Have you personally ever encountered voter suppression efforts?

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  1. peanutroaster profile image64
    peanutroasterposted 11 years ago

    Have you personally ever encountered voter suppression efforts?

    Any election is not as straight forward as the general public might think.  Official voter suppression efforts like voter id as well as unofficial efforts like spreading false information, intimidation or even down right dirty tricks like, ripping up voter registration forms or robo calling African-Americans and telling them "Democrats vote on weds day" abound .  Have you personally experience any voter suppression efforts?

  2. lovemychris profile image75
    lovemychrisposted 11 years ago

    Not true. It is NOT reqiured in Iowa, yet the R's said so to stop Dems from voting. Nor is it required in my state. Don't know where you are from, but I've NEVER had to provide ID to vote...and I'm 51.

    1. profile image0
      SassySue1963posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is required in 30 states of 50. At any rate, was not meaning it is now required everywhere, I meant under the law, everyone would need one, making it non-discriminatory. Responding to the OP's statement that voter ID laws are voter suppression.

    2. peanutroaster profile image64
      peanutroasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Republican tactics should be called what they are: a deliberate effort to disenfranchise minorities.  Why? Because Obama received 76% of the Hispanic vote last time, 66 percent of voters under 30 and 95 percent of the African-American vote in 2008.

    3. profile image0
      SassySue1963posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Same old rhetoric without a shred of fact. You need an ID to buy beer, cigarettes, fly, take a train, attend both political conventions, go to a bar, receive government assistance, cash a check, open a bank account, just to name a few.

  3. Angela Kane profile image58
    Angela Kaneposted 11 years ago

    Not yet except for checking to make sure my signature was the same. I have heard of others that have gone through it. Voter suppression is the desperation of people who are losing and can only win if they remove the votes of those that cannot be controlled or fooled.

    1. peanutroaster profile image64
      peanutroasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is sad that rather than fixing a party with losing positions/policies one would turn to cheating.

  4. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    The Romney camp and GOP leadership suppressed a great deal of votes during the primary season -- changing votes, ignoring votes, ballot stuffing, falsely arresting 2 different chairpersons (St. Charles, MO and Louisiana state convention).

    And both presidential conventions have eliminated voting and Roberts Rules of Order. Oh, they go through the motions, but it's all a sham.

    RNC Scripted:
    http://www.fox19.com/category/240225/vi … Id=7673872

    DNC Scripted:
    http://www.fox19.com/category/240225/vi … Id=7698022

    America used to be a nice place. Now, it's starting to look like Germany 80 years ago.

    1. peanutroaster profile image64
      peanutroasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm waiting for someone from Florida to answer - early voting favors Democrats and the GOP Gov. in FL is doing all he can to make sure the lines are long in FL.  Winning by cheating is disgusting.

  5. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 11 years ago

    Does deceit and brainwashing by Fox News count as voter suppression?

    1. peanutroaster profile image64
      peanutroasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      More like mind suppression.  Recent studies show that Fox News causes more brain damage than heavy drinking.


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