What are your feelings on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado?

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  1. Steve Witschel profile image79
    Steve Witschelposted 11 years ago

    What are your feelings on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado?

    January 1st, 2014 marked a historic date for the United States as marijuana for sale and recreational use was legalized in the state of Colorado. This represents the first time in over 70 years that an adult over 21 can purchase pot with no fears of arrest - and is the only place in the modern world that the herb can be purchased and smoked legally.

    What are your feelings about this unprecedented event? Do you support it? Would you support legalization in your state? Have you or do you currently use pot for recreational or medicinal purposes? Discuss.


  2. JRScarbrough profile image67
    JRScarbroughposted 11 years ago

    I would support. It saved my life and came from a John Hopkin’s Oncologist that I should partake during Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 21 years ago. Look, I am still here and I don’t even smoke it anymore.

    It has no downside until someone just gets stuck on it and neglects life or something. It rarely ever gets used to that point. Some people need it and it is inhumane to put people in jail over something so innocent as a God given herb.

  3. Bishop55 profile image90
    Bishop55posted 11 years ago

    I'm all for it, but mainly for medicinal reasons.  It's natural, has very few side affects unlike OTC medications and is not difficult to quit using.  It benefits chronic pain, cancer, seizures and many other miladies.  I hope Ohio gets on the band wagon.  Not to mention the government can have a hay day taxing the shit out of sales, much like the already in place sin tax. It would also clear out the over populated prison system of petty offenders.  People are going to smoke legal or not, may as well legalize it like Jamaica.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    I'm not into smoking anything period.
    Therefore the legalization would not effect me either way. Just as I hate the smell of cigarettes in the air I detest the smell of pot just as much. In other words I'm not going to suddenly start smoking it because it's legal. To each his or her own.
    Having said that I believe the only reason why pot has been taboo is because it was illegal and one could easily grow their own plants. 50 years from now purchasing pot may be equivalent to buying a six pack of beer or a bottle of vodka. Certainly the government will benefit from new tax revenues and criminals who specialize in dealing pot will have to find another way to make money.

  5. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 11 years ago

    There are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is, marijuana has the power to distract the mind from pain, suffering or depression. It can ease the misery of terminal cases. It stimulates creative genius with outrageous ideas and new combinations. Movies, music, the Arts and inventors have reached tremendous heights thanks to pot smokers. The disadvantage is, it can also go in a negative direction: laziness, sleepy, loss of ambition, the "who cares" attitude. Internal organs may not be in great condition after long term use. Exaggerations of emotional reactions to slights or perceived threats are also possible along with hallucinations if the pot is high grade. The other thing to watch is the green light from the government. This may be another method of mass mind control. In the conspiracy theory, the government is ramping up controlling the masses with high tech, surveillance etc... If they suddenly say pot is ok, there must be a catch to it. In other words, is it a "dumbing down" of some in the society? The creation of a totally stoned society? The users will skyrocket, especially teens, with no penalties. The dispensaries will have there share of robberies from desparate criminals. The up side is, billions of dollars will circulate in the states where it's legal but at the cost of destruction to the people who use it every day. Just think, if we could get cocaine and heroin legal, the cash would really come rolling in. LOL.

    1. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this
  6. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

    Fine.  We let people smoke cigarettes that are proven to be hazardous to your health and the health of anyone (including children) around you.  Why not weed?  The taxes will help reduce the deficit.

  7. profile image51
    directrespectposted 11 years ago

    Yes i support this movement. My feeling is that decriminalizing the marijuana plant is most important and beneficial thing that can happen to this country. Roll your eyes all you want but it goes beyond intoxication. Yes, people smoke marijuana to get high and relax, some say its therapeutic and has anti-stress and healing properties. The plant itself though is the eighth wonder of the world. It is natures gift to you, it grows out of the ground from the earth but yet you can be incarcerated for possessing it. They seize large amounts of it and throw it in huge piles and burn it.

    You are expected to think that the reason marijuana is illegal is because it intoxicates you. Am I wrong?

    This plant is the earth's gift to you and you are kept from it by unseen shackles and fear of being thrown in a cage. Governments and corporations could give two shits less about you getting high. They want you intoxicated that's why they allow you alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Its time to look past the veil before you of hippies and teenagers smoking joints. Its time to look at this wonderous plant the earth has blessed you with. The plant that can be made into a mirade of products that all super excede quality and durability of anything you consume/purchase now. Im talking fuel, plastic, building materials, clothing, paper, etc. WE deforest our planet to make paper when we could grow strains of marijuana with no THC and make paper thats 10x better and 10x more environmentally friendly.

    Even if the plant is a strain that has no THC it is illegal and is punishable by incarceration due to the plants capabilities to be easily cultivated in almost any climate to make products that outlast anything you ever dreamed of. Forget about getting high. This plant is the future of our world to better mankind. Those that stand to lose their paper money will stop at nothing to make sure they can at least keep a large portion of the population duped into opposing the very plant that was put here for them to improve every aspect of their lives. Support this wonderful plant.,. for the sake of future generations support the right to cultivate it freely as our forefathers once did.

    Read more from my article:
    http://directrespect.hubpages.com/hub/U … thing?done

    Marijuana is illegal because the actual plant can be used industrially to make high quality products that pose a loss of profits and controls to those who compose an illusion of authority.

  8. passionatelearnr profile image80
    passionatelearnrposted 9 years ago

    anything addictive should not be legalised.

    1. Steve Witschel profile image79
      Steve Witschelposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You mean like alcohol and cigarettes?


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