What was the last actual book (not e-book) you read?

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  1. EclecticFusion profile image69
    EclecticFusionposted 13 years ago

    What was the last actual book (not e-book) you read?

    I love reading a book. A book that I hold in my hands. The heavier, the better! Anyway, the last book I read was "Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children" by Ransom Riggs. The book I'm reading right now is "The Future of Us" by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler and I think my next one will be "Dead In Dixie" by Charlaine Harris. You?


  2. jessramblings profile image60
    jessramblingsposted 13 years ago

    Ditto on needing to hold a book. I don't own an e-reader and don't ever see myself owning one unless someone gives it to me as a gift, though I'll always hold a book. Off topic...back to the question.

    I literally just finished CRYER'S CROSS by Lisa McMann. Like an hour ago, I finished it, lol. I want to read THE FUTURE OF US, but want to read Jay Asher's THIRTEEN REASONS WHY first. I plan on rereading THE HUNGER GAMES before the movie and the next thing will also be Lauren DeStefano's FEVER, the sequel to her first book, WITHER. It comes out Feb 21 and I can't wait!

  3. JamesPoppell profile image71
    JamesPoppellposted 13 years ago

    I seem to be going through a Ken Follett phase. The last book I read was, The Hammer of Eden, by Ken Follett. I am currently reading, The Third Twin, by Ken Follett. I absolutely love books, real books. I love the smell of a new book. Great question.

  4. Dee aka Nonna profile image60
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 13 years ago

    Just finished "The Story of Edgar Cayce...There is a River"   and I am now reading "Journals 1952-2000" by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan, book two of a zombie trilogy.  Am also reading two books on Bi-Polar Disorder as I have a friend recently diagnosed and want to understand more about it, am also reading a book I am supposed to review entitled Animated Realism; a behind the scenes look at the animated documentary genre. BOOORIIINNGGG!

  6. iiimusicfreak27 profile image60
    iiimusicfreak27posted 13 years ago

    I just finished reading Missing Soluch by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi. About a single mother's life in India trying to raise her three children and trying to move on after the husband walked out on them... Great book!

  7. pjpitts profile image74
    pjpittsposted 13 years ago

    I agree on reading a real book!  I don't have any interest in owning an e-reader.  The last book I read was 11/22/63, by Stephen King.  It was excellent I couldn't put it down, I finished it last week not sure what I'm going to read next.

  8. Peter Allison profile image80
    Peter Allisonposted 13 years ago

    Just finished 'The Salterton Trilogy' by Robertson Davies and now reading 'Walking to L.A.' by Will Self. Davies is a Canadian master - his novels are erudite, precise, detailed kaleidoscopic epics. Self writes dense, metaphorical, satire. Hilarious. Genius.

  9. billybuc profile image86
    billybucposted 13 years ago

    I just finished "Sweet Shattered Dreams" by Stanley Gordon West....beautifully written book.

  10. ladeda profile image60
    ladedaposted 13 years ago

    I just finished reading Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. I absolutely love her books! Beautiful writing.

  11. ThatYossarian profile image61
    ThatYossarianposted 13 years ago

    Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut. In my opinion, it could be even better than Slaughterhouse-Five.

  12. JusSayin profile image60
    JusSayinposted 13 years ago

    I, too, love to read actual books. The last book that I read was Stephen King's Christine. It was one of my mother's and mine favorite movies and I just had to experience the book, Stephen King style. It was a great read, about a teenager who buys a car with a dark side. I recommend it to anyone who loves a good book!

  13. Ben Graves profile image78
    Ben Gravesposted 13 years ago

    Just finished "Breakfast of Champions." Am now reading Nabokov's "Speak Memory" for a class and "Hairstyles of the Damned" by one of my teachers from last semester.

  14. EyesStraightAhead profile image73
    EyesStraightAheadposted 13 years ago

    I recently finished "Imaginary Girls" by Nova Ren Suma. I am currently reading "The Power of a Whisper" by Bill Hybels. I like to read a Kindle book and then a book book.

  15. profile image0
    Emer420posted 13 years ago

    I am currently reading "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen.  So far it is quite enjoyable.

  16. DonnaCosmato profile image82
    DonnaCosmatoposted 13 years ago

    Switched (TJ and the Time Stumblers) by Bill Meyers as an assignment from Tyndale House Publishers. Not really my cup of tea but I can see where it would be a big hit with 8 year olds, which is the target market.

  17. Robin Kommer profile image60
    Robin Kommerposted 13 years ago

    just finnished reading 2150AD  a novel by Thea Alexander. At this point I love the smell and feel of paper.

  18. Sarah Bolluyt profile image60
    Sarah Bolluytposted 13 years ago

    I actually just read Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, too!!  I really enjoyed it; I enjoy books that are dark and creepy, but still fun as well.  What did you think of it?

  19. dragoshs profile image61
    dragoshsposted 13 years ago

    Just finished "Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men - One Message"  by Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump

  20. JamaGenee profile image78
    JamaGeneeposted 13 years ago

    I'm almost embarrassed to say I just finished reading Kelsey Grammer's biography, "So Far".  A vacation of sorts from much heavier reading like Gail Collins' "When Everything Changed" about the women's movement. Next up is a biography of the Mondavi family and their rise and downfall as the premier wine-makers of America.   

    I, too, prefer to hold a book versus reading one on a screen.  I love to savor the smell of the paper and ink that wafts out when opening a new book for the first time.

  21. Capedium profile image73
    Capediumposted 13 years ago

    The Biography of Joseph Pulitzer.. The Hugarian who transformed Journalism .. Into a medium of Mass Consumption and a medium for power..

  22. EclecticFusion profile image69
    EclecticFusionposted 13 years ago

    Sarah Bolluyt: I really liked the book, but I can see how some might not like it. It's not for everyone. You have to have a good imagination to "get" Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children!

  23. SilkThimble profile image72
    SilkThimbleposted 13 years ago

    I recently finished Burning Alive by Shannon K. Butcher (love the paranormal romance). I'm now in the midst of A Game of Thrones (Book 1) - now that's a hefty tome, very satisfying to hold.

  24. wymyczak66 profile image84
    wymyczak66posted 13 years ago

    "Mocking Jay" by Suzanne Collins. It's the last book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. Now that I've finished that I'm going to finish "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest", which is the third book in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy, but I'll be reading that alongside a nutrition book I got recently smile

  25. wonderingwoolley profile image58
    wonderingwoolleyposted 13 years ago

    I just finished the Mermaid Chair by Sue Kidd Monk and am now currently reading U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton. The last e-book I read was the Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

  26. gabrielthomas72 profile image59
    gabrielthomas72posted 13 years ago

    The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Amazing.

  27. StellaSee profile image84
    StellaSeeposted 13 years ago

    Recently I read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, which is apparently semi-autobiographical. And I agree, I like being able to touch the pages of my books, although Kindle Fire looks pretty awesome. smile

  28. joanake profile image61
    joanakeposted 13 years ago

    Personally I consider reading an e-book akin to reading a normal book. Yes the rustic feeling is pretty much lacking but we are actually helping to save the earth by reducing resources and waste smile

    The last book I read (on a hard copy) was last year, Mitch Albom's latest book - Have a Little Faith. It was a very insightful book on how we can and should be tolerant with others whether of similar or different faith and beliefs. Religions generally encourage followers to practice good virtues, be loving, giving and forgiving to people they meet.

    With the recent decade's emphasis on cracking down on terrorism which fuels their actions through religious radical teachings, this book helped me to understand that different people interpret and exhibits their beliefs in different manners and distorted interpretations of religions causes the hate and violence that is rampant in the 21st century.

    Only when we let go of discrimination and learn acceptance will we be able to view the world with an open mind and treat all other fellow beings with love and respect.

  29. chiapuz profile image59
    chiapuzposted 13 years ago

    Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. It is a great book and it has inspired me to program iPhone apps for the amazing device that he created. It showed me that one man can have a huge impact on mankind. A company that started in his garage is now one of the greatest companies in history.

  30. mvaivata profile image59
    mvaivataposted 13 years ago

    I actually very rarely read e-books... which... I know... is shocking!  The last book I read was The Passions of the Mind by Irving Stone.  I'm currently reading Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran.

  31. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 13 years ago

    I am an avid reader of actual paper-page books. I just finished All the Flowers in Shanghai by Duncan Jepson and Floaters by Joseph Wambaugh. I am now reading The Keepsake by Tess Gerritson.

  32. researchpapers profile image60
    researchpapersposted 13 years ago

    I just finished the book named " Believe in love "

  33. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 13 years ago

    I love the feel and smell of books, I cannot remember the last book I read, not ebook.  I think it was Demian by Hermann Hesse....

  34. houseclearance profile image61
    houseclearanceposted 13 years ago

    The last proper book I read was "the girl with the dragon tattoo" I'm in the process of reading the next one but its taking me while as i keep dipping in and out

  35. The New Classic profile image60
    The New Classicposted 13 years ago

    Mockingjay from "The Hunger Games" trilogy.  This trilogy is supposed to be for young adults, but the social commentary is thought provoking for adults alike.  To me, the books seem to be a blend of "The Most Dangerous Game", a short story by Richard Connell, and "1984" by George Orwell.

  36. profile image0
    Darkmetalyposted 13 years ago

    the last book I read was First Blood by David Morell

  37. profile image58
    khadeejahposted 13 years ago

    Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman.I read it today the author has great imagination.


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