Should Grown Men still play video games?

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  1. Bryan Mangan profile image60
    Bryan Manganposted 11 years ago

    Dumb question.  Yes.  Games can be for all ages.  I make my gaming productive and my experience with them have led to all sorts of base skills and writing inspiration.  My hubs, for example.  I do more than just play.  I analyze.

    1. profile image53
      Exsosusposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I agree here with Bryan. First of all I would like to correct you Bryan that there is no 'dumb' question, there are simply questions that people ask because they do not have experience with the answer yet.

      Asking if grown men should play video / computer games, is like asking: Should grown men read books, should grown men watch movies? Video games, like books and movies are a media which is enjoyed with the user controlling their experience. The level of control depends on how the game is meant to be experienced. After dealing with so many people in my life in the two countries which I've lived in Usa, and Sweden, I have taught all of them that the difference between a book, movie, or videogame is very small and I even convinced one of my best friends whom is 58 years old to play a game on their cellphone and they now play it daily.

  2. UnsungRhapsody profile image59
    UnsungRhapsodyposted 11 years ago

    Everything has pretty much been said on this topic, but I still can't fight the urge to give my opinion/testimony. I'm a 22 year old male gamer. I graduated from college in May, and until I find a job, I've vowed to spend about 8 hours every day searching (it's not easy since I majored in English, but that's another story). When I'm done with my 8 hours, I like to play games, especially online. Interacting with other people and getting to know them through games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends is a big part of what makes them fun. My parents are kind of iffy about me gaming, but as long as I'm putting in the effort to man up and find a job, they didn't complain. Until the other day, when they discovered I was playing at 2 in the morning. But even when I'm not gaming, I like staying up late, like until 2 or 3 in the morning. I still get up at 8 AM to clock in my search hours, so I didn't think that gaming when the rest of my family are asleep was a problem. They did, and.........well, we had an argument the next day.

    Yes, I agree with everyone else who has said that in general, gaming is good in moderation. But I will add this: if a person can't control his or her desire to play video games (and I am probably in this group), then even if they take care of their daily responsibilities, I don't think they should be playing. I've been thinking about how my life runs, and it's kinda disturbing how I want to play games all the time. I don't spend an excessive amount of time playing (1-2 hours daily), but I feel like that doesn't really matter in this case: the desire is still there, so the games might have to be shut off for a while.

    Oh, and one minor note to the original post: I think what got a lot of gamers upset was that you said "grown men" as if video games were a childish waste of time (I'm not saying you think that, I'm saying that's probably how it was interpreted). Also, since you never said how long your brother spends playing per week (at least, I don't recall you saying that), we don't really have an indicator for what you consider excessive.

    Thanks all for an interesting discussion. ^.^

  3. Jim Gleeson profile image71
    Jim Gleesonposted 9 years ago

    As someone who plays a lot of video games and in his late forties, the real problem that I have is that I know I could be doing something more productive as well as creative, and having a Twitch channel is not exactly what I am talking about unless you have a thematic instructive twitch channel. 

    In my case, I could be writing a story, article, creating some art, posting random posters on Facebook that cause people to "share" the obvious pandering posts I have created.  But this could be said about many hobbies/pastimes.  Instead, I am playing Fallout 4 and collecting coffee cups and plates like I am a deranged hobo just to keep my power armor in good repair.

    So the real question isn't "should we/grown men still be playing video games" it should really be "What should grown men be doing at all? and secondarily "What makes a grown man?"  I could give you my ideas, and tell you all day long where I fall short.  I remember back in grade school being called immature by my seventh grade teacher, now I wish I could have responded to her like Jack Nicholson in "As Good As It Gets" by saying "I'm drowning here, and your describing the water."

    Final thought: like anything unhealthy, balance is they key, and you can tell when something is out of balance by the consequences.  You won't find many in my case.  I don't have kids or a wife.  I am alone by an act of congress.  But maybe that is telling in and of itself.

    1. Frenchie Kisses profile image69
      Frenchie Kissesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Very true, balance is the key. Nice nod to Nicholson, very fitting.

  4. Frenchie Kisses profile image69
    Frenchie Kissesposted 8 years ago

    Interesting question. My answer: sure, why not? I'm a grown woman and I enjoy building with legos.I like coloring yet too! I think everyone has their thing that helps them unwind, an escape from reality. If the family's needs are met etc. then there's no harm... In my opinion.

  5. Alessio Ganci profile image94
    Alessio Ganciposted 8 years ago

    There is nothing wrong playing videogames. It may be a hobby for some men.

  6. suga1 profile image61
    suga1posted 8 years ago

    Guys just sharing, I've found this interesting! Check it out!

  7. suga1 profile image61
    suga1posted 8 years ago
  8. Rafa Baxa profile image69
    Rafa Baxaposted 8 years ago

    I don't really understand what people mean by "constructive". There isn't really really anything that we are actually "supposed" to do. As long as we are doing something that makes us happy, not anything that seriously harms others, I'd say we are being constructive.

  9. MicahI profile image85
    MicahIposted 8 years ago

    I am a married 25 year old male with a 40+ hour a week job, and I easily play video games at least 20 hours a week.  I've been playing games since I was eight and I plan on continuing playing for as long as possible.  Video games are no different than reading, watching TV, or any other pastime/hobby.  As long as a person is keeping up with their responsibilities, they should be able to pursue their passions during their downtime.

  10. sakshi patel7 profile image56
    sakshi patel7posted 8 years ago

    I don't think so that grown men can't play video games as there are many games for adult one. I think games are better if they live alone and it will quite better to spend time by playing all these such types of which can improve theirs problem -solving skills and hand eye coordination. Which may keep them aware and active.

  11. Mark O Richardson profile image79
    Mark O Richardsonposted 5 years ago

    YES. Anyone should play who wants to. It IS constructive because it's fun.  However, to address your thoughts, it should have its limits.

  12. ethanistrans profile image74
    ethanistransposted 5 years ago

    I'm 26 and don't have any kids, I stick to my phone like it's my fifth limb. Although I can verify, there are other things that I could probably be doing with my time, like getting fresh air - the biggest complaint I get, for me it's a way to cope with what I am going through.

    I have mental issues, and it's hard for me to cope with my battles I fight with myself so I turn to video games like Call of Duty to release some of the stuff that is pent up inside of me.

  13. profile image56
    cal82klmposted 5 years ago

    I always play video games to relieve stress from work. It helps me to avoid a burnout.

  14. GeorgeXu profile image71
    GeorgeXuposted 4 years ago

    It's alright for adults to play video games, as long as it does not hinder with their responsibilities or health. Playing from dusk til dawn is too much. People need sleep too.

  15. Jeremy Gill profile image94
    Jeremy Gillposted 4 years ago

    Gaming (both video and board) involves many elements of problem-solving, so it's actually good for your brain, at least up to a point. Society should remove the stigma that video games are just for kids/boys; let people enjoy whatever non-harmful pastimes they wish without fear of judgment.

  16. janetroms profile image59
    janetromsposted 3 years ago

    oh my  boyfriend is a great fan of console games)) He has a big collection of video games and consoles, sometimes he download emulator and play his favorite console game on PC. I also like to play games. Every fridey evening we gather with friends and play console games)) very fun!

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      How old is your boyfriend? What is it about his favorite console game that holds his attention? How long does he play a game ... and how often?

      Just curious.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Is it a tragedy that grown men waste their time and energy on frivolous pursuits when so much needs to be done in life?

        and days are short?

        and life, though long, can also be short?

        Are Men abandoning reality, wives, children, responsibilities?
        ...Health? Progress toward something worthwhile? Their own evolution?

        Are they acting in an irresponsible and foolhardy manner?

        Only they themselves can answer these questions.

        I just hope they do.

        1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
          Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Some are, most aren't. Games are fun, can provide an income, and are overall a positive influence on developing motor functions. I find the majority of those who are vehemently against gaming in general are older, female, and/or generally ignorant of anything further than surface opinion. It's these same ignorant individuals who keep the important issues that need to be discussed hidden behind a smokescreen of non-issues.

          1. Misbah786 profile image81
            Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Ahem Ahem! Have I heard someone saying something about females here lol big_smile
            My younger brother is a full-time gamer, which irritates me tremendously. tongue
            Though I have a special dislike for Fortnite, please do not consider this to be a hate speech. wink Lol!

            See this: … y-fortnite

          2. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
            Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            KLH- "Are Men abandoning reality, wives, children, responsibilities?
            ...Health? Progress toward something worthwhile? Their own evolution?

            Are they acting in an irresponsible and foolhardy manner?"

            Only they themselves can answer these questions."

            KF- "Some are, most aren't."

            - "most" are not answering those questions? This loss of self-mastery is a tragedy. It can't end well.

            1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
              Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You copy/pasted your own context and still managed to misinterpret my answer to you. My answer remains the same to every question you asked, some are doing as you think they are, but most are not.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Q.1.) Are Grown Men who still play video games abandoning:
                Progress toward something worthwhile
                Their own evolution

                Q.2.) Are they acting in an irresponsible and foolhardy manner?"

                Only THEY  t h e m s e l v e s  can answer those two questions.

                Maybe putting it out there so clearly makes some feel defensive.

                1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
                  Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Looking at all of the relevant statistics that could correlate with these stated guidelines you've created, the answer is still the same. You're digging for a blanket statement to be true when it just isn't. The people who are choosing to abandon these things exist, and their behavior is aberrant and concerning, but not all grown men who play games, not even most, are able to be placed in this strange category you're placing them in.

                  Perhaps you've mistaken your context, and did not mean to generalize an entire demographic based on limited perceptions?

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    -what relevant statistics?
                    -what stated guidelines?
                    -what "strange category"?
                    -what context?
                    -you wonder if I am generalizing all men
                    based on (my) limited perceptions."

                    ... so how could I have fuller perceptions?
                    Hang out more with grown men who play video games?
                    I do know some and they do all the things mentioned above ... so ...

  17. Bubblegum Senpai profile image65
    Bubblegum Senpaiposted 3 years ago

    Video Game addiction can be a concern, but it's not just adults who suffer from it, nor is it just men.

    That said, I think anyone of any age or gender can play Video Games if they don't let it interfere with their lives. Your brother should be more productive, but it's not a "your brother is an adult male" problem. It's a "your brother is a video game addict" problem.

    But normally, yes, adult males should be allowed to play Video Games. So should adults of any gender and children of any gender, so long as it doesn't become destructive.


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