Anyone having success with InfoBarrel?

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  1. lovelypaper profile image56
    lovelypaperposted 14 years ago

    I just joined InfoBarrel out of curiousity  and I like it ok. I haven't been on there long enough to have much of an opinion. Has anyone here done good with it?

    1. michifus profile image57
      michifusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      not tried it yet - will add it t the list......

      snipsly,yousaytoo,shetoldme,redgage,flixya,dada, the hell are we supposed to find the time I wonder!

      1. Jayne Lancer profile image92
        Jayne Lancerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I wonder the same. I've just joined Red Gage and am muddling my way through and experimenting. I've looked at Info Barrel, but was a little confused as far as backlinking is concerned ... I'll need more time to look into it.

    2. classicalgeek profile image81
      classicalgeekposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm very happy there.

    3. TinaAtHome profile image66
      TinaAtHomeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have 15 articles at InfoBarrel. I get less people viewing my articles and less money than I do at HubPages. I've signed up for Xomba too. I've written a hub comparing the three.

      I find HubPages the easiest to use and I especially like putting Amazon capsules in my hubs. In comparison, you can put one Amazon link on InfoBarrel.

      There are many similar revenue sharing sites, but you have to ask which ones will still be here in 5 years' time? You can't only write articles in one place in case you lose them all in one go.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Very true.  Look at all the poor bloggers at

  2. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago


  3. lovelypaper profile image56
    lovelypaperposted 14 years ago

    I'm happy here too. Hubpages is my favorite but I wanted to try it.

  4. tommen profile image82
    tommenposted 14 years ago

    I just joined Infobarrel and have 3 articles there so far.I believe in the philosophy of not having all eggs in one basket.Linking from Infobarrel to related articles on Hubpages and the other way around is great for SEO as well.

  5. LeanMan profile image79
    LeanManposted 14 years ago

    Signed up but not had the time to do anything there yet...

  6. Eileen Hughes profile image62
    Eileen Hughesposted 14 years ago

    It is great there, you do have to write 10 articles and have them approved. Simply because they make sure that you are not spamming or writing rubbish.

    Once you have done that you are on your way.  It is a reasonably new site, but with the advent of problems at ehow  they are moving in leaps and bounds.  I wrote and article here in hubpages about how it works.

    Like any site your articles need to mature and use seo and keywords  to earn money.  have fun

  7. Ultimate Hubber profile image71
    Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years ago

    I haven't earned much from it. Maybe less than 5$ in about 6 or so months. But I only have a few articles there.

  8. tobey100 profile image59
    tobey100posted 14 years ago

    I've just signed up my self.  So far I have no opinion.  It's more confusing and restrictive to use that Hubs.

  9. Shil1978 profile image85
    Shil1978posted 14 years ago

    I signed up a while back, but could never get myself to write an article over there. The interface didn't work for me. HubPages seemed far easier to work with - maybe because I am used to it!!

  10. Stacie L profile image84
    Stacie Lposted 14 years ago

    while deleting my eHow articles and account info...
    I found an article from a former Ehow-er about loving Info barrel.
    and i may try it.
    i have also looked at Redgage.
    .....just don't have a lot of time for this...

  11. Eileen Hughes profile image62
    Eileen Hughesposted 14 years ago

    hubpages and info barrel are entirely different to each other.

    Hubpages you can insert bits an pieces at the time

    Whereas as info barrel it is so simple to load it all in one go then you just load pics and drag them down into the page and decide whether to put them into the middle on the left or right of page.
    Very simple.  Actually to do that you need to right click and choose the position of where you want it.
    Plus they have 4 templates a blank article a how to, a review, and a  video template.  I just do all mine in blank article as cannot be bothered with putting the how to in separate bits and pieces.

    Great and friendly.  Also the Admin is there to help you  and the member help you there too like they do here.  Members make both sites  a better place I believe anyway.  I enjoy it at both  and then if you write two similar articles you can refer them to hubpages or info barrel depending on which you have written them on.   helps to be seen   cheers.

  12. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    I've seen Sunforged mention Infobarrel as a good place to get backlinks.  I joined ages ago but haven't got around to using them.

    One thing I can't find is whether you can remove your articles, or whether once they're posted, they're there forever.  Anyone know?

  13. Eileen Hughes profile image62
    Eileen Hughesposted 14 years ago

    Yes you can delete them Marissa by sending a letter to the admin,  they are contactable all the time and answer your emails and also answer any queries in their forum if you post in there.

  14. Never_Forget profile image60
    Never_Forgetposted 13 years ago

    I like InfoBarrel a lot. I make between $14 and $20 everyday...sometimes a bit more. I have about 140 articles up there. Per article, I make quite a bit more than HubPages.

    IB is more restrictive than HubPages but it is for the best. By doing this it will gain far more trust with Google than similar platforms, even HubPages which has already been slapped for excessive spam by Google.

    Anyone who is thinking about trying IB out should definitely start now, though. Get there while the site is still young and a bunch of good titles are still there for the taking. IB has a very bright future ahead of it and by the growth trends and their trust rank techniques, they are poised to become even bigger than HubPages and eZine.

    IB has gone from an Alexa ranking of 12,000 to less than 3,000 in only about 6 months. That is completely unheard of when it comes to website growth. I honestly believe that there are very few sites who can compare to a growth that rapid, and all natural.

    This is not a conversion preaching. I think HubPages is awesome but you should never put all your eggs in 1 basket. I started on InfoBarrel in the beginning of 2010 and my earnings have literally doubled every month (even during months where I was inactive). I started on HubPages a few months ago and only have 20 articles but this site is great, I just don't earn as much here because IB offers a minimum 75% rev share and as high as 90% whereas HP only offers 60%.

    I am very good with SEO which plays a big role in my earnings but that being said I have also noticed that InfoBarrel articles with SEO rank just as well or better than HubPages articles with the same SEO. IB may have a low PR but they are gaining TR (trust rank) very quickly and effectively.


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