What is usually done to help pain of carpal tunnel syndrome in hands and finger?

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  1. Diane Woodson profile image61
    Diane Woodsonposted 11 years ago

    What is usually done to help pain of carpal tunnel syndrome in hands and finger? Is this always bad.

    Please elaborate as to your experience and friends pain management!

  2. vocalcoach profile image93
    vocalcoachposted 11 years ago

    I suffered from CTD years ago.  The first thing the doctor did was to put my hand and wrist in a brace.  Although this helped some, because I used my hands as a professional pianist and earned my living as such, I needed a more permanent solution.

    My pain went from my hand, up my arm and into the neck area. When I was given the option to have surgery, I grabbed it.  The surgery was an in-patient procedure.  It involved going in to the palm of my right hand.  Just a few stitches were needed and when the hand healed sufficiently, physical therapy followed.

    I'm very glad to have had this surgery.  Have had absolutely no pain at all.

    You may simply need to wear a brace for a while along with a little physical therapy.  The sooner you see a Doctor, the better.  It's so common these days with the computer and all.  I hope this has helped you.  Feel free to ask me any questions.

    1. whonunuwho profile image52
      whonunuwhoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ditto...had the same procedures and well worth it. whonu

  3. ChristynaJohnson profile image60
    ChristynaJohnsonposted 11 years ago

    That would depend on the degree of the Carpal Tunnel.  First step would be a wrist brace, with advise on getting ergonomically correct wrist guards for the computer, also same for the mouse.  Limiting the amount of time performing the duties that cause the CTS.

    Last resort would be surgery to help alieve the constriction of the carpals and allow for better mobility and range of motion,(function) of the wrist affected by it. Followed by therapy to rework and strengthen the muscles and tendons.

  4. Etherealenigma profile image69
    Etherealenigmaposted 11 years ago

    My experience is that I am a pain relief, therapeutic massage therapist. I don't simply do relaxation massage. That is fluff and puff, and does nothing for the client who has muscle issues. I actually do a full muscle release, and unwind the muscles. I have worked on and released hip problems, knee problems, back problems and neck & shoulder pain as well, including frozen shoulder. I have even released alleged arthritis problems, and neuropathy in the fingers after a client was told they would never regain feeling in those fingers.

    As far as carpal tunnel is concerned, a doctor is going to send you to surgery, because all they know to do is either cut you, or drug you. Their end goal is to eliminate your symptoms, but they don't know the cause. So they will cut the wrist in an attempt to open up the tunnel. Totally unnecessary.

    There are trigger points in the muscles all along the arms that need to be released. If this is done, the problem goes away and surgery is unnecessary. I've seen people who had the surgery, and they come to me for a massage afterwards, telling me about the success of the surgery. However, the trigger points that caused the problem, and the muscle tension/lock down in their arms are never addressed by surgeons, because they can't even identify it, nor do they know how to address and release it. Not all massage therapists know this either, so you may end up spinning your wheels in the mud for a bit until you locate one that is knowledgeable enough to address it.

    After the muscles are released, you will also need to adjust your habits, and start stretching as well, in order to keep the muscles released. You may need some support for the wrists if you are a frequent pc user, because the wrist needs to remain straight as you type.

    1. Diane Woodson profile image61
      Diane Woodsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very informative, scared to type but had to see your response and am going to try to get a brace I think...You know enough to do a HUB on this subject. Thank you for going into detail about this painful problem...feels like a knife thru my right hand

    2. Etherealenigma profile image69
      Etherealenigmaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You need to soak your wrist in ice & water. Do not use heat because heat will add to the inflamation already in there. Keep your hand in the ice water as long as you can & then pull it out and let it warm back up on its own. Repeat several ti

  5. artist101 profile image64
    artist101posted 11 years ago

    i never suffered this, but I have read that B6 is suppose to help with nerve pain. Might be worth a try, its relatively inexpensive.http://artist101.hubpages.com/hub/The-Benefits-of-the-B-Vitamins-For-More-Than-Just-Stress Hope this helps

    1. Diane Woodson profile image61
      Diane Woodsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      going to take my mcentrum ty ty it hurts first timr in 7 yts it has been like this....ty ty

    2. artist101 profile image64
      artist101posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do take tumeric 250-500mg every 6 hours for arthitic pain, that may help you as well. It honestly works as well or better than Aleve, with out the side effects. Sometimes it does give me gas, but Id rather have that then pain.


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