While losing weight, which is more important: diet or exercise?

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  1. Ruchi Urvashi profile image61
    Ruchi Urvashiposted 13 years ago

    While losing weight, which is more important: diet or exercise?

  2. Marlin 55 profile image70
    Marlin 55posted 13 years ago

    Both, eating the right foods and doing the right exercises are important. You have to look at your overall strategy and determine what is your goal. These are important key elements that will give you your answer.

  3. Richard Craig profile image59
    Richard Craigposted 13 years ago

    I think they're equally important.  To lose weight you need to exercise but to be healthy you need some calories too.  It also depends on your diet or fitness regime.

  4. Senoritaa profile image81
    Senoritaaposted 13 years ago

    Diet and exercise go hand in hand. It is important to eat healthy and exercise regularly. One without the other is only going to cause you more harm.

  5. nifwlseirff profile image84
    nifwlseirffposted 13 years ago

    A healthy eating schedule (and healthy foods) is just as important as a healthy amount of exercise.
    But 'healthy' is subjective for each person, and everyone should experiment to find what works best for their weight loss.

    Healthy and realistic expectations are most important - it is not good to drop all excess weight overnight, but so many people seem to expect this to happen, and often without hard work. Gradual but steady weight loss is the healthiest, and easiest to maintain.

    I try to eat mostly of fresh fruits/vegetables, whole grains, aiming for a variety of colours in every meal, and avoid take-away or pre-packaged frozen meals. Slightly higher protein, and lower simple carbs helps me avoid the sweet cravings between meals. However, more important for me is long sessions of endurance-aerobic exercise (long long walks/hikes) and daily stretching. High-impact / fast burn exercises always result in me injuring myself, so I have learned to avoid them. For other people, these exercises may work wonderfully.

  6. rjsadowski profile image71
    rjsadowskiposted 13 years ago

    They are both important but diet is more important if you hope to keep the weight off. If you don't permanently modify your eating habits all of the exercise in the world won't keep the weight off. Look at football players and weightlifters. As they grow older and exercise less, they put on weight and many of them die young. Change your eating habits to lose weight and use exercise primarily to improve your health. Check my hubs for more details.

  7. kerlynb profile image88
    kerlynbposted 13 years ago

    Have to agree with everyone that both are really important.  A nutritionist of mine said that I cannot possibly lose weight with exercise alone.  Really have to cut down on sweets, carbs, and salt.  Also, he said that I can lose weight just by dieting but without exercise I won't be able to keep my slender shape.  So yes, diet and exercise go together.

  8. dilipchandra12 profile image67
    dilipchandra12posted 13 years ago

    Eat healthy and exercise regularly. I must say walking/ jogging are the best ways to reduce weight soon.

  9. redup007 profile image61
    redup007posted 13 years ago

    Hello Man the important is exercise but you have to chose a best diet program , you can check this
    http://weight-loss-fastplan.com/2011/11 … aking.html

  10. Kris Heeter profile image70
    Kris Heeterposted 13 years ago

    Both.  And it's important to view "diet" as a lifestyle, not a short term thing.  It's a way of eating, not a short term means to an end.  I've worked one-on-one with clients for 14 years and in every case those that focus on both their everyday diet and exercise are much more successful at losing weight and keeping it off than those that just focus on one or the other.

    And I agree with 'nifwlseirff' who commented previously - expectations have to be realistic.  Those that expect to drop 30 pounds in 30 days will ultimately be disappointed.  That's unrealistic for most and definitely NOT a healthy approach.  Those that go through quick weight loss programs typically end up doing more damage to their bodies in the long run.

  11. nancyyoung1 profile image61
    nancyyoung1posted 13 years ago

    Both are very important for weight loss. You need to maintain your diet and do exercise as much as you can. Green tea is a thing which is very helpful for weight loss. It keeps us healthy. I am a regular drinker of Aiya matcha green tea and helped me in reducing my weight.

  12. learner365 profile image76
    learner365posted 13 years ago

    You have to juggle between the two.A good combination of healthy diet and a well balanced exercise will help you a lot to attain the required weight level.

  13. Cat R profile image79
    Cat Rposted 13 years ago

    Neither. It's a good balance between both. Exercise won't work alone if you keep eating burgers and pizza. Diet won't help alone if you keep flopping on the couch.

  14. tswilson profile image60
    tswilsonposted 13 years ago

    Like others have said, both.  They work hand in hand.  If one doesn't assist the efforts of the other in losing weight, it negates the efforts of the other.

  15. thisgirlistrying profile image56
    thisgirlistryingposted 13 years ago

    both, but if you are just starting to lose weight, start with one and once you get used to it add the other.

    For example, start with changing your diet and once that becomes easier, start an easy work out routine and then you can build both at the same time.

  16. Jmarket Staff profile image63
    Jmarket Staffposted 13 years ago

    I must say both, but you will see more quick result by changing your diet. I went to Japan for about a month and ate Japanese food the whole time. I lost few pounds without doing any exercise.

  17. profile image0
    trainer ben gamonposted 12 years ago

    80% of your weight loss is based on diet.
    because you burn calories naturally (basic metabolic rate) but you don't eat healthy naturally. you need to pay extra care to having a clean diet. it does help to take fat burners as well.

    http://www.amazon.com/Weight-Loss-101-M … amp;sr=1-1


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