How do you keep pursing a dream that seems to never work?

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  1. LanaBSmith profile image60
    LanaBSmithposted 8 years ago

    How do you keep pursing a dream that seems to never work?

    I've been trying to get back into college for a year and some change now and, something seems to always get in my way. Whether it's the school not communicating with me or deadlines or whatever the case may be. Is this a sign that I should give up or am I so close that I should keep going?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    Getting into college should be a rather easy goal.
    There are (thousands of colleges and universities) and student loans are readily available if you need any financial assistance.
    Maybe the issue is (you've chosen to limit) your options.
    How many different colleges have you attempted to enroll in?
    It took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts to create the light bulb.
    Harlan Sanders was rejected over 1000 times before a restaurant took him up on his "finger licking" chicken recipe.
    It's one thing to have a dream and it's another thing when the dream has you. Only you can put an expiration date stamp on your dream.
    The world may not owe you anything but (you owe yourself) the world! Best wishes!

    1. LanaBSmith profile image60
      LanaBSmithposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your answer was very insightful, thank you! I mean I want to go college and get a degree but if just seems as if, nothing works. I've applied to about... between 15 and 20 schools so far. I just hope something gives, thanks!

    2. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I've known people who have gone to Community College for their first two years and then transferred to an on campus school. My cousin joined the Navy and they paid for his education to become a doctor.
      Ambition & determination are hard to beat.

    3. LanaBSmith profile image60
      LanaBSmithposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I guess I just have to keep trying, sometimes it's just so hard though. I guess I'll just keep trying, thank you for your encouraging words!

  3. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 8 years ago

    As a working adult who is going to school while working and taking a very challenging major, I find your question to be a common one that reflects your priorities and no one else's. As I've grown, I realized that what is most important to you will be done, what is not will not be done. I don't mean to be hard on you or "witchy" but the word "try" is often used to indicate action often where there is none or too little to make any difference. That is how you lead your question and then you say the school is not communicating with you. However, it is your responsibility to get the information that you need to make decisions and meet deadlines.

    In the working and college world as well, the excuse that the organization is not communicating with you does not excuse you from getting things done and can be seen as a way to take responsibility and accountability off yourself and shift it onto others for you not doing what you need to do. Sometimes we have to make extra efforts to get our job duties and goals met, but again, these things are our responsibility and no one else's.

    I understand the feeling and the reality that things can get in your way. Nevertheless, it is still up to you to meet YOUR goals, not anyone else. Sometimes it may be an uncooperative person at work creating scheduling conflicts between your work schedule and school and other times it may be that you forget. However, at some point you must take committed action to overcome obstacles, a critical characteristic of an adult.

    Are you clear on your goals and what is your timeline/complete by date for accomplishing them? Are you attempting to work full time or more than full time while attempting to go back? Perhaps you need to pare down your work schedule to meet this goal? Only you can choose for yourself what is most important whether it is keeping yourself abreast of all the deadlines, meeting with counselors to help keep you on track and give you details about deadlines to help keep you on goal, or if you need to learn time management skills.

    I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings or appear rude, that is not my goal. I'm just trying to give it to you straight because it's been my repeated observation of some of my classmates with the exact same question and excuses. I often don't see them in class again or on campus because they've given up or found other things to be more important.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "I realized that what is most important to you will be done."
      - Very true!
      I like to say we have 3 "to do lists". Things I (have to) do, things I (want to) do, and things I (need to) do. If it's not one of the first two we never find the time!

    2. LanaBSmith profile image60
      LanaBSmithposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree with what you said, maybe I feel more obligated to go to school rather than something I want to do. So I guess my next question is how do you achieve your dreams and good money without a degree?

    3. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      To put it most simply, earning abundantly without a degree means you must find a niche that you are good at whether as an employee or as an employer. You could learn a trade or get a certificate or do something else but your job must be in demand.

    4. LanaBSmith profile image60
      LanaBSmithposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well I guess I'm just going to have to look at my options. To add, I know some jobs look at experience and others go off of who you know. So with a Ititle wishful thinking and a lot of opportunity, I'm pretty sure I'll find something. Thanks!

    5. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You are very welcome smile


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