Do you really believe it is possible to have a violence free world? What would

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  1. violetheaven profile image60
    violetheavenposted 11 years ago

    Do you really believe it is possible to have a violence free world?  What would it take?

    With this Jihad impending, is it possible to display love as a weapon against destruction and violence?  Or are we doomed for an eye for an eye and end up going blind?

  2. Perspycacious profile image62
    Perspycaciousposted 11 years ago

    It is possible, even foretold.  It will take the Millenium.  In the meantime, if blinded, it should be easier to turn a blind eye to violence.

  3. Attikos profile image82
    Attikosposted 11 years ago

    It would take a world populated by something other than human beings. Neitzsche proposed that mankind play God by recreating himself in his own image, i.e. by making himself into the Ubermensche, but if you think about it that's absurd. Why would you bother to remake yourself when you would merely recreate the same being, with all the same characteristics, which is all you could possibly do? At any rate, it's impractical. The sociopolitical left has been trying to do it ever since with different labels, e.g. the New Socialist Man and other sillinesses, and it's made no progress (so to speak) atall.

    No, it's not possible to have a human world free of violence, given that violence is an inherent, inseparable part of human nature. The best we can do is to try to keep it from breaking out all around us every day. That in fact is the first function of the law, to restrain the initiation of violence in our daily transactions. In that way we already are doing what we can.

    1. violetheaven profile image60
      violetheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The most peaceable eastern religions recognize that violence is an inherent part of humanity but the choice can be made to minimize it.

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    One must look at the problem , The human being is no better than any creature on earth . In essence we are no more than an animal , with the same animal instincts as any other , war , sex , hate , violence , rape , murder , its all in our genes. Its just a reality Sorry ! I'm a realist !

  5. mikejhca profile image91
    mikejhcaposted 11 years ago

    It is hard to be peaceful when there are people attacking you.  However most martial arts were intended to discourage fighting.  There are friendly non violent people that  are very good at defending themselves and beating people up.  Love is not a very good weapon against destruction and violence.  If someone is about to smash your head in with rock it is better to take away the rock and make them think twice about trying to hurt or kill you again.  If the peaceful people were better at stopping the violent people there would be less violence.

    Meditation and healing exercises like tai chi, qigong and yoga promote peace.  However you can not force people to find inner peace.  To have less violence the non violent people need an advantage like the martial arts monks did in the past.  Right now I don't see a solution.  A lot of people think meditation is against their religion even though it is just becoming deeply relaxed.

    1. violetheaven profile image60
      violetheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree!

  6. ercramer36 profile image91
    ercramer36posted 11 years ago

    This world will continue as a place of violence and destruction for the simple reason that mankind is sinful and wicked.  Evils exists, no amount of love or kindness will change that.  It will only be the physical return of Jesus Christ to this earth for there to be peace.

  7. tussin profile image58
    tussinposted 11 years ago

    You will need to eliminate every human with an XY chromosome pair.

    1. violetheaven profile image60
      violetheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well thats a sexist statement.

  8. Astralrose profile image91
    Astralroseposted 11 years ago

    One of the lines in Planet of the Apes is "The only good human is a dead human." And I agree. There are many factors why people are violent or become violent and sadly, violence is just part of nature just like any other animals. It just happens that humans have the capacity to do something about it, they can choose to be non-violent or less violent.

    It would be impossible to have a violence free world...really!

  9. Historicus profile image59
    Historicusposted 11 years ago

    No, it is not possible to have a violent free world.

    Violence is a part of the human condition and it will never disappear.  The best thing you can do is to understand it and control it in your sphere of influence.

    There is no Utopia.  But the meaning of a good life is to be ever striving for that goal which you can not obtain.  I believe this is the underlying theme in all the great religions of the world.

  10. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    I wouldn't say that exactly. I would say we should leave their country alone and write it off as another loss to the American empire. If we kept to our own affairs and stopped trying to police the world or give out money, we would be loved once again. From the 1880s to the 1890s, we had the most powerful economy in the world and the world loved us. We had a lot of problems internally, but we were not hated, because we stayed out of global affairs, other than to trade. Even during our colonial-imperialist phase from the 1890s to the 1920s, we were never hated as much as we are today. Since the 1950s, we became the most violent nation on earth with an obsession for global control and host to the most powerful military forces in the history of the world. We've pushed nations around for 50 years and now they are pushing back because they know we are going broke. One thing they did find out the hard way in 2001: do not attack the US on their home soil. So they are sticking to protecting their own nations now.


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