Do you think future people lose the ability to feel manly/womanly?

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  1. daydreamer13 profile image59
    daydreamer13posted 8 years ago

    Do you think future people lose the ability to feel manly/womanly?

    With all the gender bending and gender equality happening now, do you think in the future it will be hard to define what makes one feel "like a man" or "like a woman"?

  2. Jeramey Conrad profile image82
    Jeramey Conradposted 8 years ago

    No. You're creating a problem that doesn't exist.

    Most people are what you would probably call "normal" or are more accurately called "cis-gendered heterosexuals".

    Very few people are transgender, we are just hearing about it more now as society is getting more tolerant. But there are just as many transgender people in the world now as there ever was (as a percent of population). Just as there have always been gay people and left-handed people, etc.

    Feeling "manly" should never come at the expense of women getting less pay for equal work or denied chances for advancement. There's nothing comparable to the two.

    A "manly man who feels like a man" is not and never was defined as someone who works and provides the sole income and then plays (or more accurately just watches) sports and drinks gallons of beer, but a real man is someone who provides for their family not just financially (and not necessarily the largest provider) but emotionally as well. What kind of man makes a million dollars and sends his children off to boarding school with an impersonal gift every so often? Who doesn't know what his child's hobbies and interests are? Being a man isn't defined by making money, being a football coach, or fixing a car.

    It's by doing one's best in the face of adversity. In fact, I could've saved a lot of time typing this when I realized in the previous sentence I could've just paraphrased Rudyard Kipling's "If--" which is a fantastic poem everyone should read:

  3. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    No. Each gender and individual define that for themselves.
    Less than 5% of the population identifies themselves in the LBGT community. That's hardly a major shift in overall conformity.
    Naturally due to the feminist movement, transgender awareness, and eliminating laws that discriminate regarding gender and orientation it will have an impact on society socially.
    We're never going back to the 1950s or prior eras where most women stayed at home to take care of children while their men went to work.
    Today it's not unheard of for a woman to earn more money than her husband or men taking leave to spend time with newborn children.
    The expectations of men and women have changed over the years. Husbands are expected to help out with children and help clean house. Women want to be in combat missions for the military, join the police and fire departments along with other once male roles.
    However in the end much like beauty masculine and feminine is in the eye of the beholder and the mind of the individual.
    When we start seeing Unisex pro NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL leagues that's when it will be clear that society has no interest in separating men from women due to gender. My guess is that will never happen. Most men don't want to be women and most women don't want to be men. They're happy being who they are.
    In fact many feminist women in relationships still hold out for their man to make marriage proposals to them.
    People will always love holding onto some traditions!

  4. Michaela Osiecki profile image69
    Michaela Osieckiposted 8 years ago

    The concepts of "manly" or "womanly" were defined by society and have no basis in science fact at all. If you identify as a man, you are "manly". If you identify as a woman, you are "womanly". End of story - we shouldn't have to rely on some prescriptive traits to connect with our gender.

  5. Besarien profile image74
    Besarienposted 8 years ago

    Gender equality doesn't make anyone less equal. There is no sudden shame involved with my being cisgendered heterosexual. I don't understand the fear inspired by the transgendered, or for that matter, anyone else harmlessly different from the majority.

  6. daydreamer13 profile image59
    daydreamer13posted 8 years ago

    You all make excellent points. Thank you for stopping by and giving your views on the subject. It's greatly appreciated!


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