Why do the people with the least room to judge do it the most?

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  1. modernalchemyst profile image87
    modernalchemystposted 8 years ago

    Why do the people with the least room to judge do it the most?

    It's a trend I've noticed here on HubPages and elsewhere. Why do you think people who do things society in general views negatively (drug abuse, addiction, arrest records, acting trashy, lacking education, etc.) are the first to judge others on "controversial" issues, such as being gay, abortion, transgender issues, having a baby outside of marriage, etc.?

    Is it insecurity? Do they feel like if they judge others, we won't notice their shortcomings? Is it plain old hypocrisy? I have my own theories (yep, that's judgmental,) but I'm curious about others.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 8 years ago

    I think "people who judge" are like any other group of people, and that is that they're individuals and have different reasons/causes for their "judging" behavior.  There are different areas in which people may feel insecure or else way too secure, so it can depend on what they value as far as their own weaknesses/strengths go.  Sometimes people don't understand others.  Sometimes they don't want to because if they don't then they get to feel superior by judging.  Some judging, depending on the consequences and causes of whatever it is, can actually be legitimate (or kind of legitimate).  People don't live in a vacuum, so sometimes judging is about how someone else's behavior or failings affect the "judge".

    I listen to talk radio programs during the day, and it's clear that a certain amount of mob mentality starts to go on when someone who judges finds others who also enjoy judging and/or having someone who thinks like them get their behavior fueled.

    Sometimes I just think people haven't figured out more productive ways of spending their "brain time".  Whether it's a bunch of ten-year-olds or a handful of grown-ups who see judging as a form of entertainment (apparently), some people just haven't learned that there's more to do with one's mind and opportunities to socialize than judging.

    In fairness, sometimes what APPEARS to be "judging" is sometimes as innocent as saying/doing something that seems to highlight differences to people who see differences as a bad, rather than nice, thing.  In other words, something what looks like judging is really one person's not liking/wanting to have his "judging" "weakened" either by what he doesn't want to understand, doesn't like having highlighted, or otherwise wants/needs to think in order to preserve a sense of superiority in one area or another (or in general).

    Those are my quick guesses.  In fairness, though, sometimes people see "judgment" where - really - there isn't any; but nobody helped them see what's what better as they were growing up.

    1. modernalchemyst profile image87
      modernalchemystposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for making some very good points, Lisa HW. I think a lot of people are quick to see judgment where curiosity may be a better explanation.

  3. iggy7117 profile image92
    iggy7117posted 8 years ago

    People who judge are usually trying to take the attention off of themselves. They feel bad about something and put others down for the same reason. It can be for jealousy and they are trying to hurt or bring the person down they are judging, Some people have no fault in it because they were raised by people who judge and it feels normal to them.. Many religious people will judges others of a different faith just because they are different.

         There are just so many reasons people may do it and each person will have their own. Judging is not right to do, it comes from feelings of jealousy, fear, resentments, anger, or plain hatred.

    1. modernalchemyst profile image87
      modernalchemystposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent points, Vince. Thanks! I think a lot of it really does boil down to projection.

  4. tamarawilhite profile image86
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    1. Bible doesn't say don't judge, it says judge not lest ye be judge, before calling us to call out immorality. TLDR: don't condemn people if you do it too, but do point out the wrong when they do it.
    And if someone knows the negative consequences of a bad choice, they can speak from experience to say why NOT to do it.
    2. To paraphrase Dennis Prager, it is the people in poverty and the knife edge of survival who can't afford relativistic ethics and what is right for right now. They need clear rules of don't steal, don't cheat on your wife, don't murder. They can't afford a broken marriage with divided attention and two people with two rent checks. They can't afford an illegitimate baby (which has 3x the rate of poverty than with married parents). They can't afford to be sent to jail until someone makes bail or might find an attorney in three weeks.
    3. On the transgender issue, it is the ultimate example of liberals valuing feelings over facts and valuing the smallest minority over everyone else's rights. A mentally ill man in a dress (80%+ of transgenders are male, fewer than a quarter have the male plumbing removed) says he identifies as a woman. Now liberals demand that he has access to women's showers, changing rooms, locker rooms, the girls' dorm, the girls' cabin on trips.
    The privacy rights of all the women are moot, the one person with gender dysphoria trumps their privacy rights - and the Department of Justice said you can't discriminate against a teenaged boy who identifies as a girl, he must have be naked in the girls' locker room or we take away Title 9 funding. Target said the same thing, and the dozens of people already reported in a matter of weeks for filming girls in changing rooms and entering bathrooms hasn't phased management.
    But if you complain about the ill man in the locker room, whether about him being a potential rapist or just crazy, YOU are the one the liberals condemn.
    And I do know about this because I had one sexually harassing me at work in the women's bathrooms where no one else could see (I was one of the only women in the department.)


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