Do you prefer healthier lifestyle with less enjoyable food or decent lifestyle w

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  1. Ricksen Winardhi profile image61
    Ricksen Winardhiposted 12 years ago

    Do you prefer healthier lifestyle with less enjoyable food or decent lifestyle with nicer food?

    Assume that no middle option are available, such as healthy lifestyle with nice food. It would be great to explain and elaborate your answer.

  2. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 12 years ago

    OK, i'm 50 and a bit over the weight I should be. At my age I know what an unhealthy diet can lead me to. I saw my father die at 55 from a heart attack (heavy smoker) and my mother from cancer (diabetic) and neither of them ate that junk. HEALTY LIFESTYLE all the way.

  3. joanwz profile image78
    joanwzposted 12 years ago

    who says a healthier lifestyle has to have less enjoyable food? I've found all kinds of healthy choices that are very enjoyable. I can even make myself a burger with extra lean beef that tastes better than the higher fat alternatives. I've lost 65 pounds and still going. With an occasional small treat I find I don't miss the garbage I was eating before.

  4. BlissfulWriter profile image83
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    I personally do not feel that healthier food are less enjoyable.  Nevertheless, if I had to choose, I would prefer healthier lifestyle with less enjoyable food over decent lifestyle with nicer food.

  5. LupitaRonquillo profile image77
    LupitaRonquilloposted 12 years ago

    Once you start eating better and have cleaned up your "toxic tastebuds" with healthier foods, the healthier lifestyle's ends up tasting more enjoyable than the "nicer" food. Most people who give in to the not so healthy choices in life feel as though they would be sacrificing taste but they actually don't know what their "really" missing, taste And cures for their perpetuating ails!

    1. joanwz profile image78
      joanwzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you. I have found that  many of the healthier alternatives have become more pleasurable, and they even make the unhealthy alternatives not taste good in comparison

  6. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Healthier lifestyle with less enjoyable food. After having a couple of medical problems this year, I've realized my health is worth most changes, even if my taste buds suffer.

    And my healthier life style, is actually more tasty than my old life style. I splurge more on healthy sweets like sugar free candy that no longer hurt my teeth and fruit pops.

  7. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 12 years ago

    A healthier lifestyle. Tasty food is just tasty and smells nice. But if you over indulge it can effect your taste buds. Greasy wheat and dairy filled foods can effect your other senses as well, such as your hearing, which in turn can hinder your balance. I'd much rather eat less yummy food and keep the rest of my senses and my body in working order, and acquire the taste of said healthy foods, than indulge in just one sensory perception.

  8. Deepak Chaturvedi profile image63
    Deepak Chaturvediposted 12 years ago

    Healthier food with less enjoyable taste as taste buds will make you sick sooner or later if you follow them.

  9. mikejhca profile image82
    mikejhcaposted 12 years ago

    I guess I would prefer a healthier lifestyle with less enjoyable food given the two choices.  However in reality exercising regularly reduces junk food cravings and unhealthy food does not taste as good as it would if I was not exercising and doing things to reduce stress.  Nice food to me is food that is healthy and tastes good.

    Since I exercise regularly I eat a lot and I eat what I want.  If I ate a burger I would want to have other things to go with it like a salad.  Besides the food tasting good I want to feel good afterwards.  If the meal is not well balanced and healthy I don't feel satisfied.  When I was exercising on a daily basis after supper I noticed if I did not eat a good healthy well balanced supper it hurt my exercise performance and sometimes prevented me from working out.


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