What games do you still play from your childhood?

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  1. Tinsky profile image92
    Tinskyposted 14 years ago

    What games do you still play from your childhood?

    Do you still play any board games, card games, computer games or role-play games that you enjoyed playing as a child or teenager?  Why do you think they still appeal to you as an adult?


  2. winepress profile image59
    winepressposted 14 years ago

    I have a lot of games, chicken invaders - amazing graphic
    Vcop -  amazing graphic and fowl words.

  3. rahuld123 profile image38
    rahuld123posted 14 years ago

    hmmm nice question i am playing cricket from my chilhood and very good bats man ever

  4. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    I still play most of them (i.e. Uno, Trouble, Go Fish, Monopoly, etc.), as well as outdoor games like tag, frisbee, and hide-and-seek...but then, I can't say that they necessarily appeal to me as an adult, I'm just the mother of a 5-year-old and he loves them. He loves them even more when mommy plays too smile.

  5. photographybyar profile image81
    photographybyarposted 14 years ago

    I love playing games from my childhood. I like to play the usual games like scattegories, taboo, uno, jenga, and monopoly. One really fun game that I used to play when I was younger was what I call the "ABC" game. As a family we did a lot of traveling back and forth to L.A. because of my sister's illness so we had a lot of time to kill riding in the car. What we would do is as we went down the road we would start with the letter "A" and find something that began with it. Then we moved on to "B" and so on. Sometimes with letters like "Z" and "Q" it would take awhile to find objects so the game could sometimes last all the way to Los Angeles. :-)

  6. mark h. profile image60
    mark h.posted 14 years ago

    I still have some of my old board games, but my back hurts and I can't them out from under the bed. The game of LIFE. Monoply, chess, checkers, pick up sticks, and thwiddle my thumbs, I always win that one.....

  7. Variety Writer profile image59
    Variety Writerposted 14 years ago

    Life, Monopoly, Crazy 8's, Rummy, Checkers, Sorry, and a few other card games.

  8. Docmo profile image92
    Docmoposted 14 years ago

    I still love playing the old classics- scrabble, monopoly, cluedo and trivial pursuit.

    They are lot of fun especially as a family. I recently played card games with my two brothers and we had an absolute hoot.

  9. profile image56
    jbsilverposted 14 years ago

    As a child I grew up very poor. We didn't have board games so we made up our own. One game we played we called I SEE and what you had to do was find something obsure that you see, discribe it vaguely and challange who you're playng with to find it. After a certain amount of guesses( choose how many guesses each person gets in the beginning of the game)you have to give hints which direction its in, about what its doing, what color it is or how big or small it is . While you're looking for your object the others have to turn away so they don't know which direction your object is in. if no one can find it you have to point it out and you get another turn. If some one finds it its their turn. Its fun, easy, no cost,  interesting, can be done anywhere and you get to see things others see that you might not notice. I haven't played for a while because its hard to find someone else to play with.

  10. lookatmenow profile image61
    lookatmenowposted 14 years ago

    Ahh well the wii has all the games i played on the virtual console.  All the mario games! and zelda

    and board games, monopoly and life

  11. Edoka Writes profile image61
    Edoka Writesposted 14 years ago

    I love to play with my kids at the park; but, inside I'm all about Connect Four (I'm red every time)!

  12. drdspervez profile image68
    drdspervezposted 14 years ago

    The game I still enjoy playing includes ludu and scrabble.


  13. profile image0
    mommyloves2writeposted 14 years ago

    The Game of Life-the 1960's version.  My younger daughter and I play it all the time!

  14. Abhaque Supanjang profile image71
    Abhaque Supanjangposted 14 years ago

    Chess or Indonesian call it "Catur" and my native language - Minankabau call it "Catue",  because chess can be played by all ages; children, teenager, adult, old man; man as well as woman. And, this game is also known by almost all peopla from the whole world. It is not boring, although we only play several pieces on the board.
          Beside that, I also still like playing domino. It is also enjoyable, even, in some condition, it is more enjoyable than playing chess, because there is so much fun in this game; in chess, we only play the game in two, meanwhile domino can be played by four players.

  15. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 14 years ago

    Sometimes when I'm bored I play Life, Monopoly, and Uno with my friends. I guess they still appeal to me as an adult since they're great for killing time and reminds me of being a child.

  16. DatChicLeeLee727 profile image60
    DatChicLeeLee727posted 14 years ago

    I still like to play truth or dare. I like daring people to do crazy things, but I can never come up with a good question for the truth part.

  17. sturner1 profile image61
    sturner1posted 14 years ago

    checkers, yahtzee, dominoes, and uno are my fab four lol

  18. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 14 years ago

    I still enjoy most board games from my childhood--love playing them with my grandchildren.  One game I do not enjoy any longer is Candyland--that game goes on forever and I worry I will die of boredom and my grandkids will have to shove Nana's corpse under the table to finish the game.

  19. fallenpixie09 profile image62
    fallenpixie09posted 14 years ago

    I still play Super Mario Bros for the Super Nintendo and the Atari...I don't mind a fierce game of Uno now and again either smile

  20. Scorpio21 profile image76
    Scorpio21posted 14 years ago

    I still play chess and some old computer games I used to play e.g. zelda, mario, other random games. Cluedo can still be fun.

  21. gypsumgirl profile image67
    gypsumgirlposted 14 years ago

    As a form of entertainment, playing games has been around in existence for many centuries.  The very first record of gaming dates back to 3000BC with evidence found for the Royal Game of Ur.  Also in that same century, Egyptians started playing... read more

  22. profile image0
    thescriberatposted 14 years ago

    I play the occasional round of Monopoly or Uno, but generally I like to try new board and card games.  When I was a child I made up a lot of adventure board games and pen and paper RPG's for all of my friends to enjoy.  I wish I still had all those materials.  I'm sure the games weren't nearly as fun as I remember, but it would've been neat to see my childhood handy-work.

  23. Christian H. profile image60
    Christian H.posted 13 years ago

    Got a bunch of old video games I still love to play.  My favorite is still Chrono Trigger.

  24. CharlesWells profile image60
    CharlesWellsposted 13 years ago

    Chess, Monopoly, Rook, checkers, caroms, Risk, Scrabble, Star Fleet Battles, Othello, chinese checkers.

  25. Sam Montana profile image75
    Sam Montanaposted 10 years ago

    I still play Scrabble. I would love to play Monopoly again if I could find anyone to play it with. And I would love to play Cribbage again, but I don't think I remember how to play it.


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