How long does it take for you to wake up in the morning, and get moving?

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  1. KangaYankeeDoo profile image61
    KangaYankeeDooposted 12 years ago

    How long does it take for you to wake up in the morning, and get moving?

  2. thesingernurse profile image72
    thesingernurseposted 12 years ago

    Gee, this is a very interesting question to answer... Something I know I can address but is too oblivious to contemplate for a truthfully honest answer. Lol. Well, people (especially my loved ones) find it weird when I finally take off for work (or any endeavor) approximately 3 hours upon waking. During such  time of idleness, I do a lot of things: eat, browse the net, check my emails, read on Hubpages, update my facebook status, etc. Basically, a long list of both useful and not-so useful stuff to do.

    Other people criticize me for this. However, I don't bother arguing with them. I've always believed that people have different methods of being productive. And if mine involves paving the way for some idle moments early in the day, well, that's simply because it's the only thing that works for me.

    How about you? smile

  3. suzzycue profile image86
    suzzycueposted 12 years ago

    I like to lay in bed for a half hour after I wake up if I can. Yes I really do set the alarm earlier so I can do this LOL. Then it is coffee,eat on my balcony overlooking a river/Victoria Lake as Stratford calls it. Do some work on the internet/shower and get ready. So from waking to leaving is an hour and ahalf . Then I am out the door , on my bike and off for the day.

    1. thesingernurse profile image72
      thesingernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your testimonial made me quite happy and contented. I know I'm not alone in staying in bed for the next 30 minutes after waking. Lol. Can't help it, it feels good Ms. Suzzy. smile

  4. sen.sush23 profile image60
    sen.sush23posted 12 years ago

    Gee, that is sort of funny- three women in a row saying they take long to wake up and get going. I take anything from 2-3 hours. I lie around atleast half an hour after I wake up-enjoying the lull of early morning. I too set my alarm way before I want to get up. Then I will usually take my cup of tea, in bed. Thereafter I water my plants, it takes about 20-30 minutes. After that, if I am not too hurried to leave early, I will laze around reading the newspaper. That is one hour. Then I get up, take my bath and get ready to move. I usually take a bite before I leave home, but may not if I am combining breakfast with work, maybe an early meeting.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I sit up right away when I wake up, but once I gather my things for a shower, it takes me about 10 minutes to face getting wet that early.  So start to finish it is about 30 minutes from wake up to stepping out of the shower - and hopefully I am awake by then!

  6. shiningirisheyes profile image61
    shiningirisheyesposted 12 years ago

    I've always been an early riser. Once my eyes open, I'm up.  My dog also is part of my getting up as she will not leave me alone until I'm awake.

  7. Karmallama profile image71
    Karmallamaposted 12 years ago

    I have to say I am much better than I used to be. My better half still complains about how bad I used to be years ago. I would have to set my alarm about 2 hours a head of time so I could eventually gain the motivation to get out of bed. Even better, when I was finally "up" I scraped along like a darted animal. My better half used to wake up like he was getting off the bench for a basket ball game. I don't know how he did it.. Anyway, fast forward to years later and now that I have a beautiful baby girl, I wake up at the crack of dawn - despite my body's protests.

  8. Rosemay50 profile image60
    Rosemay50posted 12 years ago

    I used to get up as soon as I woke up, feed the bird and dogs, have a quick slice of toast and coffee, take a shower and be on the move withing an hour. Since I gave up work I take my time to 'wake' up, I lay for about half an hour, get my breakfast and coffee while checking my emails, read a few hubs and then go for my shower. About 2 or 3 hours, only then am I ready for what the day throws at me. I like to start the day slowly. Lol

  9. Karen Hellier profile image88
    Karen Hellierposted 12 years ago

    Although I am awake and moving around as soon as the alarm goes off, my mind doesn't actually wake up and become alert and functioning till 10:00 a.m.  I have my alarm set in another room so I will actually have to get up and get out of bed to turn it off. Otherwise I would fall back to sleep. I am not a morning person by any means!

  10. Poethepoet profile image67
    Poethepoetposted 12 years ago

    It take me about 45 minutes on the hub pages every morning to fully wake up for the day.


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