Can someone please help me?

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  1. profile image55
    ParkourParker99posted 10 years ago

    Can someone please help me?

    I have actually tried to commit suicide before- twice - and I still have thoughts about it. I've cut my wrists and tried overdose at the same time, and then tried hanging my self. Can someone please help me? ????

  2. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 10 years ago

    Have you sought any professional counseling? I know there's a ton of stigma around it, but it really can help. The right counselor, therapist or psychiatrist can help you look objectively at the things going on in your head and help you start to untangle the toxic thought patterns. Whenever you're feeling "unsafe," you can also call the local hospital and request observation, or ask a trusted friend to spend some time with you. I've been there -- I only attempted suicide once, but cut for the endorphin rush on a regular basis and have been treated multiple times for severe depression. Professional counseling, combined with my own efforts toward a positive mindset, have helped. There is no magic solution and I still struggle with it off and on, but it's no longer the standard in life. There is a way to get past it, and there is a way to feel better that still lets you live.

  3. Alphapx profile image62
    Alphapxposted 10 years ago

    All I can help is to pray for you. I have a God and I hope you have, too. Jesus Christ is always a savior. Try calling Him.

    Sorry for having a religious advice but I was once at your shoes and He really gave me some signs not to do it.

    Be careful. You will think to do that again. You are almost in the "almost insane level of mentality" and if some bad things may trigger you, call our Creator or Jesus Christ. They are one. If you are not religious then just talk to your close friend about it.

    A man should have lots of columns or foundation just like a house with lots of it. If one column falls, many columns still support that house.

    1. profile image55
      ParkourParker99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It's fine about being religous. I'm a Christian

  4. profile image0
    Dave36posted 10 years ago

    Hey buddy i haven't ever tried to kill myself, but i was very depressed for many years....If you still have thoughts about it, just know that your not your thoughts....Use mindful meditating to distract yourself from those thoughts, & use some logic....Even though your past was bad it has no reflection on your future, you could be doing anything you want to & be happy in 6 months time....The key is not dwelling on what was, but start instead thinking about want could be....Ask yourself what you want to do in life, & work on your foundations in the meantime....Get fit/strong/healthy etc, sort your finances out etc....You don't know your future buddy, so it's up to you....Try watching the following vids which will explain to you how your mind works, then you will see what i'm saying....Oprah Winfreys Souls Series with Eckhart Tolle, the Boat Analogy by Alan Watts, & watch as many Joe Rogan Podcasts as you can...All available on utube, & all free....Your mind will have built up pretty negatively by now, but you are not your mind...So try & get into those vids, & like me your'l be amazed....Joe Rogan will tell you:....... "you can blame anybody", "& everybody for all the bad things that have happened to you in your past", "AND", "you might even be right", "BUT", "you can't change that", "what you can do is change how you react", "and how much value you give other peoples opinions/actions over you"....You will have to watch them a good few times before the message sinks in, but once your mind shifts you won't look back buddy....Good luck.


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