Ever wonder what and how will you be IF given only 3 weeks to live?

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  1. Ruchira profile image76
    Ruchiraposted 12 years ago

    Ever wonder what and how will you be IF given only 3 weeks to live?

    My friend's brother has been diagnosed with a malicious disease and is given only 3 weeks to live. Although, he is taking it very bravely, but it's difficult to see one's end.

    How would each individual react on the above?

  2. cebutouristspot profile image74
    cebutouristspotposted 12 years ago

    If I have 3 weeks to live. I would spend the first week preparing for my funeral and stuff (legal document and stuff). Second week doing all the stuff that I want like sky diving and stuff (exotic food) .  Lastly, I would spend the last remaining week with my love one. 

    If I have 3 weeks left I would make sure that every day is spent to its fullest.

  3. charmgirl profile image60
    charmgirlposted 12 years ago

    I would contact all the people who meant anything to me and tell them how I feel about them. I would also contact anyone I'd had a falling out with and apologise.Then I would do anything that would have a calming effect-listen to music, and meditation tapes, and talk about my life, and how I would like to be remembered. I would also plan my own funeral.

  4. K Kiss profile image65
    K Kissposted 12 years ago

    I would leave my job. Marry my bf of 6 years. Go on a honeymoon to Spain. Pray hard to God for forgiveness and die happily.

  5. athena2011 profile image59
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    Pull out that Bucket List and start living. Fear and inhibitions will disappear and I would then do anything I had wanted to all my life.

    Definitely let everyone I cared about know how I feel about them

    Plan my funeral so that loved ones have an easier time when I'm gone.

    God bless your friend's brother. I hope he goes peacefully and painlessly if it is his time to go. Also hope he exhausts any possible treatments for his condition, especially natural therapies. Many who were written off by their doctors and given months to live are alive many years later because they didn't choose to accept their doctor's prognosis and sought other opinions.

  6. xethonxq profile image67
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    First I think I would be sad...then I think I would be highly motivated to get everything in order with my life. Call people, see them, eat whatever I can, write letters, make a video chronicling my life and thanking the people that impacting me so deeply.

    Then I think I will pray.

  7. howtohandbook profile image59
    howtohandbookposted 12 years ago

    Well, we all will die one day. It's just a matter of time. I would ask lord for forgiveness and die happily.

  8. Rain Defence profile image81
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    I'd try and end my life the way Keith Floyd did. He had bowel cancer and was told he should have a very plain diet. He had a massive feast of oysters, steak, champagne etc, went home to watch a programme all about him and how awesome he was and died. That's a great way of making the best out of a situation.

  9. aygabtu profile image63
    aygabtuposted 12 years ago

    I worked with a boss that was fighting cancer.  She had a positive attitude while going through treatment and seemed to be doing well.  Unfortunately after the treatment was over the cancer was stlll there.  In a matter of just a few weeks she was gone.

    What was sad is that she spent the majority of the time during treatment at work, busting her butt and when she wasn't given any hope, she was bed ridden until she passed away.  If she knew the eventual outcome, I bet she would have rather spent her remaining time traveling and enjoy life, family and friends, and not stuck at work 9+ hours a day fixing problems for her boss.

    I personally feel it would take a week out of those 3 to come to terms with it, then I would enjoy life and family to the fullest.  Good luck and god bless him and his family.

  10. EyesStraightAhead profile image75
    EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years ago

    I would continue to live as I have been. That is the beauty of living every day as though it is your last. There are probably a couple of things I would ensure I added to my daily routine, such as ensuring my loose ends were cleared up financially so there were no surprises since there was only three weeks (and my current plan is based upon 1, 3, and 5 year goals!).

    I had a friend who was giving six weeks and lasted a year and a half. During that time, he impacted so many lives and lived to the fullest ensuring everyone around him knew of his love and how they could ensure they were heading down the right path. Since that time, I have made it my goal to live each day as though I had just been given the same "bad news".

    I pray your friend's family will be surrounded by love and peace during this difficult time.

  11. elationstate profile image60
    elationstateposted 12 years ago

    If I was had 3 more weeks to live, I would probably distance myself from everybody that I love, not because of the pain, fear, jealousy or any malicious feelings alike, but because I would feel like I wouldn't want my death to hinder them from their ongoing lives. It's not like I would go to a deserted island and cut off all the connection to the world, but I would like them to move on without the heavy burden of regret or sorrows.

  12. Bella Nina profile image60
    Bella Ninaposted 12 years ago

    I would spend every second loving my family.  What in the world else would even matter?

  13. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    YES, I have pondered, if such a time frame was given...........

    But, if knowing that it was   my last day or few hours.............

    I would wish to call my children to my  side,and tell each and every one of them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,why it was a gift to have been their mother............and then, if I were given the chance..........

    I would like to hold my husband close to me, inhaling his masculine scent............oh how, I would like to tell him of all the days in the past, that I succumbed to him, trusting him to lead me forward........................and how so very much, it means to me...........to have him escort me into my eternal tommorrows..........and how I hope that he will one day, embrace me there, as my lifetime's chosen partner.

    If such a grace were given to me............

    first, let me adress my children, pressing them forward into their tomorrows,

    and then...........releasing my beloved and trusted hubby, of any such imagined tresspasses.....

    We built our life.............together............

    Go, now, forward..........this is my gift to you.


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