How Much Money Do I Need To Have To Be Happy And Live A Good Lifestyle?

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  1. ngureco profile image80
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    How Much Money Do I Need To Have To Be Happy And Live A Good Lifestyle?

  2. padmendra profile image47
    padmendraposted 14 years ago

    Our desire will never end with fixed amount of money. In fact the desire  of a man ends with his departure from this world. So calculating the total amount required for a happy and good life style will always remain  unsolved.

  3. michifus profile image56
    michifusposted 14 years ago

    Interesting question. Everyone has a level of income that they are happy with, where the bills can be paid and there is no stress from the fear of not having enough and you can comfortably provide for your family. That is the amount, anything else is a nice bonus.

    Once you get there ( and I hope you can do it on hubpages), you can then work on happiness. Happiness for most at least, is not about the money that is earned as long as you can cover the basics.

  4. jennshealthstore profile image74
    jennshealthstoreposted 14 years ago

    Your life can be rich without money. It is what you make of it. Money can buy us nice things, and of course it is nice to be able to buy what ever we want, but just because we have things it does not mean we are happy. You can have everything in the world but be lonely or angry or sad.

  5. coeline profile image59
    coelineposted 14 years ago

    no certain amount needed. happiness is right within. sure, money can buy us happiness, but we can't really tell. we can be so rich but still not happy. happiness comes from the simplest things we love, the people we love and who love us.

  6. profile image0
    Always Greenerposted 14 years ago

    Enough money to cover the basics like nutritious food, shelter, warm clothing, vehicle,

  7. Tiny Pearls profile image68
    Tiny Pearlsposted 14 years ago

    You first need food, shelter, and other basic necessities, then it all depends on your definition of a good lifestyle. 

    Does a good lifestyle include an expensive hobby, or travel to far away places, or entertaining friends regularly?

    Or it could simply be having access to beautiful places to meditate, books to read, people to converse with and enjoy companionship. 

    Only you can determine how much money it takes to have what you need and want. 

    I wish you the best in reaching that place, if you haven't yet!

  8. Time4Travel profile image60
    Time4Travelposted 14 years ago

    Good question. Enough money to cover the essentials-- whatever you define those to be. As for being happy... that is different for everyone. If you are surrounding yourself with things that make you smile or laugh, you are heading in the right direction.

  9. cathylynn99 profile image77
    cathylynn99posted 13 years ago

    a recent study found that most folks happiness increased up to a level of $75k per year, then leveled off. more money than that didn't increase happiness. that said, i don't have near that much and i am content. if i had more, i'd give more to charity and have a larger apartment and a few more clothes, but i'd be only slightly happier.

  10. chasemillis profile image72
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    talking from a money standpoint, you don't need to have a whole lot. All you have to do is spend a little time budgeting your money so that you can save for unexpected things, invest for the future, and do the things you enjoy.

    Side note - I am in Economics and it is amazing how much money you can make from just putting money into a retirement fund!! And what's even more amazing is the amount you can make by starting 4 years earlier!! Starting before college as opposed to after college (putting only 100 dollars in each month) will give you around $800,000 by age 65 where as after college will only get you around $600,000. I just thought I had to share because the old economic rule of TINSTAAFL isn't really true in this case

  11. hydropeptide profile image59
    hydropeptideposted 13 years ago

    100... million... dollars smile

    Seriously, just write down what you want out of life and figure out how much it is going to cost you to get there.

  12. rasta1 profile image69
    rasta1posted 13 years ago

    money can make you live a good lifestyle but it cant make you happy


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