43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging! ( Part One)
The Power Of Food
Air, water and food are three things that are essential for life. When they're healthy we're healthy too!
This article will offer you to learn about the foods that you can simply include in your daily diet to help you reduce wrinkles, get your youth again and get you healthy in general!
While reading this article, it's important that you also make sure to check out this informative article below! It states what foods to be consumed according to your blood type to prevent allergies and help you lose fat.
What To Eat According To Your Blood Type
- Blood Types: Very Important To Know What To Eat
Have you ever wondered why you would be simply allergic to a specific food type? Or why some foods may get you fat but won't make others fat? Click here to read then.
1- Honey
Besides its super health benefits and strength in healing many diseases, honey can be one of the best foods for your skin! Honey can prevent acne, cleanse and clean the skin, treat brown spots and slower aging because of its antioxidants.
Honey is a natural source of: Vitamins ( C, Riboflavin, B6, Folate,Betaine, Pentothenic acid, Niacin, B12 and choline) and minerals ( Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluoride and Sodium )
2- Yogurt And Kefir
Kefir can be a special source for probiotics, it can nourish and make your skin glow besides its great benefits in anti-aging and in skin brightening.
Since Kefir is generally made from yogurt, it respectively holds yogurt's great benefits.
Vitamins and Minerals it contains:
Vitamins ( Biotin, B12, B1, K, D, folic acid, B6, A and nicotinic acid )
Minerals ( Iodine, calcium and iron )
3- Salmon
Salmon can stave off wrinkles,hydrate the skin and keep its tones balanced due to its high omega 3 fatty acids concentration.
- Omega 3 fatty acids can have a negative affect to the blood causing its thinning so try to avoid supplements and pills and take your need from natural sources-
Salmon can be a great food to also use it for protecting skin against the sun's ultra.violet dangerous rays.
Vitamins and minerals contained in salmon:
Vitamins ( A, C, B6, B12, Niacin, Thiamin, riboflavin, folate and pantothenic acid )
Minerals ( Sodium, Copper, Selenium, Manganese, Zinc, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and iron )
4- Buckweat
Buckwheat clears the skin, softens and just makes it glow due to its concentration in magnesium which makes the blood circulation easy.
Other benefits include: Reducing fat and weight, helping in growing hair and improves its overall health and strength, maintaining healthy bone structure, protecting against breast cancer and reducing blood pressure.
Vitamins and minerals buckwheat contains:
Vitamins (B6, B12, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid and Folate)
Minerals ( Copper, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Selenium, manganese, magnesium and iron)
5- Wheat Germ
Wheat germ can offer to your skin many amazing benefits including: softening skin, moisturizing it, heal dry skin and prevent skin's cracking due to the fact that it contains vitamin B, as we mentioned before that this vitamin is responsible for this treatment.
Other vitamins include: A, D, E, C, K, B12, B6, thiamin, folate and others.
Minerals: Zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride(strengthens the teeth), selenium, iron, calcium and potassium.
Wheat germ is known to be one of the top and healthiest foods ever! Whether by consuming it directly through eating it or by taking remedies and pills.
6- Green Tea
Besides its great benefits in reducing fat, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants which help protect the skin against aging and gives it a shiny glowing tone and look.
Vitamins (C, A ,K, P, B1 and B12)
Minerals ( fluoride,magnesium, calcium, iron, strontium, nickel, copper, molybdenum, zinc and phosphorus.)
7- Spinach
Spinach belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It is a potent antioxidant dark green leafy vegetable, it has great and super roles in maintaining a healthier and clear skin.Spinach is also included in the foods that can help you lost fat and get a good shape to your body! Check out how in the article mentioned below.
Vitamins and minerals: A, K, C, E, B1, B6, folate, iron, zinc, potassium, dietary fiber,manganese, magnesium, copper,choline,protein and calcium.
Spinach is highly rich with iron and proteins, both help in strengthening the muscles,bones and teeth.
8- Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts can benefit your skin by:
Improving and elongating the elasticity of your skin, treating acne,glowing of the skin and help in producing Collagen.
Other great benefits include:
Improving male's fertility, lowering cancer risks, prevents cholesterol and boosting the immune system.
Vitamins and minerals which Brazil nuts contain:
Vitamins ( C, E, B6, Folate,betaine, choline, pentothenic acid, and niacin )
Minerals ( Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, sodium, magnesium, manganese, iron and selenium )
9- Apples
Well, when doctors say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, they really mean it!
Apples can be great little snacks because they're simply healthy and hunger satisfying.
Apples benefits include:
lowering the risks of dying from coronary heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases and in whitening and washing teeth.
Apples are great for reducing wrinkles! Their stem cells activate our cells to fight aging and dryness.
What's more beautiful than enjoying the great sweet taste of an apple while also getting great benefits out of it?
A, C, E, K, B6, choline, betaine, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thimin and pantothenic acid.
Sodium, Calcium, Fluoride, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium,
Check Out Apples Benefits In Whitening Teeth!
- How To Whiten Teeth At Home With Certain Foods. ( Part One )
Click here to find out the foods that everyone can actually eat to get a white and bright shining smile! These Tips and foods will help you for sure!
10- Eggs
Besides its great benefits that it provides for the whole body in general including strong bones, teeth and hair, eggs are highly rich in proteins and their whites can be helpful in smoothing,reducing fine lines and tightening of the skin.
Vitamins and minerals that eggs contain:
A, D, B2, B12, folate,choline,biotin, pantothenic acid and phosphorus,iodine and selenium.
For the skin, vitamin A is the one that plays the biggest role here and it's not only for helping you maintain a great skin, vitamin A can be very good to boost immunity.
Follow These Links Below To Find Out The Other Parts For The Super Foods That Prevent Wrinkles.
- 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging ( Part Two)
Here's part two of the top anti-aging foods! start being and looking healthy, strong and young! Click here. - 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging ( Part Three )
Part three of the super great anti-aging foods is now available! Check it out by clicking here! - 43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging (Part Four)
Your last part for the whole and last list of the super anti-aging foods is just one click away from getting you enjoying your youth again! Click here!
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