem to slip into a hole that hides them where we can't find them. Let's see if we can bring some of them back to life with a little help.
A funny look at life to help us smile our way through it.
Aging isn't a disease, it is a way of life that we must all face. Here's how to make it smoother for those we love and wish to help. And for yourself, an easier road.
We have all been hurt by a family member, or close friend, at one time or another. It hurts more because you feel family should be your support no matter what.
information on the best ways to use and protect your ATM/Debit card.
The beauty and wonder of Mystic Village.
What working from home means and how to make it work.
A cute story about a special Mother's Day Gift that anyone can use to make mothers around the world feel special.
A descriptive story about spring.
A funny comparison between people and different types of peanut butter.
A sad poem about how I felt when my mother died.
A funny look at what people think when you catch them off guard.
Looking at the question of whether or not laughter and humor can make you healthier.
A list of handy advice to stop 'sweating the small stuff'' and get on with your life stress-free.
A funny look at how cats can wiggle their way into even the most hardened hearts and make an impression of immense proportions.
A funny yet seemingly truthful rendition of how children hear what adults tell them and then act on what they heard.
Ways to protect ourselves when opening our e-mails.
Work is supposed to be a place where everyone works together as a team, but seldom does.
Advice on loaning money to family and friends.
Information on contracts and how they can be used against you and your property.
It is so hard to name a pet. Do you give them a silly name or a pretty name? Here's how we did it. Maybe it will help you name your pet should you be stuck.
An Easter Tradition for you and your kids to enjoy; an exciting Treasure Hunt right in the home.
A humorous look at how we become our parents and our children become us.
See how a seed, at the mercy of the elements, might outwit them.
How each planet rules each day. Also includes a quick description of Mythological Associations.
A poem about starting over and facing life as it is as well as informative steps towards that goal.
A humorous look at how children seem to perceive adult words.
Thoughtful and thought-provoking gift ideas for your Valentine.
I have described for you a snowfall as I see it, giving you the feelings I get when I see a snow covered field untouched by man. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Tips and advice on hosting a party without stress, strife, or worry.
How to stretch your paycheck further each week and still have fun with family and friends.
A cute poem about cat antics. Thier fun moments and their cute moments.
Chronic pain, it affects us all differently, but can be debilitating. Try to be sympathetic to someone with chronic pain.
Information on migraines and how they can affect your health.
A thoughtful, eye opening list of dos, don'ts and how tos for Valentine's Day.
A fictional story about a child, kidnapped with her mother, who escapes her captures into a heavy snow storm.
Ten unusual ways to keep kids healthy besides eating right, exercising and vaccinations.
A cute, humorous story about a young boy's New Year's Resolution.
Easy ways things you can do in your home now to save your wallet and the environment in the process.
A quick, easy budget with suggestions on easy ways to cut your spending.
How to balance your bank statement with your check register--also known as reconciling your bank statement.
The check register helps you to keep track of your spending especially when you are using an ATM/Debit card. Keeping one helps you avoid fees and penalties.
Information about checking accounts, ATM's, Debit Cards and writing a personal check.
Things you can do to make your finances, and your life. better and easier.
A funny letter from Santa to his 'loyal' followers from age 1 to 101.
A fictitious scary/humorous story written as if from the eyes of a young teenager.
Are there dangers to over-cleaning your child's environment? Possibly!
Having a bad attitude can affect those around you.
Depression is the fuse that starts with a problem, but it is not the end of living.
Procrastinating, it hurts, it harms, it causes anger in others, and here's how.
Consequences of Procrastination. Do you believe there are any?
A unique pattern for a unique crocheted blanket or afghan.
Description of possible hazards with bumper stickers and decals that are small, difficult to read, or give your family numbers away.
A guide to avoiding the hate, and why this is important.
A poem about a beloved cat who suffered and ultimately died from cancer.
Sometimes we forget what Christmas is about; here are some items that might help you and a loved one remember that it is all "from the heart".
What would a tree feel when spring turns to summer and summer cools to fall which turns to winters freezing winds? Here are my thoughts on the subject.
Hints for fast cleaning and keeping your home smelling sweet in between heavier cleanings.
Fun message for the holidays, seasons, or just plain fun.
A story about taking the time to see around you.
A crazy photo gallery of kitty fun.
Ten tips for a worry-free, hassle-free, stress-free Holiday.
A fictional story about a small sleepy town and its ghostly legend.
A funny poem and some facts about daydreaming.
A boys excitement for a wild thunderstorm.
A poem about the difficulties of management.
People feel differently about different things making their meanings for those things, including Christmas, different. Come read mine, and maybe fondly remember some of yours.
A great story to start the Halloween season.
A discussion on whether old wives tales are based on fact or superstitions.
Ideas on how to pull yourself out of the dumps.
A list of things you can do to make winter a little easier on your outdoor items and you.
How things have changed in the world around us. And a hope we can get some of it back.
Maintaining an 'unhealthy' account (many overdrafts and bounced checks for example) could land you in jail for fraud. This article will tell you how to stop the problem in its tracks.
Decorating using natural leaves, branches, pine cones and other items from nature.
Party ideas for a Halloween party or any party.
When a pet needs to be euthanized, how do you make the decision?
Christmas Traditions that you can do with your family to make your holiday happier, fuller and less stressed.
Gifts that are easy, cost effective, and will be cherished for years to come.
A Halloween tale about a scary secret room. Would you enter if you had the chance?
Learn why cats behave the way they do, what their body language means, and what they're trying to say.