What is the best way to gain weight for slim people?

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  1. vydyulashashi profile image59
    vydyulashashiposted 14 years ago

    Any suggestions which are easy to follow please post.

    1. grayvitaliy profile image60
      grayvitaliyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      right balance of diet (you need enough of protein, carbs and good fats, all preferably from natural products food, not from powders and concentrates), rest - you need to look at all activities you do thru the day in order to have enough of time to recover,  and basic complex movement exercises with weights (if you ok with exercises).  Squats  might need to become your favorite one.  It can be a few pages topic actually. One thing for sure - there is no short cuts.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank you for the suggestions..ya am fine with exercise and yes u r rite..there are no short cuts!!!

    2. IntimatEvolution profile image73
      IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Protein shakes on top your daily intake.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank u IntimatEvolution can you please tell @ wat time can i take shakes??

      2. edguider profile image65
        edguiderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, protein shakes are the best. Try to find some weigh protein, this will help you pack on the pounds fast.

        1. joshuanoerr profile image60
          joshuanoerrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          This is only half true. Protien is calorically expensive for your body to process and could actually make the kid lose weight.

    3. sarovai profile image79
      sarovaiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Go for honey in cold water. See the change and share. But check your age.

      1. smuthe profile image60
        smutheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi. I wrote a hub about this. Basically, if you're looking to gain lean muscle weight, focus on working your quadriceps muscles.

      2. iamsuper profile image61
        iamsuperposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        All you need is just a right nutrition and right workout to get your weight gain, please remember that muscle is better than fat. But, it's not easy to find what the right nutrition and workout for each body type, you can read the guidance about it in one of my hub. Hope it's helpful, thank you.

      3. profile image52
        markwilson419posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well and balanced diet help in gaining the weight.

      4. ChiaPet1021 profile image61
        ChiaPet1021posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If you're looking to add good muscle weight, I suggest more (or longer) weight training sessions at the gym and more calories from lean protein sources. Lifting more weights (especially heavy weights and lower reps) will challenge your body so that it will build itself back you stronger and larger (which adds the weight), while the protein and calories gives your body the material it needs to do so.

        Protein shakes and bars are the easiest way to get lean protein, but I would suggest mixing that up with natural sources like chicken breast, egg whites, seafood, etc.

        Hope that helps!

    4. manlypoetryman profile image80
      manlypoetrymanposted 14 years ago

      Beer and Ice Cream!

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        wow..many of them said 2 have beer atleast thrice a week(two beers at once,650ml each)

    5. profile image0
      Uma07posted 14 years ago

      Following the right diet,exercising and adding a bit of good cholesterol does help a bit.But once you gain weight it is far more harder for you to shed it.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ya..many of them said...you gain weight quickly and loose it very slowly..thank u for the suggestion

    6. LeanMan profile image72
      LeanManposted 14 years ago

      Beer, that has always been the answer for me..... Followed by pie, chips and mushy peas....

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        coffee,tea or beer?

        well beer is my choice..it always works

      2. ggerner profile image59
        ggernerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        LeanMan, very funny. Mushy peas, too?

        Okay, not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but I hear peanut butter is GREAT for gaining weight. Nutritious, too.

        Personally, my downfall is triple cream brie, crab dipped in lots of butter and wine every day with dinner. And who can resist bacon?

        1. vydyulashashi profile image59
          vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          wow..mouth watering menu..

    7. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

      I will wait for the answers here, I need to gain a little more pounds.

      1. Evan Hutchinson profile image68
        Evan Hutchinsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Either Doggcrapp training or 20 rep squats.

        1. Ultimate_Fitness profile image56
          Ultimate_Fitnessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I agree! The Squats and Milk routine is excellent for gaining weight. Another similar program is the GOMAD plan

          1. vydyulashashi profile image59
            vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I need to try this!! smile

      2. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        and am also waiting for this,along with u..

    8. I am DB Cooper profile image88
      I am DB Cooperposted 14 years ago

      Look up the GOMAD diet. Basically, you add a gallon of milk a day to your diet. People have reported gaining 20-30 pounds in a matter of weeks. Obviously this is best done if you're working out regularly during this diet, or else you're just going to gain a lot of flab.

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I only need some five to ten pounds more.

      2. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yeah..there should be sufficient amount of workouts for the amount of diet u take..

    9. profile image57
      truparad0xposted 14 years ago

      3500 calories = 1 pound.  So, if you follow a pretty regular diet, something as simple as adding a protein bar a day.  Figure a protein bar is usualy 175-250 calories; daily would be 1750 calories a week equaling 0.5 pound per week.  When I was "bulking", I added a protein shake everyday in the morning to help with my increased weight training program.

      This works in reverse too.  If you want to lose 1 pound a week, you can cut 250 calories a day and add enough exercise to burn an additional 250 calories daily.  This leads to a 500 calorie daily deficit which equals 3500 calories per week = 1 pound a week.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        nice calculation,felt that gaining weight is simple by your calculations..got 2 try

    10. Jeff Berndt profile image73
      Jeff Berndtposted 14 years ago

      Exercise, specifically strength training. Muscle is denser and weighs more than fat.

      The real question, though, is why do you feel that you need to gain weight? Many people are worried too much about weight and not enough about overall health and well-being.

      Have you spoken to your doctor about whether you are healthy? I'd double-check that before deciding that you need to change your weight.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        coz am underweight, am 26yrs old 5 foot 10 inches and my weight is 54kgs.. so i need to gain atleast 10 more extra to get a good look

    11. Studio E profile image57
      Studio Eposted 14 years ago

      Hey man i can eat everything under the sun and still can't gain, the only way i get big is by working out all the time.

    12. camlo profile image82
      camloposted 14 years ago

      I am very slim, and have to eat a hell of a lot to keep myself from looking too skinny. In order to gain weight, I need about 6000-8000 kcal per day, eating a lot of milk products and drinking whipping cream by the litre. I can never manage for more than a week though.

    13. rmcrayne profile image94
      rmcrayneposted 14 years ago

      I used to be on Feeding Teams for pediatrics, and we had many children whose weight for height were low.  I think many of the principles apply. 

      Whatever strategy you pick needs to fit with your current preferences.  Just like losing weight, it will require consistent effort to maintain your new, higher weight. 

      Add sour cream, cream cheese, butter, whole milk or whipping cream to compatible dishes.  For example, add butter to vegetables.  Make chowders with whipping cream and butter.  Add butter, whipping cream &/or sour cream to whipped potatoes.  If you’re concerned about milk fats and cholesterol, I suggest you read Nourishing Traditions, or search Sally Fallon on YouTube on this topic.  I would however stay away from refined sugar. 

      Eat calorie dense foods like raisins, dried fruits, nuts, and nut butters. 

      Drink Ensure or use 1 ½ packages of Carnation Instant Breakfast in a serving of milk. 

      Eat plenty of legumes for protein, and limit animal protein, as it tends to be very filling, and may serve to decrease appetite. 

      Minimize beverages other than water.  Sodas are empty calories, and juices are just not much bang for the buck.  They fill you up, but the calorie count is low compared to food.

      1. camlo profile image82
        camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, it's the dairy products that seem to make the difference.

        A couple of Hubbers here suggest beer - it never worked for me.

        1. vydyulashashi profile image59
          vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          the only thing many of them feel after having a beer is that it makes us feel hungry and we will eat more..

          thats the logic people say..even me some times LOL

      2. Suzie Parker profile image60
        Suzie Parkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I would advise against eating sour cream, cream cheese,condense milk butter, whole milk or whipping cream to gain weight. Such foods are high in full animal fats that will only increase your cholesterol levels and badly affect your health. Watch out that you don't became unhealthy in your process to gain weight.

        Eat much more healthy carbs like whole-wheat cereals, breads, pasta and couscous,brown rice, and baby and sweet potatoes. Have two servings of carbs in the morning, two for a mid-morning snack, two for lunch, two for an afternoon snack and two with dinner.  And include two servings of lean protein with breakfast,lunch and dinner. Also have one small tub of fat free yogurt, a handful of nuts and 5 different fruits for snacks.

        Heavy weight training will also help you to gain weight, as muscles weigh much more than fat. Train with heavy weights for at least 3 days a week. Just do normal upper and lower body exercises for the first 3 months and after that take your weight training up a notch by doing super-sets where you do one compound exercise and then one isolation exercise one after the other.

        1. vydyulashashi profile image59
          vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          wonderful suggestion..i will try and see which one to follow that suits my life style

      3. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        very much useful suggestion and amazing diet chart by you rmcrayne..

        i have to look through and sort out the diet plan..thank u

      4. Purple Perl profile image50
        Purple Perlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Good advise,I second this!

    14. profile image0
      Kathryn LJposted 14 years ago

      Porridge, enriched by condensed milk is a breakfast that will put on the pounds but keep you healthy.  This dish used to be served in hospitals to assist weight gain in malnourished patients.  Tastes yummy too, especially if served with dark treacle (the NHS sweetener of choice.)

      1. camlo profile image82
        camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Or with demerara sugar.

      2. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ya porridge has lot of calories and is healthy too...i will try this

    15. themist profile image59
      themistposted 14 years ago

      Ok, if you really do want to gain weight. Drink 2 pints of milk everyday. Of course, eat and stuff, but unless you're lactose intolerant, this will sort you out.
      Alongside this, start going to a gym and have 3 days for each of these exercises. You can add on whatever you wanna do, just make sure you do these three exercises.

      Day 1: Chest: Bench Press
      Day 2: Rest
      Day 3: Legs: Squat
      Day 4: Rest
      Day 5: Back: Deadlift

      Glance at your weight now, do this for two weeks (remembering to drink the milk) and then take a look at your weight at the end.

      Good luck.

    16. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 14 years ago

      Wear a fat suit!!  It works for Ricky Jervais!

      1. profile image0
        Kathryn LJposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        He wears a fat suit !!! ?

        1. waynet profile image69
          waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That's what he told me...I thinks he was kidding!

          1. profile image0
            Kathryn LJposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Unless he wears a fat face mask as well.  The things people will do for their art.

      2. camlo profile image82
        camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Years ago, when I was even skinnier than I am today, I went to a club wearing a few layers of heavy clothes under my top clothes to look big and muscular. Well, that worked.

        After hours of dancing, I was soaked through with sweat, went out into the freezing cold to go home, and spent a week in bed with what I think was probably pneumonia.

        Besides, had I taken anyone home - somebody impressed by my muscular body, what would they have thought once I'd peeled off all those layers of clothes?

        1. waynet profile image69
          waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Did something similar wearing a sumo suit to a club and ended up falling over and drunk and couldn't even get on my feet again and some fool pissed all over me...the foookers!!!!

          1. camlo profile image82
            camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            smile We live and we learn ...

            1. waynet profile image69
              waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Definitely...never to wear a sumo suit whilst drunk and you fall and can't get up and a piss head pisses on ya.....I've learned to just have a few drinks at home instead, at least if I make a fool of myself, at least it's just me!!!

              1. camlo profile image82
                camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I've even stopped doing that ... I have a tendency to pretend I'm the world's great rock star when drunk, and start singing to an entire stadium in my little apartement ... yes ... I used to have a lot of problems with the neighbours.

      3. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        i want a permanent solution rather than a temporary outfit... but a very funny idea though..thanx

    17. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 14 years ago

      When I was in high school I used to drink half and half with my meals instead of milk to keep my weight up-- I no longer have to do that.

    18. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

      thanks everyone, seems workout and protein -- milk helps a lot with gaining weight. I don't count calories and I just eat and eat and eat, but now, will look into your advices.

      1. camlo profile image82
        camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You could eat normally, and at the end of the day drink a litre carton of whipped cream - it's disgusting after the first few gulps, bulps it does make a difference without you having to make changes to your diet.

        1. profile image0
          Home Girlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          If you want to gain weight, you have to eat starchy foods, like potatoes. Lots of fat food, just make sure it is good fat still,  like fat fish(salmon), fat parts of chicken may be still good. Lots of grains and generally lots of calories. But on the second thought, may be you should stay thin?
          If you feel healthy, you better do. You'll have more energy and stamina, if you thin and healthy. People always say something if you are not like everybody else, better not pay attention to stupid people. of course work out may do wonders. You'll gain muscle and not going to look thin any more. My son did just that. of course he eats lots of protein too.

          1. camlo profile image82
            camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Those foods don't make me gain weight at all, no matter how much of them I eat. Body building has never worked either - I've always been pretty strong, with sinewy muscles that won't grow into bulging ones, not even doing a hard job that requires much strength.

        2. prettydarkhorse profile image63
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          one carton of whipped cream, ok, I never tried that one, thanks

          1. rebekahELLE profile image84
            rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            no, no, pretty, you want to gain weight, not unhealthy fat!  wink

            OP, I didn't read through all of the posts, but so far I have seen no mention of a very active metabolism. some people do eat all the time and have trouble gaining weight because of their metabolism.

            the best advice here is to eat healthy foods from all of the food groups, eat more often, up to 6x a day. grab a handful of almonds and an apple for a snack or a cup of plain yogurt with slices of fruit or granola mixed in.  protein shakes/smoothies are excellent in the morning or early afternoon.

            consistent weight training will help build muscle and will also increase your appetite, but don't give in to the unhealthy foods. you want to feel good!! and drink water to keep your body hydrated.
            good luck.

    19. WryLilt profile image88
      WryLiltposted 14 years ago

      I'm also underweight and have given up on gaining it. I figure it'll come when it's ready. During highschool everyone thought I was anorexic.

      I'm 5'8 and 50kg. And I've had a baby and am still this skinny!

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        people say what work i do daily ni8's coz am that much slim... LOL..am along with u, to sort out the best of this discussion and make good diet and work out chart..finally gain weight

        1. swapna123 profile image61
          swapna123posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I don't understand why on earth you want to gain weight when some of us would do anything to lose it ! Anyway, whatever you do, don't try the magic pills route.. One of my cousins took medication to gain weight as she was so skinny... now, she's struggling to lose it smile

          1. camlo profile image82
            camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            What pills did she take?

            I'd like to gain weight, because it would make buying clothes a lot easier, and I'd have more choice of what I can wear.

          2. vydyulashashi profile image59
            vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            coz i already told  that am under weight and am seriously trying to improve my physique...your cousin took a wrong decision for which shez suffering now,and girls do gain weight very quickly than we do bcoz of hormonal difference..so therez no point of comparision wid ur cousin

          3. rmcrayne profile image94
            rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Why on earth?  Probably because they are not a healthy weight, and do not feel &/or look their best.  I'm sure you didn't mean to be offensive, but thin people are just as distressed about their weight as those of us who are "fluffy".

            1. vydyulashashi profile image59
              vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              yeah as am distressed...
              and 'why on earth?' sounded harsh to me...

    20. ftclick profile image56
      ftclickposted 14 years ago

      healthy dairy, milk and eggs, proteins (fish).
      breads, fake foods (chips), fried foods are not the pounds you want to gain. Although, they are very tasty

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank u for the suggestion..
        i need to improve my muscle mass with protein-calorie intake rather than fat input..
        thank u

    21. vydyulashashi profile image59
      vydyulashashiposted 14 years ago

      well now am looking to go for Porridge..hope this will help me LOL

      1. The Future profile image59
        The Futureposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Proper diet. All calories ARE not equal. Cardio as well, It helps your body with storing glycogen properly which is used for fuel during workouts.

        Weight lifting. You have to give your body a reason to utilize the calories coming in.

        1. vydyulashashi profile image59
          vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          thank u very much for the advice

    22. bojanglesk8 profile image61
      bojanglesk8posted 14 years ago

      Lots of dense, rich food.

      Protein wise you should stick to things like steak, whole eggs, and whole milk.

      Carbohydrate wise you should eat lots of oatmeal, potatoes, brown rice, etc.

      Fats you should get in some healthy oils like olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        wonderful menu for each type of energy source
        thanks a lot

      2. rmcrayne profile image94
        rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Definitely!  A great quality olive oil is a good choice, but...Go to the refrigerated section at health food stores like Sun Harvest.  Also HEB in Texas has a refrigerated case in their supplements isle.  Try flax oil, pumpkinseed, Udo's 3-6-9, primrose, or other healthy oils.  Add a tablespoon to salads, vegetables, mashed potatoes etc. 3 to 4 times a day. Good, healthy calories that are also good for your central nervous system/brain.

        1. vydyulashashi profile image59
          vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          awesome list,but dear rmcrayne, am afraid that among the list u said i can't find some of them in India.
          so i have to go for alternatives which are similar in energy sources as u said.
          thank u for the guide.
          god bless u

          1. rmcrayne profile image94
            rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Look for expeller pressed/cold pressed oils like sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, etc.

    23. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 14 years ago


      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    24. profile image0
      BRIAN SLATERposted 14 years ago

      white wine and chips

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        will this work?
        am looking for domestic food..LOL

    25. Bimendra gun profile image61
      Bimendra gunposted 14 years ago

      hey friend
      The most significant one is you have to get good nutritions.
      first of all you have to get check. This may be the theoretical
      one and less risk one.The first one is you have to do workouts regularly with well program.Then it's better to use a supplement.
      Now the problem has begun with choosing the appropriate one with minimum side effects.when the problem with you is sometime already your body contains such a needful nutritions the problem is they would not have absorb to your muscles and the blood correctly.And the other facts is finding the one which is lack in your body. Protein or amino  acids or glutamins or such a things. And you have to feed more what needs to your body more.
      I've got lot of informations so give us your problems I'll put my full strength to give you an ultimate solutions

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank u for ur wonderful advice my dear friend..

        1. Bimendra gun profile image61
          Bimendra gunposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          you're welcome

    26. profile image0
      Social Discomfortposted 14 years ago

      I saw someone above me mentioned Carnation Instant Breakfast, but it's worth mentioning again.  I love the stuff, and I used to drink extra when I worked out a lot to keep from losing weight.  Protein bars are good as well, and regular breakfast cereal helped me too.  My advice is to look for calorie-dense foods of any kind.  That way you don't get full before you eat enough.  That's why McDonalds and other fast food gets you heavy... just go for some healthier alternatives.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yeah..i want to stay away from junk foods..
        putting on fat for weight is bad..
        i have to improve muscle mass with good calorie rich diet along with dense fiber..
        thank you for the guide
        god bless u

    27. profile image0
      Best Exercise DVDposted 14 years ago

      You need to eat high protein foods to help you gain muscle. Muscle weight gain is what you want. Fats for weeight gain is unhealthy. You should also eat every few hours. Consume as many healthy calories as you can. I know that sounds bad, but I am guessing your metabolism must be high. It could be genetic. I am certainly no doctor, but I think your weight gain should come from workouts that gain muscle. Prtoeins will help you build and recover. Keep your diet healthy.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank u for the advice..i should rely on protein-calorie rich diet with an additional fiber..

      2. joshuanoerr profile image60
        joshuanoerrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The statement about fats is completely untrue. Healthy fats are absolutely required for building muscle, and keeping your joints in working order. Healthy fats also serve to lower cholesterol.

    28. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      Work hard physically. It puts on good lean muscle. smile

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yeah..i have to work hard as well as take a good diet

    29. days leaper profile image59
      days leaperposted 14 years ago

      It's in your diet.  Avoid, No stop alcohol:  It messes with metabolism, and prevents things like full iron absorption (strength).  Besides this increase protien, as well as carbohydrate intake (though not necessarily all at the same time -this may cause gas for one thing, mind you some people look bigger due to their gas intake -it isn't healthy).  Increase also strength/weight training for bulking.
      It may take awhile though.  And consult a physician etc. if you're new..

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank you very much for the information
        but i thought of having beer though..but you are saying to avoid-A point to be noted!!
        god bless u

        1. sofs profile image75
          sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Guys be realistic, talk about what every one is talking, slim down.
          But Sashi you need to stop smooching so much if you want to put on weight.
          I would worry if i were you, as long as I am healthy without underlying anemia or deficency I think it is perfect.
          I would go for a high carb high protien diet... if I am desperate . My coach used to tell me Light weight training is best with this kind of a diet.
          Cheers to a chubby you!

          1. vydyulashashi profile image59
            vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            ok perfect advice dear sofs....i don't smooch my dear..
            cheers to u
            as soon as i put on weight i will send u  pics- b4 and after the change

    30. joshuanoerr profile image60
      joshuanoerrposted 14 years ago

      I have seen a lot of absolutely terrible advice. Here's a littl back ground on me. I was a skinny kid. I decided one day that competitive powerlifting would be fun to try. Problem was I was a rail.

      I studied nutrition and weight lifting, put on about 30 pounds that first year, and got strong, then started competing. Here's the simple answer. Eat a ton and lift heavy weight. Don't give me the BS about "I'm eating all the time and still can't gain." That's ridiculous. Until you can tell me exactly how many calories you are putting in your mouth, don't tell me you eat all the time.

      As far as protien intake, aim for 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Anything less than that and you will have trouble. If that doesn't work, up it to 2 grams per pound.

      In the gym, focus on the big stuff. Squat, deadlift, bench press, heavy overheads, dips, etc. Do big multi joint movements with at least 80% of your 1 rep max.

      Don't miss meals, don't miss workouts, and don't mess around in the gym. Move the weight, eat the food.You will get bigger.

    31. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 14 years ago

      Swallow a monster truck tyre....could work!

    32. alternate poet profile image69
      alternate poetposted 14 years ago

      Visit China - the overwhelming majority of people are slim and fit with a higher proportion skinny than fat.  You want to find fat Chinese you will find them in McDonalds and KFC.

      Here, dairy foods are uncommon.  Parents like fattish kids and the way they achieve it is to give the kid milk in any of its forms. It works pretty instantly and effectively, and when they stop the milk the weight drops off just as easy.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        good suggestion but junk foods cause harm more than benefit..

    33. starme77 profile image77
      starme77posted 14 years ago

      Drink alot of Beer smile puts on weight fast LOL smile

      1. camlo profile image82
        camloposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I've seen it cause a big belly, and who wants that?

        1. sofs profile image75
          sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Sashi             Haven't you still stopped the smooching, You could really have put on weight if you followed your own suggestion!! big_smile big_smile big_smile

          1. vydyulashashi profile image59
            vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            ha ha ha..ok pal i will stop it..but even after that if i don't gain up weight am gonna kill ya smile big_smile

    34. profile image0
      Wendi Mposted 14 years ago

      I spent almost 30 years with an eating disorder.  The one thing that helped me the most, when I finally sought the help I needed, was to include "Ensure" with every meal....AND TO EAT!

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hope you made the best out of it...

    35. GettingRidOfAcne profile image59
      GettingRidOfAcneposted 14 years ago

      Eat high quality meat, potatoes, homogenized milk, whole grain; bread, pasta, muffins ...
      Bananas, yogurt... yams..

      And go to the gym and do some weight training:)

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for the advice.
        God bless you

        1. GettingRidOfAcne profile image59
          GettingRidOfAcneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You are welcome!
          God bless you too:)

          - Multivitamins specifically formulated for your age and gender and great too.

    36. richtwf profile image60
      richtwfposted 14 years ago

      A good question. We always seem to hear more questions asking about how to lose weight.

      Personally, I'm a slim build and also had the desire to gain more weight during my adolescence and young adulthood.

      First I suggest to anyone, that they ask themselves why they need to gain more weight?

      Is there a good reason for it? For better sports performance or not content with their body image. If it's the latter then maybe it's their mind and attitude to their body that needs be looked at before contemplating weight gain.

      If you still desire weight gain, then all you need is a good diet and exercise regime.

      A regular routine of weight training (3 sessions/week) - specific training for gaining weight - 3 sets of 10 repetitions per exercise (not low reps or high reps) that you do for your arms, legs etc. If you're a beginner then I suggest each session lasts no more than 45-60 minutes, then take a day off before training again.

      Eat a balanced diet and include plenty of carbohydrates - rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, bananas etc. Drink milk (not full fat)  and don't waste your time on protein supplements; keep your hard-earned money safely in your pocket!

      I could go on but that's enough basic advice to go on.

      Hope this helps.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Very simple and awesome guide.

    37. wilsonallen01 profile image60
      wilsonallen01posted 14 years ago


      Eat some healthy food like Banana, Milk and meat etc. It will give you more gain in weight.

      Thank You

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Cool guide mate.
        Thank you

    38. profile image51
      MoreCraigposted 14 years ago

      One Size does not fit all. 

      Building Lean muscle can be hard if you have a fast metabolism. since it's really an equation of "calories in minus calories burned" a day you need to know where you are starting from. I suggest you keep a diary of everything you eat and drink in a 7 day period Everything No Exceptions!

      Once you have a baseline you can determine all kinds of things about your diet and you might see something in the data that will illuminate what the problem might be and then adjust accordingly. For instance if you are eating a diet that has only 10% of calories from fat you might try a 30% calories from fat adjustment (good fats like from fish,grass fed beef olive oil no fried stuff) and after 10 days to 2 weeks see what happens to your weight. Obviously the percentage has to come from proteins and carbs (in case this is new to you a gram of carbs is 4 calories a gram of fat has 9 calories so replacing 100grams of carbs would be equal to 44-45 grams of Fat. Same number of calories) there are a ton of great resources about this subject this is just meant as a quick example. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram of alcohol so that's why even though a low carb beer still has a ton of calories. these are empty calories and can only pull weight off your body or increase the weight of your liver not exactly what we are looking to do here.

      Then once you have found a ratio that seems to leave you gaining weight then experiment with methods of training. for most you have likely learned 3 seconds up 3 seconds down pace with the lifting of weights. Try a 5 or more seconds up or even slower and see what results in the best gains. also and this is the most important aspect- DO NOT overtrain. This will result in you never putting on any weight. If you've been alternating days try two days off, 3 days no more than 4 though  and see if this works any better.

      Keep logs of all of your changes in Diet/Nutrition, Workouts weights and duration of lift, volume of work rest days workout days and you can find the winning combo for you. in my case a 5 up 5 down pace with only 2 sets with progressively increasing weights helps me grow quite well with only 2 workouts a week full body and compound movements Squat,Bench Press, one set of Lat pulldowns and seated row for back and the same pace for crunches with extra resistance.

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I was planning for a diet chart and i was revising all views and options. But your guide simplified to the best.
        Thank you and God bless you

    39. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 14 years ago

      Best way to gain weight is to get married!

      1. vydyulashashi profile image59
        vydyulashashiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well said and its true.

        1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Oh, It is good to be married then.

    40. leatherfootball profile image59
      leatherfootballposted 14 years ago

      The best way to gain weight is to load up on all sorts of protein and to lift regularly.  Try to eat one food that is high in protein at every meal.  Also try to get on  a regular weightlifting schedule, at least 2 times a week.  By developing muscle you will gain more weight because muscle weighs significantly more than fat.

    41. profile image53
      syed2011posted 14 years ago

      Protein shakes is very helpful for gaining weight. I use natural unflavoured whey protein from myprotein and even though it's natural it tastes really great. Plus being natural it's cheaper than the flavoured versions.

      I found it @ Girls Weight Gain

    42. dany3d profile image61
      dany3dposted 14 years ago

      You need a really good Diet Plan! Calculate your daily calories for your body wheight and you gain mass ! But you must eat eat eat!!!

    43. cathylynn99 profile image77
      cathylynn99posted 14 years ago

      eat your regular meals and have an ensure or boost mid-morning, midafternoon and in the evening. if you drink the ensure between meals, you should still be able to eat your regular meals. this should cause about a pound per week gain. they do have ensure in India, don't they? it's what hospitals use for underweight patients and is available in US groceries and pharmacies. it's balanced nutrition with minimal fuss.

    44. Tusitala Tom profile image69
      Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

      With so many trying to shed weight, this is an unusual question.  As a young man - I'm talking fifty-five years ago - I was quite slim.  To build up bulk I went to a gym and pumped iron; heavy weights: deadlifts, full and half squats.   I also ate plenty and drank quite a lot of beer.  It helped me put on quite a bit of weight and most of it muscle.   So this is one way of doing it.   

      I'm well into my 70s now and still go to the gym two to three times a week.  I've lost a lot of my bulk but am still quite strong.   To keep fit, I recommend gym work and yoga stretches.

    45. profile image53
      SabraAbraposted 9 years ago

      hello! I'm Sabra ... I was recently at the doctor and he told me that I must necessarily shed a few kilos because I will be hard to live . I weigh 99 kg with an increase of 148 cm also a little too much, and I used tiny barrel now . So I am looking for good suggestions as to lose the cholera . Recently I ran into www.losekilograms.com
      and to my surprise I finally learned something sensible . All tips out there, diet, lifestyle describes Mrs. Monica and can be seen with knows his stuff! Yours BBW smile)) ) !!!

    46. jacharless profile image71
      jacharlessposted 8 years ago

      Great thread. I had planned to Hub about this, but my fingers are too lazy to type it out entirely. Even as a former career chef, I struggled to gain -even at times maintain- a specific weight. From the male perspective, weight gain has much to do with muscle building and less to do with heavy lifting. Since the age of 17, I have been 186cm, with an average weight of 75kg. During college I peaked around 83kg. This was primarily due to both food intake and sports exercise (basketball), and a much more active sex life.

      The primary ingredients, from food, for male weight gain are:
      Omega 3 essential fatty acids
      Vitamin A -as both Retinal and Carotene,
      The entire Vitamin B collection (1 ~ 12)
      And Magnesium.

      All the aforementioned can easily be sourced from very few items. The best are Arctic Fish, Dark Green Leafy vegetables and milk-based items -like hard cheese, yogurt or kefir, grass-fed butter and wild game poultry eggs. For the carnivores, like myself, grass-fed lamb is 100% better health-wise than beef. Also, "jerked" game meats are excellent (bison, elk, etc).

      Some have referred to it as the "Viking Diet". It is vitally important men have these nutrients -especially as we age.These items will immediately stimulate bone strength, muscle growth, tissue repair & regeneration and production of testosterone -plus other natural male hormones. You will notice they are all protein-rich foods, containing nearly every type of complex protein required by men for optimal health. It is also massively important we eliminate nearly all carbohydrates (grains, cereals, pastas, legumes, sugars, etc) and replace them with seeds, nuts and virgin oils (sunflower, sesame, cashews, honey, coconut oil).

      As a rule of thumb, each your weight in protein, daily. In other words, if you want to maintain a mass of 75kg, eat at least 185 grams of complex protein daily. For true optimization, double the number. PS: avoid "whey" protein shakes and anything labeled "proprietary blend" as they are fake nutrients.

      As example 300g Arctic Mackerel - raw or hot smoked contains
      4g Omega 3, 450mg Omega 6 (the perfect balance)
      75g Protein (esp Lysine, Arginine & Tyrosine)
      75% of required minimum Magnesium
      And almost 1000% of required minimum B12

      Add to the nutrients an easy -yet progressive- workout routine. I coined it the "weaklings workout". Start with a base of weights and increase by 2-3kg (5lbs) per week. Likewise a base of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, increasing by 5 units weekly. Not a major high-impact workout at all, right? This will steadily increase your stamina, strength and muscle volume and overall weight, without damaging muscles or risk of fatigue. Since beginning the routine again, just two months ago, have seen a significant increase in energy, strength and weight -and, surprisingly, as lessening of thinning hair, gray hair, cramping, intestinal irritation. Have also noticed much whiter teeth, better skin, sharper eyesight and sex drive.



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