Why are so many people depressed?

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  1. maria.rose profile image38
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    Why are so many people depressed?

  2. HattieMattieMae profile image61
    HattieMattieMaeposted 13 years ago

    Usually from past traumatic events, broken relationships, divorce family problems, being raped, molested, drugs, alcohol, busy society, fast paced world!

  3. mireland19 profile image88
    mireland19posted 13 years ago

    They have not discovered anti-depressants or as I like to call them “happy pills”. I am mostly kidding but many people do take this seriously.

    Fifty years ago, people had the same problems that we have today. They were stressed about many of the same things that people are stressing about now. I agree that there are a lot of things to worry about now that were not a problem fifty years ago but there were many things then that we do not have to worry about now. However, people did not express their depression in the same way as we do now. It has almost become socially unacceptable not to be depressed. As if there is something, wrong with you if you are truly happy with your life. It is sad really.

    People depend on to many things to make them happy and have forgotten that they are the biggest factor in their own lives. What would people do if we took away all of the happy pills, drugs, food and other things that people depend on for support like a crutch for their happiness?

    Yes, people GET depressed because life stresses them out in various ways. People STAY depressed because they do not know how to get back up on the horse, and spend too much time on the ground licking their wounds.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image73
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    I believe each generation "expects" more out of life than the previous one. The more hardships and disappointments one faces the more difficult it is for them to cope.
    Not long ago 60 Minutes did a segment on the happiest nation on earth and it was Denmark. They concluded their citizens were much happier than the U.S. A. citizens (because they did not expect as much out of life.)

    In America every child grows up believing they will have the perfect marriage, the big house, the great job, a circle of loving friends and family, luxury or sports cars, money to travel...etc When those dreams fail to materialize we see ourselves as failures. Continuous 24/7 news channels reporting negative events simply add fuel to the feeling of hopelessness one feels.

    It's up to us find ways to stay positive and feel good about ourselves no matter what our station is in life.
    Exercise, eat right, use affirmations, read positive books, listen to your favorite music, and learn to take one day at a time. We always have a choice in how we react to things in our life.
    "When we change, our circumstances change"

  5. profile image0
    wilbury4posted 13 years ago

    ...because in general, life is very stressfull and coping with this stress causes depression??

  6. aka-dj profile image67
    aka-djposted 13 years ago

    Life is just too fast paced.
    People are disjointed.
    Too high an expectancy on us.
    Financial demands.
    These all create a world/environment we were never intended to live in. I guess, some (many) people just can't cope. They get depressed.
    There are probably hormonal, and chemical imbalances in some people making them pre-disposed to depression.
    I guess there are many, but these stand out as the most likely, to me. smile


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