What is the best book that you have read so far this year?

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  1. Adamowen profile image67
    Adamowenposted 12 years ago

    What is the best book that you have read so far this year?

  2. Georgie Lowery profile image86
    Georgie Loweryposted 12 years ago

    I read Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman this year. It's my new favorite book, ever. I'm reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins right now and it's awesome also.

  3. lovetobeheard profile image38
    lovetobeheardposted 12 years ago

    Geek Nation by Angela Saini - How INDIAN SCIENCE is taking over the world..

  4. LisaKoski profile image78
    LisaKoskiposted 12 years ago

    Game of Thrones. I haven't finished it but so far it's awesome and I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys reading within that genre. Peoples were always telling me to read it and finally one day a coworker brought it to work, handed it to me, and said not to give it back until I was done...unfortunately I got transferred so I'm in limbo until I get my own copy but if I had a choice I would not have been able to put it down.

    Divergent by Veronica Roth is also a great book. I read that and the second part of the series and can't wait for the third one to come out. I think if you like something like The Hunger Games trilogy then you will definitely enjoy the Divergent trilogy.

    1. Divergent profile image58
      Divergentposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love the Hunger Games trilogy and I'm eagerly awaiting the third Divergent book. A friend let me borrow Game of Thrones, but I've been hesitant to start it for some reason. Is Game of Thrones similar to the other two series at all?

  5. Recently Awakened profile image60
    Recently Awakenedposted 12 years ago

    Definitely Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now. It would be a much better world if more people were consciously aware of their actions, instead of allowing an automatic mental association/reaction.

  6. sarahmoose profile image66
    sarahmooseposted 12 years ago

    I think my favourite this year is 'The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry' by Rachel Joyce. It's about a retired man who receives a note from a friend he hasn't seen in 20 years, who is in a hospice and dying at the other end of the country. He goes to post a note to her, but never stops walking until he reaches her bedside to see her. It's an emotional rollercoaster, where Harold has to deal with many personal demons. A recommended read for anyone.

  7. jhendor profile image68
    jhendorposted 12 years ago

    its surely the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John Maxwell

  8. bell du jour profile image60
    bell du jourposted 12 years ago

    The Hunger Games Triology was fantastic!  ....:-)

  9. uNicQue profile image72
    uNicQueposted 12 years ago

    One of the best I have read was The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I'm writing a hub on it soon if you're interested smile

  10. isabelamadaun profile image59
    isabelamadaunposted 12 years ago

    Wow, there's so many.  I think the best book I've read recently is Edenbrooke By Julianne Donaldson.  Set in Regency England, it had just enough action to keep it interesting and plenty of fluff to feed my hopeless romantic soul.  It wasn't a hugely deep book, but it put a smile on my face.

  11. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 12 years ago

    Fairytale Interrupted - but I'm a Kennedy junkie

    Also, Killing Lincoln - but I'm a history junkie too.


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