Another Islamic terror attack in Brussels today - isn't it time to close our borders?
Donald Trump has taken heat about closing our borders to Muslims however time and time again Muslims are committing large scale terror attacks - it's time to decide if America wants to stop that bloodshed from reaching our soil.
I agree, and this is just another example of why people should actually agree with Trump about his not wanting to let in a flood of unvetted Muslims from the outside the country.
I don't understand why the people that are against Trump on this issue favor the Terrorist versus their victims, and the people of the US as their possible targets for terrorism.
They also don't seem to understand what the word Temporary means in Trump's statements on these Muslims. It only took 19 Muslim Terrorists to take down the US, so how many of them can be found in tens of thousands of the Muslims that Trump's protesters want in the country?
Brussels, Paris, and London are breeding terrorists, do we want them to spread to NY, Los Angeles, and Chicago?
Leslie - there are multiple attacks between Sunni and Shite Muslims also considered terror plus random killings, you might find better info than I read, so let me know - I'm reviewing also
I just read that 9,360 Yemeni civilians have been killed by Saudi Arabia in the past year. They are Islam, but not Wahhabi. Saudi want Wahhabi to rule. Our allies, smh. My twitter tl full of Yemen being bombed.
The borders should have been locked down following 9/11 and left that way. I find it hard to believe, but Obama actually uttered the word "Terrorist" today. That is one of the few times I ever head him say that word.
We now have proof that these radical Muslims are mixing in with groups of refugees. But still we have many who want to bring thousands of them into the US.
Our airport security is pretty much a joke with the TSA in charge. Tests keep proving that they let explosives and other deadly things get past them on almost a daily basis. Airport security should be contracted to a private security firm who knows what they are doing, and doesn't hire just anyone who applies for a job.
Living in Arizona I can attest to the fact, yes I used the word fact, that our border with Mexico is practically wide open. I regularly shoot competition matches with others, many who work for the Border Patrol. They are frustrated beyond belief at the orders they receive to ignore, stay away from, sections of the border that is like a super highway for illegals and drug smugglers. When asked who is issuing these stay-away orders all they can say is it is coming from high up the chain.
And then we allow no-go zones right here in on US soil. These are Muslim communities where law enforcement is forbidden to enter. Say what? Yes, law enforcement is forbidden to enter these zones for any reason. I would agree to that if we could wall off these areas and forbid anyone inside to leave the area. Let them build their own damn prisons.
It may be way to late to close the barn door now because we have no idea how many terrorists are already here just waiting for their orders. This is a really serious problem and going to get worse. America needs to wake up and demand the borders be sealed.
It only took 19 terrorists to successfully attack the US, so any further ones that we can stop will help. The opposition to the wall talk about costs and it can't be done. Waiting years always increases the cost, and if we cn build a wall, shame
The voters will certainly have a clear point of difference this year - security with trump, fre everything with Hillary
The big question in my mind is why do we have politicians refusing to close our Southern border? What is in it for them that makes them willing to risk our countries security by leaving it open? Our military could close this border in a week.
OK - I just finished a new HUB on illegal immigration facts - it should scare all Americans at how pervasive the problem really is
That is assuming people agree with your premise that this is Islamic terror. Many people do not. And it's funny how people decry the msm but believe them every time there is a terrorist attack! There is something called Gladio, wherein right wing fascist groups committ terror and blame it on their political opponents. Given the fact that Bin Laden was CIA assett, Bushes worked closely with bin laden family, and the 9/11 attacks only furthered the agenda of breaking up the middle east, so gee I wonder who can take over....and given that Baghdadi was said to be trained by Mossad, to me it makes perfect sense. The terror attacks are coordinated by neocons, using paid mercenaries, or religious fanatics to accomplish their goal: demonize muslims, so they can treat them with impunity as they plunder, destroy, and central bank muslim land.
More people than you think believe this way. Americans are kept in a bubble due to censored and propagandize media. The only thing that makes sense is to ask who benefits? Then it becomes crystal clear. Imo
Ted Cruz has called for no more mosques in America. Arrests for people who support bds.....Que bono?
Leslie - ISIS already claimed it. It's not a parlor trick to steer a narrative. It was a cold blooded Muslim murder spree. Try checking the news - no one else uses suicide attacks anyway.
That's my point! You all say the news is bullsh*t, but believe it right away. IS itself is neocon controlled, just like we trained al queda to fight Russia. It's meant to steer the whole world against Islam.
Leslie - You just don't get it do you. They are sworn to kill all who do not belong to their so called peaceful religion. Perhaps when they hand you your head you will understand.
Leslie - there is news and there is propaganda - a public admission of an attack is news, when Obama claims you can keep your doctor, that's propaganda - see the difference?
This is how I see it. I know you all will never consider anything but your own world view. I just have to put it out there fur those who think like me. Our voices count, too.
Leslie - I doubt you will find many here who believe as you do. Your time might be better spent writing on blogs and such of like minded people if there really are any. Your view of the world and denial of facts never ceases to amaze me.
Just remember Ray said he did not kill mlk, Oswald denied killing jfk: I'm a patsy. Sirhan Sirhan remembered nothing of shooting jfk
Gladio was admitted to. The media is meant to hide the truth. Qui bono!
That comment makes no sense at all Leslie and is way off topic.
I think she is trying to hijack the conversation since she cannot win the battle of logic OP
What you know is what you've been exposed to.That is what I'm saying.I know different because of what I've been exposed to. You all self-righteously assume and demand that everyone think like you.I do not. Nor does the whole world. It's huge,we tiny
Leslie I have to ask this. We're you raised on this planet? Your view of the world would indicate it was some other time and place. Take my advice and find a place to write where others speak your language.
Is that a threat? Cause it sure sounds like one. Take your advice, or what? That's twice you've suggested I go elsewhere. I'm a member, just like you. Perhaps if you can't handle opposing views, you should leave?
Leslie - only in your world of make-believe would my comment be viewed as a threat. In the real world it would be viewed as a suggestion. Nobody here ever agrees with you on anything. Why waste your time and our time with your off topic comments?
Because I'm an American. And i happen to believe in the 1st amendmenr. If I want to be suppressed for my views, I'll move. It's rather revealing who the real patriots are. Wouldn't you say?
Then stick to the topic and quit trying to change the subject. Perhaps then you might actually be taken seriously. Many comments actually provide new information and are educational. Your comments are all negative rants and not worth reading.
I thought the topic was terrorism. I disagree with your assesment, the msm and those who brought us the fairy tale of 19 Muslims w boxcutters. Closing border is un American. And what do,we have nsa, cia, FBI for, anyway? I'll leave, talk 2 yourselves
Perfect example of a meaningless rant. Do you or don't you feel we should have tighter border security. That was the question. Put your adult hat on and try to join the discussion. If instead you choose to leave have a good day.
Umm, no. The question was should we close our borders. I say it's un American. Hello---right above you!! The fact you don't see it, and constantly demean my character instead is the problem here on hubpages. It's hp, not right wing hp.
Leslie - OK you finally gave a straight answer. You vote that we should just leave our borders wide open to anyone that wants to come into our country. Is that correct?
I've given numerous straight answers.You simply ignore them in your haste to insult.I said closing the borders is un American. With our great military, and all our secret spy agencies, I do not see why we are worried.Plus,i don't like being locked in
Where was that great US military on 911. NOT even a single act of defense was given that day. The entire military was in chaos. Andrews AFB, not a single plane in the air to protect our capital. 19 terrorist attacked our mighty military
Do you lock your doors at night? If so why do you do that?
Exactly.This goes to my contention that 9/11 was an inside job. Our military would NEVER allow that, unless it happened by choice. And so, if the enemy is operating from within,what good is a wall at the border going to do?Close us in, police us more
The point is we not only need to deal with the one's already here, we need to stop more bad people from coming here. We can't do that with wide open borders. In other words we need to lock at least a few of the doors we know are being used.
Do you know more Americans are killed by toddlers with guns than terrorists? Are you sure it's security you care about? And this is why phones are tapped, cameras are everywhere, Internet monitored. I do not want to close our border. That changes us.
First time I ever heard that one. Where did you find that data?
Saw someone say it, so I Google and checked. In my opinion, our gvt spends more time setting people up as terrorists than actually are terrorists. Ergo, mentioning Ray, Oswald, Sirhan. "I'm a patsy" Bang, you're dead. A free people don't have walls.
You "saw someone say it"? Do you remember who that might have been? What results did you get from your google search. Are you counting all those who died in 9/11 in that count of those killed by terrorists?
No, it's just stats for 2015. I got a lot of results. "More people died from toddlers with guns than terrorists". Not to mention, the gun deaths by adults....just seems that safety is not the main concern with this wall. Seems like an agenda.
The quran says to kill infidels which are non believers. Do you not understand that Leslie? Wake up, true muslims are terrorists. Unless you wanna be liberal and let them kill you? lol
I have more chance being killed by a toddler w a gun, or a fanatic Christian who thinks fetus is a baby. You wake up. While you chase imaginary ghosts, real people get killed by other Americans,here in good ole usa.
The Islamic State (ISIL) and Nigeria’s Boko Haram together caused 51% of all terrorism deaths in 2014 - about 17,000 people
Not in usa. And who did they kill? Bet it was mostly other muslims. And isn't Saudi Arabia involved in that? If so, we have blood on our hands as well.
The statistics are worldwide - most of the deaths were non-Muslim - top five nations - Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria
I guess I'm missing why this means we need a wall. And i have to research, because I read a quick blurb this morning that most deaths by terror attack are muslims. Need to look it up
The San Bernadino shootings proved our immigration system wasn't vetting immigrants for terrorist ties.
Ditto for the Somali immigrants in Minnesota who are sending sons back to various nations to fight for Jihadi groups.
You are so right. I'm not sure we are even that good at vetting anyone.
If we can prove they left the country to fight for Jihadi groups we should not let them back into the country again.
Btw, look at that dudes legs in that picture...they look abnormally long.
They do - I just grabbed it off of the web
It's not Muslims committing terrorist acts. It's a terror cell, using people's ignorance of Islam, to instill fear and prejudice regarding Muslims. The entirety of the Muslim community, worldwide, rejects these terrorist groups as Muslims.
If a group of white Christian men started bombing places in the name of God, you wouldn't denounce all Christians as evil and violent, would you? No, you would point blame at specifically THAT group of people twisting a religion for malicious intent. Wouldn't you?
I believe for the most part we are discussing radical islam. There are radicals in every religion. The problem comes in trying to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.
Yes Muslims ARE the problem - worldwide terrorist acts are almost 100% Muslim led and executed. No one is ignorant of Islam other than you if you think it isn't true. The Koran specifically calls for Muslims to bring war to non-believers 109 times
White Christians DO committ terror. Operation Rescue, and the KKK. Ongoing as we speak.
So do Democrats Leslie - this thread is about Muslim terrorists - stick to the to the topic
Ok. I just read that these terrorists are know, our pals Saudi Arabia. The ones we used in Syria and Libya. Home grown.
The Quran contains 100+ verses that call Muslims to war with unbelievers, to force them to submit to 2nd class status or kill them for not converting. And Mohamed killed people who wouldn't convert and cheered someone who killed a female critic
What does Trump say about Muslims? And he gets lots of cheers.
What the heck does Trump have to do with this other than he might be able to fix it?
Radical violent Christians are contrary to Jesus' example, violent Muslims are per Mohammed's example - which is the problem with Islam.
So, the guy who shot up planned parenthood. Who told him they were selling baby parts? The quran? Which God demanded shock and awe? Terror is terror.
They are muslims. If you read the quran it says to kill infidels which are non believers. Do you not understand that Michaela? Or are you just a loving person accepting of all religions even if they want to murder you?(: Lol wake up ppl!!
Ralph- Muslim terrorist attacks do not make up even CLOSE to 100% of worldwide terrorist attacks. Stop watching Fox News and do some actual research.
In 2015 there were 2859 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27594 people were killed and 26145 injured
A well-known anti-Muslim site isn't exactly what I meant by research.
Try this one: … me-for-it/
Sorry if the Economist, The Global Terrorism Index, US Dept. of State aren't good sources for you to consider - should I use the Huffington Post & Think Progress?
Unfortunately, to this extent, I have to agree with Trump's, solution. However, I need to point out, Trump is doing the right thing, for the wrong reason. Firstly, it is not Muslims committing large-scale terror attacks, it is Muslim terrorist group, call ISIS and Taliban committing large-scale terror attack and these two terrorist group are Muslim extremists group, not all Muslims are ISIS or Taliban.
It should also be important to note, there are a lot of Christian extremists groups, FBI has already warned the possible emergence of a Christian version of Taliban, especially after US law recognized same-sex marriage. And if we look at history Christian version of ISIS and Taliban have existed before, we are all familiar with the Crusades, we are all familiar with the inquisition, these people are way more powerful then Taliban and ISIS and they did just as much evil, the Inquisition only ended completely, because General/Emperor Napoleon defeated the army of the Vatican and conqueror it.
If we think, the bible held any moral high ground over the Koran, you are also wrong. For example, the bible teach
Deuteronomy 22:20-22 [But if the thing is true, that evidence of virginity was not found in the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, ]
2 Chronicles 15:12-13[And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.]
The only reason, Trump's policy have some merit, is because, Taliban and ISIS supporters exist amount Muslims and can recruit other extremist Muslims to join them. And those who are not member of our nation, technically speaking, they are not one of us, so we don't need to let them in, that is the only merit to Trump's policy. But those Muslims who are already one of us, our troops are doing a very good job keeping ISIS in middle East and they are been slowly worn down. There is no need to declare martial law, back home.
ISIS, ALMIGHTY LORD WE PRAISE YOU, MASTER. WE SHALL NOW BOW DOWN. Thats Something That Will Happen If We Dont Kill Em All.
I'm personally going down fighting if it gets to that - I'll never have a positive word to say about Islam
Ralph and Mike, I want you two as my neighbors! Right on guys.
Every AMERICAN neighbor should have the same thoughts !!!
I am asking everybody here .. what you know about Islam ?
I am telling you, you just like terrorism, do or say something you have no info about.
It is forbidden in Islam to hurt any people or animal ...
So why almost of terrorism happened in Middle-East and not just simple like Europe just killed some people, but destruct complete Islamic countries (Like: Libya , Syria, Iraq,..) ???
As we know terrorism is CIA and Mossad (Israel) made with support of many country to achieve their interests.
Never blame on a whole religion if some ignorance people trained by evil agency to do evil thing in the name of any religion.
Shiites and Sunnis have been killing each other since Mohammad died without designating who would take his place. If these terrorists are Muslims, then Islam needs to take care of them. Don't support them, give them refuge, or anything.
You didn't understand me.
I don't support those stupids , actually we (as muslims ) fight them.
they kill us and that is forbidden in Islam.
I Support Islam But Not ignorance people that do bad things in the name of Islam.
Don't you think that someone should tell the Shiites and Sunnis they outside of Islam when they kill each other for centuries.Is the Jihad in the Koran or not? What is the meaning of Infidel in the Koran? What is the solution?
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