How do you fight people who WANT to die or simply see it as part of their plan?

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  1. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 8 years ago

    How do you fight people who WANT to die or simply see it as part of their plan?

    I ask not only with regards to the recent terror attacks but also with regard to domestic situations, and those who target innocent strangers (school shooters, etc.). Please answer honestly but do not attack or disparage entire groups of people.

  2. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    Anyone who is willing to {die for a cause} is impossible to defeat physically. As long as (the cause) is considered viable there will be others who will step forward each time a leader is killed.
    You have to win or change the hearts and minds of people "over time". Unfortunately that's impossible to do when there is violence at hand. If a country is attacked they will seek retribution.
    It's hardline generations that pass hatred down. No one is born racist or filled with anger against various countries and nationalities.
    Groups like "play for peace" attempt to get children of different backgrounds playing sports together in places like the Middle east to foster tolerance and acceptance early on.
    Nevertheless the idea of "world peace" will always be just a dream. Someone will always feel as though they got the short end of the stick and will be willing to die to improve things for their people.

  3. chef-de-jour profile image96
    chef-de-jourposted 8 years ago

    Someone who is determined enough to die as a martyr or kill innocent strangers at random in a mass shooting is impossible to fight against. This is especially so in a free democratic country, where policing of the streets is relatively relaxed.
    The recent atrocities carried out by Daesh terrorists in Paris couldn't have been stopped even if the Paris streets had been full of military people and police.

    Kneejerk reactions to these sorts of heinous crimes are natural but in truth in the long term they get you nowhere. History shows that, if you start a tit for tat sort of war with these types of people, you only stir up more trouble - more extremists, more jihadists, more young terrorists will join the ranks of Daesh.
    It's a horrible situation to be in that's for sure because you never know when the next horror show is going to kick off. Just look at Belgium right now. It's capital city is a virtual military zone, the government are in a panic and don't want to be seen to be weak. Getting the balance right between freedom and caution is very difficult.

    Long term, you have to try and undermine the terrorist, the jihadist by subtle acts and quiet strategy. Use special forces, use intelligence to strike specific targets. Cut their funding, use diplomacy to get other countries nearby to not sell them weaponry. Yes, airstrikes and long distance attacks might help a little to offset the anger but the way to get to them is through propaganda and education, and local participation. Try to get the Muslim world pro-active in its condemnation of this terrible group of murderous people, encourage peaceful strategies long term.

    1. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree we cannot fight those who do not care about their own lives. However, it will take an extremely long time to change minds but it can be done. There are over a billion Muslims in the world, and a few seem to be determined to spoil the bunch.

  4. Shyron E Shenko profile image70
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 8 years ago

    These terrorist people have no heart, they have no soul, and they are miserable. And the old cliché goes “misery loves company” and these people kill those they can’t make miserable.
    The school shooters: I believe they all everyone had/has a mental problem, and there was a failure to properly diagnose and treat these individuals.

    1. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. Terrorists truly have no heart yet lie & twist their evil acts into religious acts. A lot of people shooting in colleges & grade schools have mental problems, a few act seem to act out of anger or hatred. They also have no heart or s

  5. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 8 years ago

    Sharing, I wanted to know spending time seeking answers. Result: Intrigue & sadness. I approached with 4 distinct elements:

    * How do you fight a foe or force using suicide as a tactic?
    * People who want to die?
    * Planning – individual and organizational
    * Supplemental – contrast with U.S. public shootings.

    The answer to the main question:

    At task is ‘How do you fight . . .” There of least is not a direct tactic to combat terrorist attacks much less suicide other than:

    * Subduing the extremist element
    * Prevention especially awareness
    * Intelligence seeking individuals

    TMI . . . 
    I added willingness researching suicide as a generality. Conclusion: there is willingness transitioning to want as a solution for a problem with a plan. I looked further at willingness as valor. We know medals of Honor – military & first responders. That led toward a principal of psychology – cognitive dissonance. That directly relates to choice between two competing values – self contrast another(s). We must include an enemy’s value too. So, becomes a matrix.

    Then I looked at the 4th element. I am not conclusive. Assessing an FBI study for 2014 one fact is 40% resulted with suicide. 13% resulted as lethal force. Another study introduced bullying as a root cause. Valor?

    For me at this point there is willingness, which may be seen as valor, evolves to want, thus choice, followed by a plan seeking an action. What of suicide attacks as a tactic for terrorism – organizational? A short history is terrorism is always political while religious is not. It began with raping & pillaging instilling fear. Suicide bombing began 1881 in Russia with assassinating Tsar Alexander II.

    Research & study offers perspective. Noteworthy today:

    * 179 terrorist organizations
    * Focus of attacks is symbolic with a political nature – Gov’t military, Gov’t buildings, banks, etc.
    * Focus is central to urban seeking establishing itself with the rural populace
    * Innocent civilians are collateral damage

    * 16,080 terrorist actions many bombings
    * 82% of all deaths – Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria
    * 737 suicide attacks
    * 593 were suicide bombings
    * Suicide bombings are most common to Salafi Sunni – Muslim sect, jihadist groups
    * A rise of 94% over 2013 specific to rise of ISIS, Afghanistan withdrawal & Middle East conflicts 
    * The greatest increase in Iraq
    * 17% of above aimed at civilians

    ISIS is unique specific to Now within history being opportune. (Not enough space)

    1. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You have made some excellent observations.

    2. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ??=the "media as a tool" w/terrorist furthering fear w/little investment; SI attacks. Interestingly Al-Qaeda at war w/ISIS. Note: Refugee crisis fueled by media? Refugees outside region=4M of 12M; EU=716K; ISIS=100K; SI activists? Still too many!!

  6. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    What groups of people would that be? This is a serious question.

    1. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I am interested answers to the question I asked here with regard to terrorists and other mass murderers. If you don't understand what was asked, please re-read prior to answering or do not answer at all.

    2. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please delete my comment. You didn't answer my question that would clarify my ability to understand your question.

    3. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Don't ever answer that which you do not understand, online or off. If you feel there's not enough info to answer questions on HP, don't. In this way we don't cross paths when I ask questions. Thanks for your time and kind regards.


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