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  1. mizzjanique29 profile image61
    mizzjanique29posted 14 years ago

    Personally when i write i use a little of both things i have been through in the past as well as thoughts that pass through my mind. I find that this makes for an interesting and intense novel for readers; However lately i've been hearing that the key to a fantastic novel is only writing about the things you know. I don't agree with method of writing, i feel we all need to imagine and fantasize more; especially when reading there is enough drama in the world on a day to day basis, so when i write i want to just let my mind wonder...WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK ABOUT THIS METHOD

    1. Era Pteros profile image62
      Era Pterosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Why restrict yourself to what is in the forefront of your mind instead of letting it wander?

      Did you know that cartographers of the Middle Ages labeled uncharted land on maps with "There might be monsters here."

    2. profile image0
      Amie Warrenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have a hard time getting motivated sometimes, so I keep a list of topics that I write down as I think of them. Then I try to write hub topics off of those.  I even bought a program to help me, but it was too much trouble, so I just use pen and paper. Somehow, it's more real for me if I write it down.

  2. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Stick with what you know or do research to back up other things you are not all to familiar with. smile

    1. mizzjanique29 profile image61
      mizzjanique29posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes research is always a must....this i do agree with whole heartedly, smile

  3. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    I used to wonder...what do I know that I can write about?  Now that I have my answer, I have to ask myself...who would want to read what I know I can write about?

    This question doesn't bother me anymore.  The answer is irrelevant.  I'll write what I know, whether or not anyone wants to read it because it's what I know and understand, and I need to get it out of my system.  If someone wants to read it, it'll  be a bonus - just like it'd be a bonus if I ever earned any money from HubPages.  smile

    1. PegCole17 profile image95
      PegCole17posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I love this response.

      1. Rafini profile image81
        Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile  ty, it's the truth.  I have to admit, though, I certainly would enjoy earning a living by writing.  It is my goal.

    2. themist profile image60
      themistposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      definately agree with this.

    3. Pcunix profile image83
      Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same way.

      I make enough money not to care whether something is going to add to the pile.  I do not mean that I could not make good use of more money (and if I cannot, my wife can) but that the need to say what I need to say trumps money every time.

  4. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 14 years ago

    I used to help adults learners relax and write whatever came to their mind and not to worry about grammar, punctuation,etc.
    That works for a short time but eventually your writing has to make some sense.
    Fantasy is fun but information is king.

  5. Polly C profile image84
    Polly Cposted 14 years ago

    I think it depends on what you are writing. I almost never use my own experiences as the main focus for writing ficticious material because I prefer to write about things from other people's perspective, and put myself in their shoes instead (or try to, anyway). However, I think most writers must draw on their own experiences of life in some ways.

  6. Flightkeeper profile image67
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    I write what comes to mind.  How it comes out is the challenge big_smile

  7. sugz profile image68
    sugzposted 14 years ago

    i think it's totally upto the individual.. for me, my mind tells me what to write. it depends wether i am writing fiction or non-fiction, but eitherway, it comes from the hidden depths of my mind where there's a stack of un-chartered territory that is yet to be explored. i'm happy throwing at the keyboard words that i have no idea where they came from and so far, all of my novels have formed that way. my non-fiction.. well they have still begun the same way, they're just actual facts within a story that reguardless of anything.. is itching to be told. smile

    follow your instinct.. it will lead you up the garden path but you will find a result that is pleasing to yourself and many others reguardless.

  8. 4elements profile image64
    4elementsposted 14 years ago

    I think you should write what you know as well as use your imagination.That to me is what makes a story.I love writing,I write poetry, short stories. i even have a complete story in my computer that is saved i just don't know where to go from there, so it justs sits there.

    1. sugz profile image68
      sugzposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      i'm not sure if i can put this in here, but i just threw a hub up that you might be able to use for your story. anyone can go and use the program, it's free and it's not an affiliate site so there's no crazy links.
      good luck smile

    2. sofs profile image74
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Take what you know and blend it with imagination, take imagination into realms that you have second hand knowledge about through  reading or hear say.. but write what the reader wants to hear so what you have written is read!
      what is a story that is unread is no better than feelings that you have not expressed

      1. sugz profile image68
        sugzposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        very well said sofs.

        i think many of us are guilty for having somthing unread aren't we? i know i am, often it is the fear of the unknown that holds us back from sharing, that  unspoken fear of someone critiscising our works leaving the uncertainty of what lies ahead..
        leaping into that unknown can be hard for many.. perhaps we shoudl encourage people like 4elements to place a few chapters on hubs.. to break the ice and get the confidence to jump in boots and all..?

  9. Tusitala Tom profile image69
    Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

    The advice to write about what you know, probably means to place the background of your stories in worlds that you've experienced.  For example, I doubt a person whose never worked in a hospital, been a medico of some sort, could write a really interesting story set against a backdrop of hospital life.  Or if you've never driven a heavy rig on the open highways, could you write authentically about a truckers life. 

    What is being said here is if, for example, you've worked in an office environment, holidayed in certain locations, gone to school, college or university in areas common to many, set you short story, or novel against those backdrops.

    One reason writers such as Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Somerset Maughan could write so well with stories based against so many romantic backdrops is that they travelled and lived in those countries.

    I think you'll get the message.

  10. couturepopcafe profile image60
    couturepopcafeposted 14 years ago

    Always write what you know.  You can't do anything else.  You can't write until you 'know' the alphabet.  You can't tell a story until you know the story, even if you make it up as you go.  When someone writes on a subject with which they are not familiar, the finished product is quite obviously and usually very much flawed.  The same topic could be successful if the unknown subject matter were researched, sometimes deeply through books,etc., sometimes by living in and soaking up an environment.  Police procedurals are usually not written by former cops but by writers who have done a lot of research.  Writing what you know can be as simple as making your home town the setting for your fiction.  Or creating a character who draws heavily from your own experience.  It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be an expert on any particular subject.

  11. kalixao profile image59
    kalixaoposted 14 years ago

    I never got very far writing from what I know. I use a structural approach of my own for poetry and songs, writing about what I observe and leaving the interpretation up to the reader. So, it's more like writing what I perceive, than what I know. Usually, this leads to prose, though, which is a lot more concrete than anything I write from personal experience or memory.

  12. profile image0
    china manposted 14 years ago

    Actually you can only write from what you know.  If you write about factual things (like the hospital mentioned above) but only from your imagination you lose any credibility as soon as someone finnds a glaring error.

    Directly writing what comes into your head is ok, but I would suggest that you put it away for a week or so and then re-write it in better English and change the things that are not clear.  Raw writing is hard to read and usually displays your own areas of confusion along with any nuggets of good stuff.

    The first rule is that you are writing for it to be read, otherwise you are writing for your own amusement only.

  13. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    I am wondering now, although of course I know its useless to wonder, whether your mind knows something you don't!

    Ideas for my hubs come to me when I'm just doing anything at all or right before I fall asleep - whatever my mind is wandering around on I want to write about - of course, I don't write about every little thing - I forget some of my best ideas.  I try to jot down a note now and then to remind me.  Then, there's always a bunch of research to do and sometimes I find the subject has been pretty much covered and I drop it.  Other times, I see people have written good stuff but not from the same angle as me.  I usually try to "make it mine"  - add some personal content and stuff.  You don't need to worry so much - just write - but make sure you get the facts right and you aren't putting out some bogus info that will confuse people.  I really hate when I read something hoping to get real and useful info and instead I get info I know is wrong and misleading.

  14. victoria brothers profile image57
    victoria brothersposted 14 years ago

    when i do my hub it come from insperaysion of my mind a nd what i can fouces on


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