A poem dedicated to those whose ancestry lies in another country, long forgotten, but still churning the heart.
A poem in narrative style, written from the point of view of a child living in a shanty next to a large prim and proper house.
A dream of a perfect life, later realized by the dreamer as no more than a misguided tale.
Musings on shattered dreams, losses, and leaving all of it behind to embrace the call of God's Light.
Musings while watching the sunrise after a night of troubled sleep and dark thoughts.
This is a prayer to God and my spiritual master to save my soul and others dear to me.
Two poems on 'secrets'.
A collection of modified Haiku-style poetry on the different facets of clouds.
A rhyming verse and a rictameter depicting the nature of and the need for tears.
Two poems about how our minds play tricks with our memories of those who we lost.
Ode to a daughter that was never born
Two Rictameters depicting anger rising from loss and finding something long lost.
A fantastic tale about a migrant worker whose life is transformed by a piece of bread.
A reflection in verse on how nature would react if humankind was washed away from the face of the planet.
A poem about those who sacrifice their lives to save others, where often, the ones being saved are complete strangers.
My creative response to Ann's latest poetry challenge
This is a poem about our rapidly disappearing flora, with an allegory around the world turning their souls to the more deceitful side, with each passing era.
A couple of Rictameter-style poems bringing out the importance of agony in writing.
A collection of Haiku/Senryu style poems to depict the harshness of the winter, alongside a dash of hope for the forthcoming spring.
This poem is about Mother Earth, and how we have been destroying her existence.
This is a fictional story told through poetry
This is my response to Ann Carr's challenge on writing a short story based on the introductory sentence and picture she provided.
Tribute to a father through an elegy
A Haiku and a Sonnet describing the sweet pains and pleasures of the autumn season
A poem about young age, when falling in love had no boundaries.
A poem to celebrate the 72nd Independence Day of India, and the people who form the backbone of the free country today.
A poetic tribute to some of the finest authors on Hubpages, who have become more like friends.
Tanka-style poems strung together to express a slowly breaking relationship
A prayer for a friend who has been going through difficult times
A poem in response to annart's challenge of describing one of the three pictures in her hub
A poem about things that never change, until you are at the heaven's gate
My response to the challenge by Chris Mills is a poetic tribute to the classic 'Treasure Island'
During a four day visit to the wonderful Kovalam Beach in the Indian state of Kerala, a collection of lines summed up the experiences of each day.
A poem about being caught in a time warp, and consistently moving back to the past.
This is a free verse poem, about the anguish of letting go.
The stallion gallops through sun and rain, with a sense of purpose, to reach the world seen in imaginations.
A Haiku collection describing the beauty of rain.
A few poems I had written when life was younger.
A poem reflecting the cruelty of female feticide.
A poem about passion that lasts beyond life.
Words strewn together to describe feelings of that special love.
A poem about life, death, and a relentless spirit.
Two rictameters on thoughts about passing strangers.
A Haiku collection about the king of seasons.
A poem about forgiveness.
A sonnet about a child selling incense on the street.
A villanelle about someone with a scattered memory.
A couple of Rictameters on the sorrow caused by estranged friends and family.
A Haiku-Senryu combination of Holiday memories.
This is a poem about appreciating abstract art.
A soul searching rictameter.
I am back with another Haiku about winter!
A prose poetry about an invalid wishing for mercy killing.
A poem about love that is innocent and unaware of all evil.
A modified villanelle - style poem on pain and prayers.
A Haiku collection representing the entry of the snowy season.
A poem about determination and strength of will.
A poem about the journey to find oneself.
A short story about the unconditional love of a pet.