Can Anxiety/Stress/Panic Attacks Cause Muscle Twitching?

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  1. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    Can Anxiety/Stress/Panic Attacks Cause Muscle Twitching?

    I have had annoying muscle twitching since November 2010. Sometime it is so bad I can't sleep. It is mostly in my legs and feet but can happen anywhere. I have been to doctors who have found nothing wrong with me. I do suffer from Anxiety and Panic Attacks, as well as chronic neck pain/shoulder pain. I don't eat as healthy as I should be and I must try harder. I took MSM (Sulfur) and for awhile it had helped keep my twitching to bare minimum but now they are back with vengeance! It's so annoying at times I could cry! Anyone know anything about this? How to fix it? If its all related?

  2. JenPsych profile image78
    JenPsychposted 13 years ago

    If you are taking any anti-anxiety medications, like Lorazepam (Ativan), that can cause motor agitation (aka slight tremors or twitching) that may last awhile. Withdrawing from certain antidepressant pills (Lexapro, etc.) can also cause twitching.

    However sometimes I experience uncontrollable trembling and tingling in my hands and legs right before and during a panic attack, as well as odd shoulder pain on one side of my body when I'm feeling extra anxious. Twitching could very well be related to the fight-or-flight response in a panic attack - the rush of adrenaline and similar brain chemicals overstimulates every neurological function from emotion, to cognition, to sensory, to motor systems. Many anxiety or panic attack diagnostic lists don't mention it, but it is clearly a very real symptom!

    As far as a remedy, I would suggest an herbal solution as opposed to a manufactured one (less harsh on your body). Melatonin and magnesium work well as muscle relaxants and sleep aids. I recently found a new vitamin drink called NeuroSleep that contains both these ingredients, and it seems to be working decently.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  3. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    Thanks Jen. I actually just got 2 big bags of natural almonds as they have huge levels of magnesium. I will look into NeuroSleep. I don't take prescription drugs at all & refuse to. I hardly even do over the counter meds unless they are natural. Thanks again!

  4. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    i have the same problem im due to see a doc soon because of it i aslo suffer from anxiety and panic attaks so mabey that is the problem mine too is mostly in my legs benadril realy helps

  5. Kiwiwi profile image39
    Kiwiwiposted 13 years ago

    I have the same issue, mine is caused by stress.The best thing i do to solve this problem is keep my self with something busy.(I started hubbing).
    Hope your problems are solved smile

  6. ibbarkingmad profile image55
    ibbarkingmadposted 13 years ago

    In an answer, yes. Relax. Try deep breathing exercises. That usually helps.

  7. Slices of Life profile image65
    Slices of Lifeposted 13 years ago

    Anxiety/Stress/Panic Attacks are all mental processes that directly impact the physical body. Muscle twitches come as a side effect of this.

    The best thing you can do is relax, take a deep breath. If you are feeling these in a large amount, taking a break from what you're doing or your problems for 15-20 minutes before going back to the task at hand. If you need more of a break, take up to an hour and only an hour.

  8. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    I've had muscle twitching (facial ticks and spasms or even cramps in the leg).

    I have found that calmag helps greatly (calcium + magnesium). Some sources are better than others. Vitamin B complex helps, too.

    Any form of stress will "burn" up vitamins, especially B. But also alcohol and coffee will do this. A good diet is essential for a healthy body. Processed food is poison. Sometimes it's hard to avoid, but try to stick to natural and organic.

    We each create our own emotions. If you feel panic coming on, just laugh at it. Even if you don't feel like laughing, force yourself to laugh and laugh hard. Make it fun. Make it ridiculous. The point is, take control. Take drugs only as a last resort. The pharmaceuticals would love for you to be hooked for life, but they are a money-making institution.

  9. profile image0
    lambservantposted 13 years ago

    I'm so glad you raise the question. Way back in 1999 I had my first diagnosed bout of clinicla depression and anxiety. For quite some time muscle twitches and my back would suddenly kind jerk or twist when I was laying down or sitting quietly. No one notices, but I was relieved when it finally went away. It came back this past year for a short time after a serious mental health crisis.

  10. jessicatalk profile image61
    jessicatalkposted 13 years ago

    Yes I know it can. It can effect your body in several ways. Even fainting because your blood pressure rises. Honestly I don't exactly know what to say, i too have panic attacks, but i have been doing better. It may just take time. Whatever stress you have in your life, concentrate on fixing it, not freaking out about it. And with the sleeping get some sleeping pills and take them as directed about an hour before you need to be asleep. I have problems with sleeping at night because my brain will not shut up, but it's not all bad for me, its where i get most of my creative ideas. Good Luck smile

  11. poshcoffeeco profile image68
    poshcoffeecoposted 13 years ago

    As you will know stress / depression /anxiety all come with different effects to different people.
    Medication comes with it's own side effects. I too have had muscle twitching from time to time but never lasts long.
    I have had panic attacks with the bout of depression I am going through which I never did before.
    I am sure what you are experiencing will pass as a matter of course. It could be worth having a review on your medication with your Dr.
    Good luck.

  12. Cresentmoon2007 profile image67
    Cresentmoon2007posted 13 years ago

    It can be related to stress/panic attacks. Before I have one I begin to shake, sometimes it's just plain twitching and have been told that it's related to my panic disorder.

  13. DrivingPeace profile image73
    DrivingPeaceposted 11 years ago

    Did your doctor rule out Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)? You say it's mostly in your legs and feet and interferes with sleep. Those are classic RLS symptoms.

    I definitely believe chronic stress can cause strange reactions in almost any part of the body, so it's certainly possible your symptoms are stress-related.

    However, if you DO indeed have RLS, it may have nothing to do with your anxiety problems. RLS is a neurological disorder that's basically a nerve malfunction:

    RLS is often treated with medications like Clonazepam or other drugs in that class. It can be very effective for relieving RLS symptoms, so it might be worth getting checked out for it--just to rule it out if for nothing else.


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