Why do young people not respect their elders anymore?

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  1. neerajv95 profile image45
    neerajv95posted 10 years ago

    Why do young people not respect their elders anymore?

    Why do young people not respect their elders and  parents seem to teach their children manners anymore?


  2. brutishspoon profile image66
    brutishspoonposted 10 years ago

    Parents are not able to discipline their children like they used to be able to. Smacking a Child is likened to assault in some countries making it hard for parents to teach there children right from wrong. Sitting them on the stairs for time out does not have the same effect. This also means that teachers and other adults don't get the respect because they can not discipline the kids.

    1. Amanda108 profile image75
      Amanda108posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Do you really believe there is no way to discipline a child without physically assaulting them? What about taking away beloved privileges? It's worked just fine on every single child/teen/adult-my-age that I know.

    2. brutishspoon profile image66
      brutishspoonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There are many ways to discipline a child that does not use what could be construed as violence but in the past it was the threat of that that would work with children in the passed.

    3. neerajv95 profile image45
      neerajv95posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for suggestion...  smile

  3. Amanda108 profile image75
    Amanda108posted 10 years ago

    I'm not sure I agree that young people don't respect elders. I know plenty of teens and children who are respectful of *everyone*. However, the reason elders are no longer revered is because the world has changed to acknowledge that age does not equal the end all, be all. Age doesn't mean inherently more wisdom or intelligence. Respect must be earned. If an adult earns it, most children will be respectful. IMO.

    1. brutishspoon profile image66
      brutishspoonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Although children are less respectful it is at times the elders that are the problem. The older generation seem to think that it is disrespectful to them when a young person jumps a Que but it is OK for them to do it. This is why it is the way it is.

    2. neerajv95 profile image45
      neerajv95posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I respected your comment ... and thanks for suggestion all people.
      Thanks again !!

  4. coolbreeze profile image42
    coolbreezeposted 10 years ago

    If you lie to your children, like telling them there is a Santa they will not respect you. Its pretty simple.

    1. neerajv95 profile image45
      neerajv95posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for the knowledge you have shared with all.. smile

  5. Lee Tea profile image85
    Lee Teaposted 10 years ago

    Popular culture, both here in the U.S. and worldwide, really place emphasis on wanting what's "new".  Advertisements and media promotion are mostly about the "next big thing", because it drives the economy to go out and buy that new thing.  As young people (and all people) are incessantly bombarded with ads, it becomes part of the mind-set - both individually and definitely collectively.  We're taught through our media to throw out the old and go buy what's new.

    You don't see many ads for how to take what you already have and make it useful.  Not many ads for exploring the value of things already in your life. Maybe if there were, we'd take stock in what we have - our things, our elders, our lives.  There's no money in it - but enough resource, knowledge, and wisdom to last many lifetimes.

    Good question. Pretty picture. Be well.

  6. letstalkabouteduc profile image94
    letstalkabouteducposted 9 years ago

    Most young people have the upper-hand with technology and that makes them feel superior. Senior citizens, who are inept with technology, seem stupid to them. As we live longer, they are more seniors who seem to be a drain on society. Especially in American culture, we're not raised to revere our elders.


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