How to gain weight?

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  1. Malak Patel profile image60
    Malak Patelposted 12 years ago

    How to gain weight?

  2. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 12 years ago

    Muscle weight or fat weight?

    Muscle weight, you simply work on strength training and increase protein in your diet.

    Fat weight, you eat high calorie healthy fats and starches such as whole butter, olive oil, nuts and seeds, potatoes, ect.

  3. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Weight gaining or losing is based on how much calories in one's intake per day. I have done an experiment on myself for a few years and I can see my weight changes every few months - from normal weight to overweight and back to normal weight.

    Now I have workout to gain more muscle weight. This means I am getting supplement to put in the extra muscle weight while cutting down the fat. Supplements includes protein, amino acids, calcium, etc.

    Monitor your daily calories intake - for example, if your daily intake of calories is 1200 then what you need to do will be increasing it to 1300 - 1400 calories. Soon you will see your weight increases within 2 - 3 months.

  4. glmclendon profile image62
    glmclendonposted 12 years ago

    For me all I must do is to keep eating and not working out.

  5. SidKemp profile image73
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Healthy weight gain consists of eating more in a balanced diet, combined with moderate exercise. (For more, see my hub … ay-to-Eat, then just add carbs.)

    For most people, gaining weight is pretty easy. If you try what is above, and it does not work, a medical checkup might be a good thing. Inability to gain weight, if you are eating a lot and getting a bit of exercise, could indicate a deeper health issue.

  6. jaswinder64 profile image61
    jaswinder64posted 12 years ago

    To gain weight and loose both are tough. You have to plan to do something. For example to Gain Weight:-

    1. Live happy, harmonious and peaceful life.

    2. Sit with your family and share your feelings.

    3. Eat healthy food, fruits, salads and Drink atleast a glass of milk everyday.

  7. Unleashed Freedom profile image60
    Unleashed Freedomposted 12 years ago

    OK, all the simple and true answers have been given, so here is a quirky one . get a good back pack, and fill it with weights smile ( apologies for the corny joke).

  8. blessedp profile image80
    blessedpposted 12 years ago

    If it is body fat this is what had worked for me.

    I took some tablet called peritol that increased my appetite, and eating pastries and ice cream along with increased amount of beverages high in sugar; but was not healthy at all.

  9. Cherrietgee profile image68
    Cherrietgeeposted 12 years ago

    The best or easiest way to gain weight is to eat more calories than you burn. In simpler terms, eat as much as you want whenever you want and don't do any exercise whatsoever.

  10. rtburroughs2 profile image74
    rtburroughs2posted 12 years ago

    Food grams are broken down into 3 categories, each gram of protein and carbs consist of 4 calories, where each gram of fat consist of 9. With this in mind consuming 20 grams of fat would be like consuming 45 grams of protein. To gain 2 pounds a week you would simply add 1000 calories a day to your current diet.This should be about 100 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs, and 20 grams of fat, this equals 980 calories with less than 20% coming from fat.

  11. cat on a soapbox profile image91
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    In addition to the lack of sympathy and cruel comments, not being able to gain weight is agonizing and frightening. I used to be 125 at 5'10 and cried when I got on the scale. Who wants to eat masses of junk food to gain weight?
    First, rule out metabolic health issues. It is important to eat a healthy balance of protein and complex carbs. Weight gain shakes helped me. 2,000+ cal. per day. I took up body-building with just enough cardio to warm up. I worked 3 days a week with a combo of machines and free weights with slow and deliberate reps. I visualized muscle movement and mass with each lift. I did a lot of walking, hiking, and swimming too for overall health.
    I stll didn't gain significantly until I reached 35. I'm now old and trying to keep trim. haha!

  12. BlissfulWriter profile image70
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    I would continue to exercise as there are many health benefits to exercise including improve appetite.   Do strength training to build muscle mass.

    I would continue to eat carbs only in moderation or in very little amount.  Although eating carbs causes weight gain (mainly in the abdominal region), this is not the type of weight you want.

    I would add much more healthy fats to diet like avocado, olives, salmon, sardines, nuts.  Fat contains more calories per gram than protein or carbs.   And healthy fats are good for you.   Add in meats like chicken and turkey if you like.   Some amounts saturated fats are okay.  Butter is okay too.  Margarine is not.

    Eat lots of eggs.  Eggs are amazingly healthy as I have written about... … re-Healthy

    If you are a vegetarian, eat lots of coconut the water and the meat inside.  Coconut is plant-based saturated fat and is healthy.  Cook with coconut oil. 

    And eat more often and frequently. Three full meals and two smaller meals in between.


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