If the earth stopped working tomorrow, would we survive?

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  1. sangre profile image93
    sangreposted 11 years ago

    If the earth stopped working tomorrow, would we survive?

    Would we cope in this day and age if we had to live like we did a few hundred years ago.

  2. JohnGreasyGamer profile image76
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years ago

    I suppose it depends on your definition of "working". Is it the Earth itself, or its inhabitants? I'll voice my opinions on both.

    1) If the Earth itself were to stop spinning, we'd be in constant freezing weather and boiling temperatures. We're not prepared for when the sun keeps beating on us, giving eternal heat nor are we ready to face the moon with perpetual darkness and frost. The human race would die in a matter of months, most likely. And some other gravitational stuff too that a science-boy will have to answer for you.

    2) If humans stopped going to work, including governments, banks and stores, humanity would fail. We've come to the point of our evolution (metaphorical, if you're the religious type) where we're wholly independant on machines and industries. If we don't have an overseer, there's no-one cracking the whip, meaning we're free to run riot. And humanity has reached the point where it will become stupid enough to riot "for fun".

    We're no longer in the primitive days where it was the law to hunt for food and plunder for comfort. There's too few people willing to make clans and go to war, acting as a hive mind. There's too many people clinging onto religion and science to face the fact that the apocalypse as John Carpenter has shown us, is real.

    So in all, I don't mean to sound like a doomsayer but no: we will not survive.

    1. Insane Mundane profile image57
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think she meant that the Earth would stop spinning; duh!
      If the techno-world stopped, it would be back to the survival of the fittest!
      You act as if people can't survive out in the wild; ha-ha!  Check out a few tribes and call us tomorrow...

  3. micadeolu profile image47
    micadeoluposted 11 years ago

    Yes! We would all survive it but may not be in this body as we know it. We shall have a new body (two types). Some will have bodies from which they will not experience full life pleasures but full of pains and sufferings. The others will possess celestial bodies which will be well equipped to make them function for the task they will be allotted to and also cause them great joy and bliss.

    Which side would you be friend?

  4. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    I think that the people who are so used to the modern conveniences they are living with today and do not know how to provide themselves substance from living off of the land as our ancestors had to would be in big trouble. Now, The people who are used to planting a garden every year, canning (Which can be done on a wood burning stove), hunting from the land, fishing, etc. would be okay. It has been passed down from generation to generation in my family and I'm sure A LOT of Southerners as well.

    1. Insane Mundane profile image57
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is true... 
      ...Here I was believing that Joe Dirt was right when he said: "life's a garden, ya gotta dig it and make it work for you," albeit many folks are living in the opposite fashion.  The world should never have to meet anybody halfway.

  5. aware profile image67
    awareposted 11 years ago

    yes.   we might even find ourselves  happier .

  6. Matthew Weese profile image60
    Matthew Weeseposted 11 years ago

    Sure. We might even fair better since we'd retain all the technology. Some folks would have a very hard time. It depends on how dependent on others you are. A banker would have a very hard time since he has no practical experience and relies on countless others for  his daily needs. A backwoods redneck however might not even realize that anything has changed.

  7. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 11 years ago

    In this day and age there are millions of people who live like man did thousands of years ago. (watch the brilliant documentary HOME). The human being has built in mechanisms to help him survive under most circumstances. Some might commit suicide, but most would adjust. It's a bet we're trying to win in Greece.

  8. shivanchirakkal10 profile image56
    shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years ago

    why not, dear sangre, 
    Man is the part and parcel of necessities. He can face any hardship and can able to develop the same as he wish.In this world, even today people are living in forest/jungle as uncivilized people of many hundred years ago. So in every situation we will adjust. When a question  arise 'live or die', we will ready to eat grass or leaf. will stay in huts.And all such.
    The world have no existence without man..I think so

  9. Trinity M profile image82
    Trinity Mposted 11 years ago

    Does it matter? I think we are all too obsessed with surviving when in fact history shows us that it is inevitable that we too, like so many other species before us, will become extinct at some point.

  10. puspenduseo profile image61
    puspenduseoposted 11 years ago

    No, Never. Pressure of wind  is too much on that time when earth stopped working. Nobody can survive that pressure.

  11. profile image0
    danielabramposted 11 years ago

    We would devour each other in a fight for the survival of the fittest.

    1. Matthew Weese profile image60
      Matthew Weeseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Or we would slowly resort back to tribal unity, instead of being separated by Capitalism. We are rapidly devouring each other in the means of labor and war/ the need to gain more creates waste, pollution, poverty, Death ext.

    2. profile image0
      Garifaliaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's exactly what 10 rich boys in this world want us to do. I'm hoping the more rational of us will allow sanity and logic to prevail.


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