What is the best sound in the world?

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  1. Leanna McCarthy profile image59
    Leanna McCarthyposted 12 years ago

    What is the best sound in the world?

    I love the sound of pistachios being poured. Do you have a random sound you like?

  2. YogaKat profile image84
    YogaKatposted 12 years ago

    I love the sound of crashing surf.  Waves on shore create negative ions which are good for us- body, mind and soul!

  3. Rastamermaid profile image66
    Rastamermaidposted 12 years ago

    The cry from a newborn just after birth letting you know it's all good and the baby's got some good lungs on him.

  4. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Young children laughing.  It makes me smile every time.  They are so loving and kind and unencumbered--they just laugh to be laughing and it sounds wonderful.

  5. rajan jolly profile image92
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    The sound of birds chirping as dawn breaks. I love to be woken up by it.

  6. Leaderofmany profile image60
    Leaderofmanyposted 12 years ago

    I love the sounds of the ocean, the surf, the seagulls, the bustle of the boardwalk and waves against the reefs. It will take me from a bad mood into a relaxed mood so fast.

  7. profile image56
    TajSinghposted 12 years ago

    The sound of the ocean and the sound of wind in trees.

  8. Rachelle Williams profile image93
    Rachelle Williamsposted 12 years ago

    My favorite sound is the sound of money being counted out into my hands...

  9. rutley profile image64
    rutleyposted 12 years ago

    Someone trying to muffle diarreah sounds when your in a public bathroom.  It can't be done and you always have to exit giggling, especially if there's a kid with you.  Did you hear that Mommy?

  10. jacqui2011 profile image80
    jacqui2011posted 12 years ago

    I love to hear the chorus made by the birds early in the morning. I also love the sound of bath bombs fizzing in the water.

  11. baygirl33 profile image58
    baygirl33posted 12 years ago

    As the comments show,it depends on the person and the background from which he/she comes. Memories make us appreciate certain sounds.
    For me,I was born 50 feet from the shores of the Atlantic ocean and the sound of the ocean is my favorite sound. I have others ,like the sound of a stream running through a forested area. The sound vibrates and echoes all around you.
    Depending on your situation,the sound of a car in the driveway at supper time ,can be the best sound you ever heard.
    Depends ...

  12. Alecia Murphy profile image70
    Alecia Murphyposted 12 years ago

    A baby's laugh. I don't think you get more pure and joyous than that.

  13. athena2011 profile image58
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    For me it is the sound of waves lapping up against a beach. So soothing and relaxing.

  14. Tonu1973 profile image60
    Tonu1973posted 12 years ago

    The coo's and giggles of a baby always make me smile.  That being said, I am glad that mine are well beyond that point.

  15. bluewaterbay profile image61
    bluewaterbayposted 12 years ago

    I have to go with a baby's laugh. It never fails to put me in a good mood and a smile on my face.

  16. howtohandbook profile image60
    howtohandbookposted 12 years ago

    I love the sound of Azaan and Quran recitation.

  17. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Wellllllll......for me? The moan of ecstasy of course.

  18. Adalie profile image60
    Adalieposted 12 years ago

    The sound of piano and the sound of my mother's voice.

  19. pstraubie48 profile image82
    pstraubie48posted 12 years ago

    the voices of my grandchildren and their momma

  20. engelfantasydream profile image60
    engelfantasydreamposted 12 years ago

    a fart in the midst of silence in the classroom is the best sound ever hahaha...joke3x.. mmm chirping of the bird in the morning..the rushing water in the waterwalls... laugh of a baby and even the how baby cry sounds like music to me not a noise!!! ...as for music...what kind of music you like?.. hip hop is cool, rnb...but anything that has good lyrics and upbeat tune you know...


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