Unhappy with the election results & retiring. $1 homes in Italy.

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  1. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 3 months ago

    Opportunity knocks?

    Italian village offers $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result by CNN Travel (Nov 19, 2024) [5 min read]
    https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/19/travel/i … 2057446584

    " While many communities around the world have been wondering what to make of Donald Trump’s presidential re-election, a village on the Italian island of Sardinia has sniffed a potential opportunity.

    Like many other places in rural Italy, Ollolai has long been trying to persuade outsiders to move in to revive its fortunes after decades of depopulation. It’s been selling dilapidated houses for as little as one euro — just over a dollar — to sweeten the deal.

    Now, following the November 5 vote outcome, it’s launched a website aimed at would-be American expats, offering up more cheap homes in the hope that those upset by the result will rush to snap up one of its empty properties."



    Thoughts, criticisms, accolades, and/or commentary?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 3 months agoin reply to this

      I think splitting time between two countries is a great idea. For many years, my husband and I fell in love with Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. When we first started visiting, it was just a quaint, scenic fishing village. Over the years, we watched it grow into a vibrant and thriving city, yet it still kept its charm.

      When we retired, we began spending our winters there and eventually decided to buy a condo. It has truly become our second home. Honestly, if we ever felt the need to leave the U.S., we could do so without hesitation, knowing we’d simply be going to a place where we’ve already found so much joy. 

      So I think if one is unhappy in their surroundings, one should seek new surroundings It is a great big world, life is short.

      1. tsmog profile image85
        tsmogposted 3 months agoin reply to this

        I think it is awesome you are fortunate to have two homes and with one in Mexico. It is the same with some friends of mine. Puerto Vallarta from my understanding is a beautiful setting. I imagine spending winters there for you and your husband is a blessing compared to Michigan. One friend I have has small ranch in the Sonora region he is at about half of the year. My parents at one time were thinking of retiring to Mexico.

        With my last job of 24 years the owner had 5 auto repair & tire stores in Mexico with four in Tijuana, one in Ensenada, and a tire warehouse in Tijuana. For about a two year period it was my responsibility to oversee the tires shipped to them. I dealt with the customs stuff. That meant I crossed the border at Tijuana. What a zoo at times with a 3 hour wait sometimes. The San Diego/Tijuana (San Ysidro) port of entry is the busiest US one and is considered one of  the busiest in the world.   

        Do you speak any Spanish/Mexican? I speak a little Spanish/Mexican and fair amount of Spanglish. Mainly stuff about cars and repairing them.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image68
        Ken Burgessposted 3 months agoin reply to this

        Great post... advice worth listening too...

    2. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 3 months agoin reply to this

      Another alternative?


      These should be forwarded to Cred.  ;-)


      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 3 months agoin reply to this

        I think that this is a great idea, I just doubt that I could afford a 4 year cruise ship junket. Perhaps, I can find a place in 3rd class, steerage?

        Any alternative to the Rightwinger's depths of hell has to be an improvement.

        But, we are getting the passports and not underestimating Trump like Jews during the thirties did with Hitler, making good our escape before the deluge?

        1. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 3 months agoin reply to this

          Check yourself bud. That one was across the line.


          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 3 months agoin reply to this

            On the contrary, Bud, it is right on target and you will see....

            If this is "too far over the line", then you would do well to exit at the next stop because we are going further and beyond.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image68
              Ken Burgessposted 3 months agoin reply to this

              We will see... sour grapes... or clear vision...

              I think you will have every right to crow 'I told you so"... if your worst predictions come true...

              But now is the time you have to reckon with my "I told you so"...

              I told you Biden would be the worst of all choices... for America... its future... your political goals or mine...

              I underestimated how twisted that crew was... the bunch of them Clinton, Biden, Nuland, etc. ... made every American poorer... they made the American dream harder for the average person to aspire to... they made the world a much more dangerous place... they left us with a world at war...

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 3 months agoin reply to this

                "I think you will have every right to crow 'I told you so"... if your worst predictions come true..."

                We'll see, I have been known to hit and miss at times.

                Trump as far as my aspirations and goals are concerned is the worst possible outcome for me, if not for you. We are not the same, fundamentally.

                I will shadow him and his administration closely to see if, in fact,  my "I told you so" comes to pass.

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 3 months agoin reply to this

                  Perhaps it would help if you can "throw a monkey wrench" into the works somehow.  Tell enough people how terrible he is, repeating it several times daily.  Say that everything he does, from getting rid of the education dept to how he parts his hair, is evil and wrong - repeat THAT several times a day.

                  There ought to be something that you can do to cause harm and thus use your "I told you so".  That we will all suffer when he fails is irrelevant if you can get the words out, right?

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 3 months agoin reply to this

                    I don't need to do "it" he will do it to himself and all will be witness. I agreed only to behave in a law abiding fashion, but that is as far as it goes as far as he is concerned. The "words" are going out either way, with frequency and without letup.

                    As far as I am concerned, he is the worst person to be in this lofty perch of the Presidency since George Washington. I am going to express my opinion, just as you and Rightwingers did regarding Joe Biden. I am going to exercise my First Amendment Rights while I can before Trump brings down the jackboot.

      2. tsmog profile image85
        tsmogposted 3 months agoin reply to this

        I could go for that, but it would be a lot more than a buck. However, the buck for an Italian home doesn't cover travel and renovations if needed. I have read articles about people retiring and living on cruise ships.


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