Are you worried about the flu epidemic?

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  1. davidlivermore profile image82
    davidlivermoreposted 12 years ago

    Are you worried about the flu epidemic?

    I am currently fighting a cold, which I hope just ends up staying a cold.  But multiple states are declaring a flu epidemic.  Are you worried about it?

  2. Dreamhowl profile image96
    Dreamhowlposted 12 years ago

    Hey, I'm fighting a cold too! Well it feels like a half-cold half-fever really. I'm not very worried about the flu; nothing around my area has been bad. I understand certain states are being hit hard, but I don't see it becoming that widespread. More people need to stay home when they are sick, and cover their mouths and wash their hands. That's how I see it. smile

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Problem with staying home is that people don't want to lose pay or lose their jobs if they stay home while they are sick, so they make themselves go to work and spread their sickness around!

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    It does cross my mind but I am not overly worried. I did not get the flu shot, but rarely leave the house. I can't do anything about it, so just hope for the best and try to take precautions.

    My daughter is in the medical field where I live and there is something terrible going around but she says so far no one has tested positive for influenza.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I plan on taking more precautions now.  I've been so sick the last year, I don't want to get this sick anymore.

  4. mvillecat profile image70
    mvillecatposted 12 years ago

    Yes!!! I bath in hand sanitizer when I go anywhere these days. I used to get sick several times a year, then my doctor told me I was low in vitamin D. I started taking supplements and eating more food high in D and I have been far less sick in the last two years. I also always get the flu shot.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'll be getting my first flu shot this year. I use hand sanitizer at work. But honestly I don't wash my hands as much as I should. I've been sick multiple times the last year, want to avoid that now.

  5. tngolfplayer profile image71
    tngolfplayerposted 12 years ago

    During flu season I just wash my hands good with hot water, increase my vitamin C and D, and hope for the best.  Only time I have ever had the flu was about 15 years ago after I got the vaccine.  go figure.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lucky you! I was good at avoiding it until this last year when I got sick twice.

  6. Matthew Hotaling profile image73
    Matthew Hotalingposted 12 years ago

    Although the influenza outbreak is quite deadly and widespread this year, I am not at all worried about it. I'm 33 and have never had the vaccine for the flu. Ever. I did get the flu this year and maybe once or twice in my life but it really wasnt that bad for me.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lucky you!  I don't get the big deal on people being opposed or for the flu shot.  Guess I'll see!

    2. Matthew Hotaling profile image73
      Matthew Hotalingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Im not really against or for the flu shot. I just choose to let my body fight off stuff like that. I do consider myself lucky though as I have seen some people I know that really were tore up by the flu this year.

  7. Shift-Three profile image60
    Shift-Threeposted 12 years ago

    I can't say I am worried about it. I figure if I get it, I get it. I try to live a healthy lifestyle, which in theory should help fight off any illnesses, but I do that anyway. Everyone around me has or has had the flu already. It is probably only a matter of time before I get it.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True enough!

  8. Jmillis2006 profile image59
    Jmillis2006posted 12 years ago

    I am not to worried about a flu epidemic. I get the flu shot every year while this is not a fool proof it is a start to prevention. Another key to prevention is hand washing and if you still end up with the flu try to get to the doctor early so that you may be able to take Tamiflu to help shorten your time being sick.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've been washing my hands a lot more - finally.  I hope this will keep me from getting sick (as well as those I am around).

    2. Matthew Hotaling profile image73
      Matthew Hotalingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Handwashing is definitely a good way to prevent from getting any illness.

  9. kellylipp profile image68
    kellylippposted 12 years ago

    I'm not worried.  Whatever will be will be.  That being said, I make sure to wash my hands and take reasonable precautions.  I have not had a flu shot since 1997- was sick the entire winter that year- the sickest I've ever been.   I get an occasional head cold, but other than that, so far so good...

  10. ct92 profile image67
    ct92posted 12 years ago

    Not really.
    I do my best to have vitamins, and fight i off. But if it happens, it happens

  11. Amanda108 profile image77
    Amanda108posted 12 years ago

    Not particularly worried. I feel you're limited in what you can do to prevent it. If you're going to get it, you'll get it. To be honest, it feels like every year the media hypes a new epidemic. Certainly every year there is deadly illness -- but that just proves the point that these things are never-ending and to worry about them constantly would interfere with daily *living* of life.

    Now, if I knew someone at risk of getting this current strong flu virus and dying from it, I'd be worried for their sake, of course.

    1. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Quite true, it is hyped up a lot.  I saw a chart on how bad the swine flu was.  It wasn't that bad at all, but received the most attention.


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