What is your greatest desire in life?

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  1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
    SakinaNasir53posted 8 years ago

    What is your greatest desire in life?

    Everyone desires some things in their life. Some even spend their whole life achieving what they want. I would like to know your greatest desire. What have you done for it?

    1. kraftetuning profile image60
      kraftetuningposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      My greatest desire is in life is to be someone whom everyone looks up to...I want to help people, reduce their sufferings and be a good citizen how much ever as I can...

    2. profile image0
      Alma Evansposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The greatest desire in my life is to be a good daughter and take care of my parents in the best way possible. I also want to be the best sibling and make a smile on everyone's face that I meet.

    3. rasaq balogun profile image43
      rasaq balogunposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The greatest desire in my life is to serve God and be good to humanity. Also be an example of a good character.

  2. Abhaque Supanjang profile image71
    Abhaque Supanjangposted 8 years ago


    My great desire is I succeed to get anything that I wish. Reaching the highest point of my life financially, materially, spiritually. Doing my best for everybody in this entire world; and being able to get better from day to day for all my life. And.... from all of them, I hope Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala will bless me to be in His Paradise in the Day After...............! That's all Syakira Nashier ......! What about yours ?

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My greatest desire is in life is to be someone whom everyone looks up to...I want to help people, reduce their sufferings and be a good citizen how much ever as I can...

  3. dearhassan profile image56
    dearhassanposted 5 years ago

    I think Health and fitness is the first requirement of life

    1. profile image0
      Alma Evansposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      They are important but love towards our dear ones is much important than them I guess.

  4. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 5 years ago

    To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

    1. IslandBites profile image93
      IslandBitesposted 5 years agoin reply to this


  5. dearhassan profile image56
    dearhassanposted 5 years ago

    no i think health and fitness is very important to desire life and we are standing on health topics

  6. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    Love and work is most important to achieve my success in life. My desire is to live out a healthy and happy lifestyle in my selfsubstanable tiny house community in Canada in the summer and in Colombia for the winter. If Zombie apocalypse happens in North America, plan B is Colombia. To develop cannabis strain to treat as many diseases as possible. Continue making fine sculptures and tiny castle homes without the hassle. To find the women of my dream and to continue fulfilling all my dreams. Ive work most of my waking hours of my life loving what I do, want to teach this to the youth for a better chance to master life. At the of end of each day, keep my integrity.

  7. Tashaney profile image76
    Tashaneyposted 5 years ago

    My greatest desire is to be at one with nature, but also to make enough money to successfully live off grid.

  8. Maryam Arif31 profile image59
    Maryam Arif31posted 5 years ago

    My greatest desire is to help others both physically and mentally. I want to make them a better version of themselves. Moreover, making this world a place where people become better by helping others.

  9. hrhjeshea profile image57
    hrhjesheaposted 4 years ago

    My greatest desire is to be healthy and to have peace, and also to be stable enough so I can also help others in need.

  10. Jane51 profile image76
    Jane51posted 4 years ago

    My greatest desire in life is to bring Glory to God and to love him with all my heart and soul and mind.

  11. Glenis Rix profile image98
    Glenis Rixposted 4 years ago

    A peaceful, safe world for my young grandchildren, and for children everywhere.

  12. vizzykiddo profile image60
    vizzykiddoposted 4 years ago

    My Greatest Desire is to be happy every day of my life. Let all the circumstances, conditions and situations of life drive me into happiness and joy...

  13. Gf18nrit profile image44
    Gf18nritposted 4 years ago

    My greatest desire to close my eyes and sleep with no wake up. Coma or ,.......... Just like when screen turn off

  14. anav12 profile image40
    anav12posted 4 years ago

    I've heard it said there are only 7 key desires in life:
    Survival, life extension.
    Enjoyment of food and beverage.
    freedom from fear, pain and danger.
    comfortable living conditions.
    to be superior. winning, keep up with your peer group.
    care and protection of loved ones.
    Social approval.


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