Gianella Labrador ~ A Warrior

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  1. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

    Gianella's heartfelt struggle as she deals with her own health issues … -The-Truth

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing this article, Brenda. Your support of Gianella and your words of advice and comfort are tremendous. We need to all keep Gianella in our prayers as she faces this health battle.

  2. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

    This is so heartfelt.

    It's hard to deal with the news you received about the tumor.

    You are a Warrior & you need to make these life choices for yourself.

    There are several support groups online & on Facebook for people who have brain tumors.

    I've found them more helpful than what the doctors tell you.

    For some reason they try to say a headache isn't caused by a tumor...but it is indeed.
    The weather also plays a role for me.
    That's when mine get bad.

    I don't know what type of tumor you have, but mine is a menogioma brain tumor. (Since 2016)

    It's not cancerous, but the location is not ideal.

    My last treatment was Gamma Knife Surgery in 2018 which is only radiation pinpointed at tumor in one setting. 

    I wish you the best.  Do your own homework.   Study & learn what you can and find the best doctor in your area.

    Message if you need to shout or scream.

    Sending you hugs & prayers.

  3. Gianella Labrador profile image85
    Gianella Labradorposted 3 years ago

    Hi Brenda. Praise the Lord as that suspicion of me having any tumor or cancer in the brain was negative, it was just an assumption. It turns out to be just chronic migraine but my case is still under observation for more research. Doctors are still doing their best to study what's really happening before I get released here at the hospital. Thankfully everything is going smooth and well. I'm just really feeling grateful. Thank you for appreciating my recent hub "Something to feel Good."

    Blessings to you Brenda! Will pray for you too.

    1. Brenda Arledge profile image81
      Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      So good to hear this news Gianella!
      Migraines can be awful.

      Do what the doctors say and feel better soon.

  4. Gianella Labrador profile image85
    Gianella Labradorposted 3 years ago

    Thank you Brenda!

  5. celeste inscribed profile image91
    celeste inscribedposted 2 years ago

    Hi Gianella, my mom is a chronic migraine sufferer and it's hard to watch her in so much pain. I really hope your doctors find a pain management regime that will work for you. Right now my mom gets 30 Botox injections in her head and neck every 3 months. It's extreme but after 50 years of trying every treatment under the sun, she had no choice. We did find that she has some migraine triggers though like food preservatives and some non nutritive sweeteners. Botox is not a cure but it takes care of the most severe migraines. I wrote an article a while back about one of the trigger sweeteners called aspartame. Here's the link for you. … ne-Trigger
    My prayers go out to you and good luck. Kindest regards Celeste

  6. Gianella Labrador profile image85
    Gianella Labradorposted 2 years ago

    Hi Celeste. Thank you so much for reaching out. I've read your article regarding artificial sweeteners. Thank you for sharing it with me. I wouldn't have known food ingredients that could trigger migraines such as sweeteners and msg. I would  start to keep track of  all triggers on a journal. I guess that's the only way to  rule out and monitor what triggers a migraine. I have been sensitive to bright lights and loud sounds too at times. But maybe mine was also due to stress and hormonal imbalance. I really appreciate the article. Doing research about my health condition alone is a tough work at a young age. There is so much I couldn't comprehend well. But thanks to people like you, I get to understand tidbits of my condition.

    Thank you for following me as well, Celeste.

    Blessings to you. Be praying for your mother.

    God bless.

  7. Gianella Labrador profile image85
    Gianella Labradorposted 2 years ago

    Thank you for the love and prayers Liz! I really appreciate it.


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