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The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #8
March 14, 2011 - Bullying
A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama by Dexter Yarbrough. Eighth in a series.
Barack: I have been catching up on the last few seasons of 'Desperate Housewives' in my spare time. That one character, 'Bree' was a sex animal.
Michelle: Yeah. That bimbo has seen more ceilings than Michelangelo! Ha ha ha!
Barack: Ha ha ha!!!
Michelle: What's on your mind?
Barack: So, what did you think about the White House summit on bullying?
Michelle: I thought it was funny that you were teased about your big ears! Ha ha ha!!
Barack: This topic is serious. Kids are getting bullied everyday.
Michelle: Listen to me. There is a difference in being teased and being bullied. I may be liberal, but some of this is BS, white suburban folks' melodrama. A little kid laughing about another kid's ear size is different than some oversized 13 year old threatening to beat up a smaller kid for his money. And by the way, you do have big ears! Ha ha ha!!
Barack: Yeah, but...
Michelle: Have you noticed that this isn't an issue in urban neighborhoods? Black and Latino kids are brought up tough in order to face a cruel, tough world. White, liberal, upper and middle class kids are brought up overly sensitive. This is why eventually black and Latino employees have problems with white bosses. They were brought up as kids to react to the most minor of things. So when a black employee upbraides an insensitive white colleague, the white colleague goes running to complain. Of course, the black employee gets disciplined.
Barack: But we are talking about kids.
Michelle: No. We are taking about bullying. In more integrated schools, research has been done that shows that black and Latino kids get disciplined for minor things as opposed to white kids. If a white kid calls a black kid 'nigger,' the school wants to have a mediation session. If a black kid threatens to kick the ass of the white kid calling him 'nigger,' he is hauled off in handcuffs.
Barack: I understand your points, but...
Michelle: There is no 'but.' I am supportive of efforts to deal with bullying. But calling someone 'big-head' is not bullying. My brother teased me all the time.
Barack: Yes. But words have an effect...
Michelle: Who are the kids learning this stuff from? Adults. C'mon, Barack! There is bullying in the workplace everyday. Bosses continuously threaten employees, especially in this economy. That crap goes on here in the White House and all over Washington. That is one reason why union employees are so upset in Wisconsin. If government employers take away their collective bargaining rights, then their right to file grievances against bullying bosses is next.
Barack: Well...
Michelle: And what about politicians? They are bullying people everyday within their own political parties. What about the media? They bully people with the fabrications in articles they write and in news reports.
Barack: Hmmm.
Michelle: If anything, we need to have a White House Summit on Adult Bullying. If adults would stop the BS, kids wouldn't learn how to do it.
Barack: I agree.
Michelle: You better! Or, I will kick your ass!
Barack: Now that's bullying!
Michelle: You bet, big ears!
Barack: Off to the Cabinet Meeting. I love you!
Michelle: I love you too!
Stay Tuned for More 'Morning Conversations...' with Barack & Michelle Obama, next time!
Copyright 2011 - Dexter Yarbrough
- Dexter Yarbrough on Hubpages
By Dexter Yarbrough. When I first came to Hubpages, I didn't know what to expect. Within hours of signing up, I had fan mail welcoming me and a few followers. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #1
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional (and satirical) account of the daily morning conversations of Barack and Michelle Obama. By Dexter Yarbrough. Number 1 in the series. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #2
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the daily morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama by Dexter Yarbrough. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #3
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama by Dexter Yarbrough. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #4
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama by Dexter Yarbrough. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #5
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Michelle & Barack Obama. Fifth in a series. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #6
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama. Sixth in a series. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #7
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama. Seventh in a series. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #9
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama. Ninth in a series. - The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #10
By Dexter Yarbrough. A fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama. Tenth in a series.