Are people born with eczema or is it something that can just develop from out of

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  1. scoop profile image82
    scoopposted 11 years ago

    Are people born with eczema or is it something that can just develop from out of nowhere?

  2. snoblet profile image83
    snobletposted 11 years ago

    Eczema can be caused by dry skin or allergic reaction but are not limited to just these just they are most common causes.

  3. cloverleaffarm profile image68
    cloverleaffarmposted 11 years ago

    Eczema is a dermatitis (skin inflammation), that is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin. Many (herbalists, naturopaths, natural healers) believe it is an autoimmune issue. An Autoimmune disease is a condition that transforms in the body from an inappropriate immune response of the body.
    The skin tissues swell causing redness, itchiness, and scaly skin. I've had it since I was about 7. Eczema is common in babies. It can start as early as a few months old. (my granddaughter had it at 8 months old). Yes, it can run in the family.
    While eczema can cause dry, itchy skin, eczema is NOT caused by allergies.
    Eczema tends to get worse under stress, and other conditions. This, because your bodies defense systems goes into hyper mode. It can also be worse in the dry winter months, and if you are exposed to a lot of water.
    Herbalists and other natural healers treat eczema both externally, as well as internally with great results. As a sufferer myself, I can tell you how well this works. I haven't had a breakout in over 20 + years.

    1. snoblet profile image83
      snobletposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      but if its an autoimmunity issue then that would be allergies.  if your body is incorrectly handling the response such as pollen in most cases it produces a histamine which is an auto immunity issue hence the taking of antihistamine.

    2. cloverleaffarm profile image68
      cloverleaffarmposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Autoimmune issues are not allergies. They are your bodies improper detection of cells. The body sees it as an antigen, or foreign matter, and starts to in Hashimoto's, Lupus, MS..etc. Allergies is a response to an allergen.

    3. snoblet profile image83
      snobletposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I was thinking immunity/reaction rather then autoimmunity where its the body goes awry and attacks itself.  Thanks for the correction

    4. cloverleaffarm profile image68
      cloverleaffarmposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are welcome. I would much rather have allergies, than autoimmune issues.

    5. Barbara Kay profile image72
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cloverleaf, I'd like to see a hub about how you were treated for your eczema. I'd like to try it myself.

    6. snoblet profile image83
      snobletposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I traveled to a different country and I have a bad case of acnes and eczema in about 2 months time period, the pharmaceutical company I worked with was investing in some odd treatment for it, but had a lot of steroids as main ingredient.

    7. cloverleaffarm profile image68
      cloverleaffarmposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Steroids work, but they aren't good for your body long term. I will admit before I knew better (before I became a medical herbalist) I did use them. Now, I have an ointment when I need it. Perhaps your body is reacting to stress?

    8. snoblet profile image83
      snobletposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i went to an herbalist and was told the change in the environment was doing a bit of damage to me.  even when i travel to certain states it does the same.  just shows how fragile we are. sad

    9. cloverleaffarm profile image68
      cloverleaffarmposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I agree. Our bodies are fighting so many toxins and other environmental *stuff* all the time. Be well!

  4. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Both answers below are good. And there are more answers, each of which leads to a remedy that works for some people. I've had skin conditions for over 35 years, and am keeping them under control. Anyone with a skin condition may have a chronic bacterial infection (most often staph) or yeast infection. It is sub-clinical - that is, it will not be detected by Western medicine. But it can be treated by alternative methods. This is especially likely if the onset came after, and within two years of, an infection treated with antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment tends to leave behind both sub-clinical bacterial infection and also yeast infection.

    For some, digestive and dietary cleanse is very helpful. In oriental medicine, balancing the liver is likely to help. In all cases, deep, healthy natural breathing, clean eating, and gentle exercise are good. Sweating, though exercise, hot bath, or internal use of hot pepper or mustard, is bad for some and good for others; it depends on how much it itches.

    As others already mentioned, a key element is addressing sensitivities and allergies, especially to food.

    The skin exudes toxins we can't get rid of elsewhere, and also protects us. Eczema is hard to eliminate because, if toxins are the source, then, as we eliminate them, the skin can get worse before it gets better. Gentle, long term cleansing and healthy living, combined with healing meditation, has been the best response for me. And even if I have not healed my skin completely, there are so many other benefits that I'm glad my sensitive skin has taught me to live a healthy life.

  5. nancynurse profile image67
    nancynurseposted 11 years ago

    Eczema is also called atopic dermatitis. It is caused by allergies to various things in the environment such as molds, pollens, even food. Often seen in events. Some physicians believe it may be caused by a lack of a specific protein in the skin.  You are not born with it, but rather it develops from the triggers mentioned above. It can disappear a quickly as it came on.

  6. Author Cheryl profile image80
    Author Cherylposted 11 years ago

    Eczema is a skin condition that comes from irritation.  It is not an inherited disorder.

  7. Prakash Dighe profile image70
    Prakash Digheposted 11 years ago

    I've had a skin condition - called eczema, atopic dermatisis or skin allergies by different dermatologists - for over 40 years. Almost all of the above factors could be the possible causes, but I believe heredity is one of them, since my Mom suffered from something similar. One precaution I've been taking is to avoid use of fragrances - in soaps, shampoos and lotions, and I've stopped using colognes and body sprays - and that certainly helps.

  8. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 11 years ago

    It is an allergic reaction to something, normally, but children whose immune function are not fully developed (before age 7) can have it. In the adults, it still would be an allergic reaction, but it can be induced by an emotional response to something only a memory of previous allergic reaction.

  9. Sherry Hewins profile image93
    Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years ago

    Everyone I know who has it, which includes my brother and my daughter, has had it from early childhood. It seems to improve somewhat with age, and as you determine what the triggering factors are, but it does not go away, you just manage it. Since multiple generations in my family have it, I suspect heredity is a factor.

  10. artist101 profile image62
    artist101posted 10 years ago

    Well to add to cloverleaffarm answer, and not to disclaim but to add to. A skin condition is a symptom of an underlying condition. Mainly dysbiosis. Basically an unbalance of intestinal flora. The bad guys have taken over, and its showing up in the skin. If the diet doesnt contain live food, or you have taken numerous rounds of anti biotics, or steriods, the result is dysbiosis. Anti biotics, and steroids kill off good bacteria.
    Just treating it topically may make it subside but it will come back, because the underlying "cause" isn't addressed.
    Health starts in the intestines. By replenishing good bacteria with probiotics, and yogurt. Fresh fruits, and vegetables feed the good bacteria, referred to pre-biotics.  The good guys then out number the bad. The best on the market as far as probiotics is acidophulis pearls. They remain intact until they reach the intestines, and are guaranteed to contain live bacteria. Formulated by Dr. Teitalbaum. 1 pearl a day is all you need, you will notice a difference within 30 days. The only side effect is excess gas, and "maybe" a flair in symptoms. This is normal as the bad guys die off. As you continue, the side effects will lesson over time. The condition didn't develop over night, so therefore it won't subside over night. … B004C1NMQM
    Applying vitamin D3 cream topically will also help. Recent trials confirm this fact. … B00454A1HE
    For other advice, and recommendations about other skin conditions, such as poison ivy, and athletes foot: … -Psoriasis
    I hope it helps:)


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