This tater tot egg casserole is quick, easy, and requires minimal cleanup. You can't go wrong with this dish!
Clothing styles and accessories to flatter your natural shape and figure.
Getting married is always the easy part, staying together and avoiding a divorce is a lot harder.
How can you tell if you're just a booty call or if your new relationship has potential?
Hot tubs are not just for rich people! But they are major appliances and like any other, they require maintenance, energy, and money! Here are some ways you can slash down the cost of owning and operating a hot tub.
A super easy way to cleanse your home or environment and "reset" the energy accumulation in it.
Colors have been used to transform emotion, environments and for therapeutic benefits. Here is a description of colors and their meanings.
re-purposing old furniture doesn't have to be a difficult project. This is a great project to revive a family heirloom, or as a side hobby by finding vintage treasures and giving them a brand new life!
It is even possible to adjust to working on third shift? Here are some tips on improving and balancing your life while working this crazy schedule...
This is my personal, unbiased review of the Lifesmart Coronado 7-Person 65-Jet hot tub.
These little breakfast egg quiches are super easy to make and delicious!
Machines need to run, and they need to be cleaned. This will cover basic home appliance care and cleaning so you can get years of use from your machines!
The answer is YES! And you should just go get one! I'll explain why and you can thank me later!
There are things you should absolutely buy from the Dollar Tree. Why overpay when you just don't have to!
What are the signs that you're a medium?
Life changes are not always easy. Becoming unemployed is never fun. Learn to lean into life's punches and many can be a blessing in disguise.
We all dream. Remembering them is the challenge. But what if you could take your dream time to the next level? You can, and it will open up a whole new world and way of living!
Want to make some extra money? Or maybe quit that job you hate? Uber Eats may be an option for you.
Many people who have loved or do love an addict often wonder when will they finally hit bottom...
Major theme-death, transformation, endings, major changes (not always positive).
For Mediums, Psychics and those working with energy, what blocks your flow? And how do you resolve them?
As pandemics surge on our planet, will social distancing become the new way of living? And if so, what am I supposed to do with all this newfound time and isolation?
As the USA prepares for emergency what is really happening with the Covid-19 aka Corona Virus?
Creamy, cheesy, filling soup good for any occasion, great for cold winter days!
Delicious, traditional, fast, French onion soup in your Instant Pot!
Who wants to spend two hours making lasagna? With this recipe, you can make a meal that tastes the same but can be made in a fraction of the time. Try "lazy lasagna" instead!
Have some fancy soup! This asparagus soup is delicious hot or cold, and you can make it in a pressure cooker in less than an hour.
A few main challenges discussed when you're psychic and some tips to help overcome them.
This is a thick and creamy soup that tastes like a taco! We love it, and hope you will too.
Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms when you've endured abuse from a Narcissist...
Roll up your sleeves and get a great kitchen cabinet update in about a week!
Here's how you can make a super cute rope storage basket or any other decorative rope storage bin!
Yes you can avoid taking prescription medications to lower your blood pressure and regain cardiovascular health.
Appliance paint can transform old ugly appliances in a weekend DIY project!
Complete this great and cheap update for outdated countertops in a weekend!
How do you know if you are spiritually awakening? What is it? What are the signs and possible symptoms?
This recipe is not quite the same as the authentic hibachi meal you could eat in a Japanese restaurant, but it's pretty close!
What will you learn from any type of interaction with a narcissist.
Would you like to find a way to use the tops of those leeks that you normally throw away? Make some yummy leek chips!
This is a delicious, comforting, yet classy soup. A family favorite!
Save time and money with these products and improve your life by doing things you actually love.
This is the only litter box you'll need, considering the cost it better be. It's revolutionary for cat owners!
This article teaches you how to easily and inexpensively make laundry soap in bulk that works! Safe for all washers, including high-efficiency.
South Padre Island TX, a beautiful location in the USA, surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico. No passport needed! Plan your next island getaway here!
Another quick and savory soup in your Instant Pot!
A refreshing vegetarian salad, healthy and delicous
Perfectly cooked Mussels!
Taking charge and managing change during the unexpected is an important part of dealing with your emotions during job loss or career transition.
Delicious, quick, sweet, crunchy, fresh corn!
Amazing beef or ribs in your Instant Pot or Instant Pot Duo Mini!
Although Empaths and Narcissists are fundamentally different, they also share many similiarities.
The best revenge is to cut your losses, be thankful for the lessons and live a happy life. But sometimes that's not what we want to do...
Learn what energy cords are, signs that you have an unwanted attachment, and how and when to cut energy cords with others.
Making restaraunt quality Lava Cakes in your Instant Pot!
Delicious, thick, and creamy potato soup made fast in your Instant Pot.
Fast Instant Pot Vegetable Barley Soup
Make this super-easy soup in your Instant Pot. This pressure-cooker recipe is vegetarian-friendly.
What are the benefits of using and buying homemade soap?
Try a coffee enema for so many health benefits, detoxing, and living your life full of vitality, as it is meant to be lived.
Are you familiar with the chakras? If not, you should be. Different chakras affect different things. Let's learn about the solar plexus chakra. Read on to learn how to balance and promote free-flowing energy in your solar chakra!
What are the long term health consequences to vaping? Here are some positives and negatives to help you be more proactive about your health.
How eating less meat, or none at all can improve your health, and help our planet! Here's some reasons why you should consider eating less meat...
There is no cure for grief when we lose someone we love, but there are ways to cope with loss.
This article shares some information about Xanax that many people don't want to discuss and what your doctor won't tell you. Xanax addiction is serious, and so are the withdrawal symptoms. Here I share my experience.
Why is a spirit guide relationship so important? Find out the importance of a main spirit guide, how to contact and communicate with them, and how to also protect yourself when working with the spirit world.
What Zodiac signs rule which parts of the body? How can Astrology affect your health? What you may not know about your Zodiac sign could help you live a longer, happier life...
Wondering what you can you expect when talking to a medium or psychic? This information will help you prepare and be aware of how a reading may go.
A urinary tract infection is the 2nd most common infection in the human body, and now you can cure it without antibiotics!
Looking to cleanse your aura but not sure how? Learn how to cleanse your aura with some simple steps. Read about what can harm your aura and how to get back on track. Your aura will be clean in no time!
Damiana, another one of natures miracles.
Considering tattoo removal? Want to know what it feels like? What you could potentially expect?
A smooth, non-chunky Authentic Mexican Restaurant Style Salsa bursting with flavor!
Alcohol is not harmless, long term drinking and binge drinking can have serious health consequences. Alcoholism is a progressive disease which can damage and eventually destroy your liver.
Kratom is derived from the same family of plants we get coffee from. Its medicinal and therapeutic uses are impressive and have changed the lives of many.
Why raise your energy frequency? For happiness, attracting what you desire, and for living a life that benefits everyone. Here are 100 actions/activities to get you vibrating at a higher frequency.
The benefits of having a Sea Salt Bath are endless. Besides being beneficial to the mind and spirit, there are numerous benefits for the body. Start soaking!
What kinds of problems can destroy a relationship or marriage? Some problems are solvable. Here are 10 that are usually not.
Dryer lint has many uses. Don't throw this stuff away! You can save tons by reusing and re-purposing your dryer lint. Want to know what you can do with dryer lint?
Gas, farts, flatulence, bubble gut, whatever you want to call it. Ever wonder why you always have it? Want to get rid of it?
With a little effort and practice, you can begin to easily see and read energy auras. Here's how.
Argyreia speciosa, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose, Baby Bidhara, Convolvulus nervosus, Elephant Climber, Liane d’Argent, Rose des Bois, Silver-Morning-Glory, Vidhara, Vridhadaru, Woolly Morning Glory.
There are a lot of ways to have less trash. Besides just creating less. Here are suggestions to not only have less trash and garbage but to save more money while being gentle to our planet!
A razor that moisturizes and hydrates your skin. -A consumer review for
Find treasures in dumpsters? Really? Yes! All free with a little effort and lack of personal shame! Go dumpster diving and find your treasures now!
The spiritual law of karma is simply cause and effect.
Ouch, I have a blister! Here are some effective ways to treat them, care for them, and avoid them.
Sulfur is a nutrient found in every living organism. Sulfur is absolutely necessary for good health, but we usually fail to get enough of it, even when eating healthy.
What happens to an animal when it dies? Do animals have souls?
Learn about a few different ear piercing names and what types and styles are right for you. Check out an ear map to see where a helix or industrial bar will go, and find additional options like gauging or stretching.
The top 4 New Year's Resolutions, how to reach your New Year's goals successfully.
A generalization of predicting someone's sun or ascendant sign based on their physical and personality characteristics.
Atropa bella-donna, known as Belladonna, Deadly Nightshade, deadly, dwale, devil's herb, love apple, sorcerer's cherry, witches berry, divale, and dwayberry
Burning sage should be done to keep you and your environment balanced. It promotes a peaceful state of being and clears negative energy. Think of it as "spiritual house cleaning."
Some of the greatest items on infomercials. Here's a small compilation of some of the greatest infomercial items ever made!
Zombie movies, shows, and books that are worth checking out.
Want a great first pet? How about a Hermit Crab? Cheaper than fish, less work than a dog or cat, entertaining and inexpensive!
Cheaper than heroin but with a similar high, Krokodil is a new drug wrecking havoc mentally and physically on its users.
We'll all know a narcissist at some point in life, but how do we deal with and recognize them? How do we keep ourselves emotionally protected? Stay sane when dealing with a narcissist personality...
Give old tile and grout new life with Epoxy paint, skip the tear out! This is an easy DIY project that can rejuvenate yucky tile and an outdated space in no time flat!
Wear a labradorite pendant for protection, healing, creativity, and various health benefits.
Not only beautiful, but useful, smokey quartz is a naturally occurring mineral that heals, protects, and wonderfully accessorizes.
Being an empath is much more common than people realize. Here are the possible signs that you may be an empath, along with suggestions on how to cope as a hypersensitive person in a chaotic world.
Behold the powerful health benefits of Aloe Vera, start using it today!
Why are we superstitious and what superstitions have been adapted and accepted throughout the world? Here is the most common list with an explanation of each.
Learn how to remove skin tags and warts anywhere on your body with a few simple ingredients.
Glycerin is an emollient and demulcent and is pure and natural. Glycerin has many uses but is primarily used in skincare products, oral pharmaceuticals, sweetening, solvents, and preservatives. Read on to learn more!
Need a relaxing and beautiful daytime activity? Why not explore the Cuyahoga Valley National park and scenic railroad? All aboard!
Are those shadows, demons and communicative shapes real? Are they all in your head? Perhaps caused from sleep deprivation? Or a sign of brain damage?
Where is your emotional energy going? Does your presence make the world a little brighter? Practice random acts of kindness and increase the worlds happiness!
Make your Halloween decor or witches cauldron a bit more creepy with an easily home-made mini fog maker!
When you can't sleep, have sleep Apnea or insomnia, or even worse...sleepwalk your days will blend together and hurt your health. What can help? Read on...
Ice cube trays have many versatile uses, save money, be creative, and maximize all the crafty things you can do with them!
How to have a happy period with the Diva Cup.
Imagine being buried in your home by your own junk with excessive items and trash everywhere. Is hoarding a mental illness? Or a case of being a slob? How does someone become a hoarder?
With so much content already published online, where do you find inspiration to stand out, be inspired and keep motivated?
Over consumption of dairy products can cause a multitude of intolerable symptoms, impaired organ function, embarrassment, and discomfort. Do a detox from dairy and rid yourself from all of this!
This was by far the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. Urine Therapy? Drinking pee? Really? I'm all for natural remedies but this was one thing worthy of being written about.
What is the importance of Cortisol? How does it behave in your body? How can you lower high levels to reduce the negative effects it can cause on your body?
Easy financial spending habits to incorporate into your life that will save you lots of money...sit back and watch the savings build without feeling deprived...
Even if someone isn't bold enough to lie right to your face, you may be able to tell when someone is lying based on their body language.
Here are a few ways you may be able to determine if the drug you are about to try is crystal meth. If you're unsure, the smartest and safest thing to do is always to walk away!
It's very important to keep your children in proper car seats or booster seats until they can safely ride without them. If you don't know when that is, keep reading!
What is pityriasis rosea? What causes it, and how do you get rid of it? Full-body rashes can be very scary, and this one, although harmless, is one of them.
Stop turning your nose up at this vegetable, it may look weird and be a little slimy, but it has numerous benefits, and it's packed with vitamins and nutrients. It's not just for Southern comfort.
Eye twitching will usually be experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. For the most part, it's normal, but sometimes it can be caused by other disorders. Here are the causes.
Hiccups are annoying, but you can take measures to prevent them, or cure them fast if you have them. Here are some tips and tricks to get your hiccups to stop!
How easy is it to overdose on nicotine? Not as easy as one would think. Learn to recognize the warning signs and symptoms, as well as how to treat a potential overdose.
Have you planted a vegetable garden or herb garden and notice that it's a bit "buggy?" Try organic pesticides! They are a great way to protect your garden, your family, and the planet!
How much money is floating out in the world just waiting to be collected on? You'd be surprised to know, and I'm going to help you find it!
This is a quick and fancy way to make things extra hospitable for out-of-town guests. You can find this form of towel origami at hotels, but it's equally nice to do at home.
How to stay extra safe during a tornado or tornado warning. Don't just think you know what to do, make sure you do!
Get great items at Amish salvage stores, or Amish thrift stores. These places are friendly on your budget and you never know what you'll find! They are also great places to stock up on supplies.
Learn how to use colors in your life to alter your frame of mind, and bring more happiness into your life, also know which colors to avoid.
What are the signs ans symptoms of chemically induced drug psychosis? How can you tell if it is temporary or permanent?
You may be surprised to see how the position you catch your nightly zzz's in describes your personality. Read on to see how your sleep position reveals traits about your personality.
The English language is confusing and complex. Using words properly in an article can make it or break it. How to use to, too, your, you're and other goofy words properly...
Usually there are main components that will cause a car not to start. Here they are, and here is how you can diagnose the problem yourself and get back on the road quickly and safely.
Here are some tips on how to shed pounds without much effort. Some healthy, some not, try these at your own risk. You don't have to diet or work out to lose weight.
Build a nice picnic table for your yard in less than 24 hours for under $150 USD
5HTP, a natural solution for depression and weight loss. Don't suffer from depression, solve the problem naturally!
This step-by-step guide outlines the process of building a homemade tube launcher for mortar fireworks. Follow along and learn how to create a safe, professional-quality display for your next Fourth of July or New Year's Eve party.
It's always a good idea to have a First Aid Kit handy, because you never know what life will throw your way. Here are the essential items you should have in your First Aid Kit(s).
It's easy to create a quick raised vegetable garden in a small space, don't think you have room? Think again! Buckets, planters, Topsy Turvys are all great options!
Here are some easy ways to painlessly pay off your mortgage, faster than a 30 year term, avoid a lot of interest, and put the savings into other areas of your life.
What is composting? Read on to find out why this simple act is so beneficial, not only for your gardens but for mother nature and your wallet!
While you can't permanently shrink pores, you can minimize their visibility with cosmetic treatments and easy remedies that you can try at home.
How can you effectively exfoliate your skin in the best way possible? What are the best methods? Why is exfoliation important? This article will answer these common questions.
This article takes a comprehensive look at caring for climbing hydrangea, including how to plant, water, prune, and fertilize the plant.
Drug addiction not only affects the addict; mentally and physically, but all family members, friends, children, and communities. Here is a snapshot of what behavior you may see from an addict...
This is a delicious hearty and creamy Potato Leek soup, not overly flavorful, but great for a rainy day or fancy dinner party...
Coffee is expensive, but don't throw away the grounds after that tasty cup! Here are some "green" ideas to make use of old coffee grounds in and around your home that you'll love!
Symptoms & solutions to free your thinking and change your behavior, so that you become richer financially and spiritually; finally a real way to get rich quick!
Here is an explanation of the various ways to remove unwanted body hair. Some are permanent though most are not. Learn what to expect, basic instructions, and the pro's and con's of each.
April showers bring May flowers...but what is there to do while you're waiting for the rain to stop and the flowers to bloom? Here are some boredom busters when it's rainy and dreary.
Oh the lengths women go to (and sometimes men too) to reduce the signs of aging! Why grow old gracefully when you don't have to? Reduce and improve the signs of aging, now...
I bet you'd be shocked at the different types of fruits and vegetables we have to consume on our wonderful planet, read on to see if there are any you didn't know about or have perhaps...forgotten...
It' not hard to save tons of money. You don't have to give up the life you love, just make a few adjustments! Before you know it, you'll be happier, less stressed and have more cash in your pocket! Or getting out of debt!
Some may think this is a no-brainer, others may not even consider it, but you should. You can easily re-purpose old vent covers in your home and save on the expense of buying new.
A macaroni & cheese casserole dish, that is absolutely yummy! A wonderful side dish for a casual gathering, or a one pot meal served great with a vegetable.
Cure a yeast infection with garlic, naturally, cheaply and privately in your own home!
Have you done a detox? Are you nervous? Could it be bad for you? Honestly, detoxing the body is never really pleasant. Here is what to expect from detoxing or cleansing and the symptoms your body might experience when doing so. Read on for everything you need to know.
Many ailments can be healed with its use. Another one of nature’s little miracles, “Eat onions in March and garlic in May, Then the rest of the year, your doctor can play”
Ever wonder what happens to your dental health from Meth abuse? Are you a recovering addict and looking for treatment options?
Have you ever wondered why cats purr and why they do it so much? Read on to find the answers!
Setting healthy personal boundaries is important for self-preservation. Sometimes we neglect ourselves for the sake of others, which is not always healthy. Read on to re-establish your boundaries
If you've ever been to a Hibachi restaurant & had the salad they serve, then you know how yummy Ginger Salad can be! This is my knock-off recipe, now you can make it easily at home.
Codependency is a behavioral illness, and if you have issues with Codependency you can get better. Read on to find out if some changes are needed in your life...
Fleas are disgusting, disease-ridden, relentlessly breeding mini-vampires. They are miserable to pets and humans. They also have the potential for illness and death. Here's how to destroy them!
This is the easiest and most simple detox bath in the world, and chances are, the supplies needed to give yourself this special treatment are already in your home.
You don't have to spend much to make your very own beautiful wedding veil for your special day...
Cats that hump are a major nuisance, but there is hope. Find out why your cat is humping and how to stop it using these tips.
Things you can do to prepare your home for sale
Do you frequently ask yourself "how can I save more money?" There are a lot of simple things you can do around your house to save money. It's also fun and entertaining!
Suggestions & contraptions that may help alleviate your stress, chronic pain, or at least make it much more manageable...
What will happen and go on within your body when you quit smoking? Keep reading to find out! Stop smoking today, right now, it's bad for you!
Smoke, quit smoking, keep smoking. It's your choice. I chose Vaping for a safer alternative because I wasn't ready to quit
Here's a safe, easy, inexpensive homemade bath bomb recipe using ingredients like baking soda. These are great for personal enjoyment or for gift-giving!
Do you want a roast you can set-and-forget in a slow cooker? This mouthwatering main dish only requires five minutes of prep time!
This drug will pick you up, shake you around, swallow your soul, and spit you out as a walking corpse with no teeth in your mouth! Bahhhhhh!
A very easy way to change the electrical outlets in your home. Also, you can be very helpful to friends and family once you learn this simple task!
An easy weekend DIY project. Paint your concrete basement floor and expand your living area! Add extra space or even another family room.
The beautiful people of the world know the true value of Coconut Oil. This stuff is liquid gold...there are so many uses for this fantastic natural oil, read on for all the ways to start using it!
This is the best ever Asian Salad! This salad is so easy, simple, and delicious!
A heart warming home-made potato soup your family will love
Drawing from my personal experience, I share with you a few ways to deal with Feline Renal Failure, including how to know if your cat has it and how to prepare for the consequences.
Be yourself, live with integrity and conviction, take responsibility for your choices and be happy! But stay humble and remember, you are unique...just like everyone else, ha!