I, Too, Have A Dream, It's Okay, It's The Same Dream ~ A B Williams

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  1. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 18 months ago

    Check out this article written by Angie B Williams.

    Her work is based on the famous "I Have A Dream" Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King.

    https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/ … same-dream

  2. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 18 months ago

    I glanced over your article a little bit, but have not read it yet.

    I love this angle...from the famous I Have A Dream speech.

    I'll let you know once I've read it.

  3. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 18 months ago

    I love how you have used Dr Martin Luther King's famous speech, "I Have a Dream" as the focus for your article.

    We have definitely stubbed our toe or went of course since that moment in time.

    Perhaps your words can bring back the dream he had in his heart.

    Not seeing color first and leaving all judgement to God.

    It is sad that people cannot have their own beliefs without being made the problem for not just willingly following along.

    I know for myself, I have my own mind and I won't let anyone  decide what I should think or believe.   
    I hope that doesn't give me an "ism" as you put it...but if it does...oh well.

    I honestly hope this world goes back to the basics & remembers God.

    We need his help if we are to survive.

    You have some very good points & I hope we can get to a place where judgment is left up only to God and not to us humans.

    Your work shows the youth in this world really have no one protecting them.

    They are forced in schools to learn to accept different ways of life without ever having time to develop their own skills.
    Let children be children.

    Let them enjoy their childhood before attempting to confuse their little minds.

    All of these things can wait until they are adults.

    Now...to the piece you included,
    "My Dream."

    You tell us that now is the time to reach out and extend our hand.

    Pull someone up.
    Help them.

    Especially our younger generations who have been pulled away from us.

    To leave behind the mark of caring for our family.

      Let them know you were willing to fight for them no matter what the cost.

    If each of us took a stand and held on to determination...we could change the world.

    Nothing is impossible...this is not an impossible dream.

    Great writing.   

    You certainly get your point across and hopefully people will be willing to treat others with dignity and repect...
    And let children enjoy being young...
    Their laughter and smiles help us to make it through the day.

    I'll post a link in the word prompt article

  4. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 18 months ago

    Thanks Brenda!
    Yes, "let children enjoy being young". Childhood goes by so fast, let them be kids...there's plenty of time for adulting later on!

  5. MsDora profile image92
    MsDoraposted 18 months ago

    Angie, I subscribe to your dream. Thanks for reminding us how far off course we have gone from the path Dr. King envisioned. You have given us much good food for thought. Thanks, Brenda, for sharing the link, for being back.

  6. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 18 months ago

    Good Morning MsDora, thank you.
    We need more subscribers!

  7. ChitrangadaSharan profile image92
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 18 months ago

    Hello Angie,
    Such a wonderful read; insightful and thoughtful words. I have heard that famous speech by MLK many times, and have always felt so inspired by it.
    Your analysis of the present times displays your matured and valuable opinion.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    Thank you Brenda.

    1. abwilliams profile image69
      abwilliamsposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Thank you Chitrangada for reading and for commenting.
      We can't just pull the wool over our eyes and leave evil to prosper and thrive. MLK spoke out and we must, as well.

  8. Treshty profile image82
    Treshtyposted 18 months ago

    A remarkable soul with his remarkable speech and dreams for the a better world specially for the young minds.

    I love how you perfectly tailored all those thoughts Ms Williams, thank you!

    1. abwilliams profile image69
      abwilliamsposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Thank you Treshty for your kind words.

      Transitioning from childhood to adulthood and all of that in-between is difficult enough and now all of this "madness"(I call it as I see it) piling on, as if they are a throwaway generation, in some sick experiment..... They aren't, they are a part of God's glorious creation!!
      It hurts my heart -
      I can't be silent!

  9. Treshty profile image82
    Treshtyposted 18 months ago

    Yes adulting is already a pure struggle. I couldn't agree more as I am experiencing it for the past 6 months. 

    In a world where you will always be force to become part of the uniform, where flowing against the current is such a magnificent rebellion.

    And you are being rebellious Ms Williams! I'm rooting for you.

    Sending power hugs!!!!

    1. abwilliams profile image69
      abwilliamsposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Thank you again Treshty, I am feeling those power hugs and returning them, as you maneuver the many obstacles!
      We are truly in a fight like no other and although distance separates us, we are in it together!
      Stay strong!!

  10. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 18 months ago

    AB (Angie) first, thank you for having the courage to write this. If it was on social media it would cause quite an angry backlash.
    I have to say that I agree totally with every word, and that using Dr Martin Luther King’s speech for inspiration and comparison was brilliant.

    I don’t even know where to start, but this craziness is not just confined to the USA, it is here as well. “If it is good enough for America it is good enough for Australia” seems to be our Government’s attitude on most things.

    My son is currently butting heads with the school and education department over what his children (my grandkids) are taught in regard to the current gender agenda. He says they are too young and he doesn’t want them exposed to that unless he feels the need to tell them himself.

    In my experience as a freelance writer of children’s books, apart from losing work to AI, is the increase in clients wanting stories where the main character’s gender in not apparent and without pronouns such as “him,” “her” or “his” throughout. This is a total pain.

    The whole cancel culture thing, too, is out of control and the banning of classic literature or wanting offensive terms and words edited out. I have even read recently that the Bible has been banned in school in some US states.

    This is certainly not “the dream” that MLK had. Sorry about my rant. Great article.

  11. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 18 months ago

    John, thank you for opening up and sharing your thoughts.
    Rant away!! I get it. I hate that this madness/this evil is spilling out all over the world.
    Because of the direction that I often go,  I don't get feedback, due to the fact that 'particular' articles don't receive a lot of exposure. When shared to social media, they certainly don't, because they are instantly buried!
    But we carry on, we don't give up, we don't give in! I admire your son for fighting the good fight; for his kids and their future.
    They must be left alone to just be kids for that very small window of time. When they have questions about these directions we (and they) are being DRUG IN.....Parents are the first line of defense. Parents MUST be their 'go to", not the school, not their Teachers, not the State, nor the Gov.... BUT, their Parent/their Guardian.
    How does this not make sense to everyone!?!
    As I said to Ms Dora, we need more subscribers!
    Now I'm ranting...
    Thanks again, appreciated more than you know!

  12. Treshty profile image82
    Treshtyposted 17 months ago

    Absolutely! fighting!!!!

    And thank you for the warm hugs as well smile


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