43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging ( Part Three )
Super Foods
Here's part three of the super anti-aging foods that should always be in your shopping lists!
Follow the links below to find parts one and two for these great foods!
Anti-Aging Foods Lists Continued In The Parts Mentioned Below! Follow The Links.
- 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging! ( Part One)
Did you know that there are certain foods that can help you reduce ,prevent and get you rid of getting and having wrinkles ? Learn about these 43 super and great foods and get your youth again! - 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging ( Part Two)
Here's part two of the top anti-aging foods! start being and looking healthy, strong and young! Click here. - 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging (Part Four)
Your last part for the whole and last list of the super anti-aging foods is just one click away from getting you enjoying your youth again! Click here!
1- Avocado
This sweet fresh fruit can act as a strong protector from wrinkles and fine lines due to its concentration in antioxidant carotenoids.
Avocados are in the list of these world's healthiest foods ever! Beside their benefits to get a beautiful healthy skin, avocado can be a great source for energy, fibers and a strong immune system.
Minerals and vitamins:
Vitamins and minerals: A, C, B1, B2, K, E, B6, niacin, folate,pantothenic acid and calcium, sodium,iron,selenium, copper, zinc and manganese.
Baby Carrots
2- Carrots
Carrots are known for their high vitamin B concentration, this is the vitamin that works on preventing your skin from cracking especially the cracks that you would get on your lips so try to consume more of it!
Carrots are also known for their ability to strengthen our vision, our immunity system just loves them so why won't you love them too?
Carrots can be great for washing and rinsing off the plaque of your teeth!
Carrots are highly concentrated in carotenoids, these are the ones responsible for slowing down your cells from aging or even stopping them.
Other vitamins include ( B12, K , B6, A , C , D , E, folate, choline, niacin,thiamin and others)
Fatty acids: omega 3 and omega 6.
3- Asparagus
Asparagus is highly rich in antioxidants such as: Lutein, zea-xanthin, carotenes and crypto-xanthins, these can protect you from getting neuro related diseases, cancer diseases, serious infections and from aging!
Asparagus can be great for treating acne and getting you rid of blemishes!
It also helps in producing more collagen because of the vitamin C that it contains.
Vitamins: A, C, E, K, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, B6, folate, pantothenic acid, betaine and choline.
Minerals: Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, fluoride, selenium,copper, zinc and manganese.
4- Fish Roe
Can be the perfect protein supplier for the skin, if you just get your little share out of this you'll directly feel the difference of how much stronger and more active you'll get, besides making you look less tired and younger.
I know it's such an expensive fish so you can never mind it and check out other foods with similar benefits!
Vitamins: A, C, E, K, B12, riboflavin,niacin, choline, pantothenic acid and folate.
Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium and selenium.
5- Rosemary
Rosemary supports collagen levels and acts as a natural medicine to even skin tone, reduce wrinkles and clean your skin to give it that shiny look that you've always dreamed of!
It also loves to protect your skin against damage, your skin and rosemary would really get along together, so why not try this? Whether as a face mask or by eating it?
Vitamins: A, C, B6, folate.
Notice that it has a combination of all the vitamins that can be helpful for your skin!
Minerals: Calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and selenium.
6- Pineapples
Pineapple's benefits will shock you! Although and at the same time consuming it a lot can cause vomiting and others related so make sure to just take your body's need out of it and not get an excess.
Pineapple consumption can fight acne,skin's swelling,dryness and harshness, it works on keeping your skin firm,soft and youthful!
Vitamins: A, C, E, K, riboflavin, thiamin, B6, niacin,pantothenic acid, folate, betaine and choline.
Minerals: Iron, Copper, sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and calcium.
7- Flaxseeds
Flaxseed Contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals, it has great powers in healing skin's problems such as redness,inflammations,rashes, dermatitis and acne.
They can increase your body's capability of producing more of its beneficial oil thus keeping the skin moisturizer,soft and smooth.
Vitamins: C, E, K, B6, B12, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin,folate, betaine,choline and pentothenic acid.
Minerals: calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium, sodium,zinc and selenium.
8- Lentils
Red lentils can be your ultimate cure for blackheads.
In general, lentils have the potential of reversing the signs of aging and wrinkles because of the great nutrients that they have.
Vitamins: A, C, E, K, B6, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folate and choline.
Minerals: highest in Potassium ( provides strength to the muscles, keeps the heart and the kidneys healthy) and phosphorus (provides strength to teeth and bones) others include:
Calcium, iron, copper, zinc, sodium,manganese,selenium and magnesium.
9- Cinnamon
This one is my mom's favorite but unfortunately not mine! I can eat it though.
Cinnamon is your great wrinkles and youth medicine!
Cinnamon can plump your skin thus removing and covering the thin lines and it can also reduce aging signs perfectly!
Cinnamon can be great for treating acne and blemishes.
Vitamins and minerals:
A, C, E, K, niacin,folate betaine and choline ( vitamins)
Zinc, Calcium, iron, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and sodium. ( minerals)
10- Ginger
Oh in case you got your vomiting sensation out of the excessive consumption of pineapples, ginger can be your best medicine for that!
Ginger can be helpful for women when they get their menses, ginger works on easing the pains and the cramps.
For the skin:
Ginger contains about 38 to 40 antioxidant compounds which makes it great for fighting the aging of our cells more powerfully and instantly.
Ginger works on keeping the skin firm,soft and full of life!
Vitamins and minerals that ginger contains:
C, A, E, B6, folate,niacin,thiamin,pantothenic acid ,riboflavin, selenium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.
Here's a book that talks about the real healthy diet!
11- Mushrooms
It's unbelievable how beneficial eating this can be to your body!
Mushroom is known as one of the healthiest foods ever.
Mushroom can treat and prevent acne, it can lighten up the skin color,can fight inflammations, aging, eczema and rosacea.
Mushroom can be perfect for protecting your hair from falling and for making it shiny!
It's special because of its highh vitamin D concentration -a very important vitamin for hair growth,teeth strength and whitening, bones structure and strength and many many more!!-
Vitamins and Minerals contained in Mushrooms:
Vitamins D, B2, biotin, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin and copper, selenium, potassium,phosphorus and chromium.
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