If you was asked to recommend ONE way to promote a HUB - what will it be?

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  1. Zubair Ahmed profile image74
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    If you was asked to recommend ONE way to promote a HUB - what will it be?

    Recommend only ONE method that you have used to promote your HUB that has resulted in an increase in your traffic.


  2. Masata profile image61
    Masataposted 13 years ago

    well the method I use is simple but it requires a lot of work because it brings high numbers of visitors and traffic to your hubs I mean just this month I had a major increase to all my hubs and I ever started seeing increase in my adsense earnings.  I signed up to a new social network call Masata the web address is Masata.info and wrote a few blogs that are related to my hubs and linked my hubs to those blogs then used back links from redgage to link back to that blog. Then here comes the tricky part I used the redgage content to promote my hubs because redgage is somewhat like a social network you can make friends and subscribe to different content so I suggest that you sign up to masata and the join fedgage and promote your hubs there but make sure you make a lot of friends first. The more friends the more traffic your hubs will receive and redgage also pays you for your content views. for more info on how to increase your redgage traffic please contact me via inbox and I will tell you one of my secret methods send you a link and get you started to making major money.

  3. profile image0
    Suramya.Kposted 13 years ago

    I create backlinks on Redgage.com and SheToldMe.com

  4. abrarr profile image56
    abrarrposted 13 years ago

    i think i would to use social bookmarking sites for this purpose.

  5. alexpanait profile image61
    alexpanaitposted 13 years ago

    AMBASSADOR BUTLER is right. Everything is about content. If you write quality content the hub will promote by itself.

  6. jberens43 profile image61
    jberens43posted 13 years ago

    maybe use 1 exact match keyword in adwords...

  7. shoaibgmail profile image51
    shoaibgmailposted 13 years ago

    I prefer social bookmarking because I dont feel that my writing skill is good enough to reach on top..

  8. profile image0
    u01dtj6posted 13 years ago

    Without a shadow of a doubt, I'd recommend StumbleUpon - a fantastic tool for promoting hubs.

  9. atulhost profile image60
    atulhostposted 13 years ago

    Sharing it on social networking account is the most effective way to promote a hub

  10. Brett.Tesol profile image54
    Brett.Tesolposted 13 years ago

    Backlink! It takes a lot of effort and should be combined with other SEO techniques, but it helps bring in readers and increases your search engine rank ... which brings in even more readers!

  11. nybride710 profile image58
    nybride710posted 13 years ago

    Facebook.  I always post a link to my new hubs, and then my friends post it on their walls if they like it, etc.  With the few that I haven't posted on FB, the stats on them are way down.

  12. Ebower profile image80
    Ebowerposted 13 years ago

    I like to use Twitter alot to promote my hubs.  I have about 70 followers, so it gives them alot of exposure.  Also, I created a second non-personal Twitter account in which I share informative and entertaining articles that I find on the web and also use it to promote my own personal hubs.  I've found that posting interesting information or updates in addition to my hubs has helped to gain and retain my followers.

  13. CZCZCZ profile image75
    CZCZCZposted 13 years ago

    Post to a twitter community of followers that are actively seeking out your content.  Takes long time to develop but very worthwhile in the long run.

  14. profile image51
    My neck is redposted 13 years ago

    I'd use better grammar than what you use.

  15. dillon102 profile image60
    dillon102posted 13 years ago

    I will link my hubs for added content for my readers on my blogs. Then i link my hubs back to my blogs it does help increase revenue clicks.

  16. R.S. Hutchinson profile image71
    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years ago

    That new thing on the internet called Facebook.

  17. Crobin28 profile image59
    Crobin28posted 13 years ago

    I find websites, (message boards in particular) that are relevant to my Hub. Then I post a link with my referral tracker in it. Goosemoose.com for example is a HUGE pet community. I post links there all the time to my hubs about Pets and I frequently go back to keep the post near the top. This brings in about 70 viewers per link a day.

  18. arunii profile image60
    aruniiposted 13 years ago

    promote your hub on social media sites mainly on twitter. facebook and digg..

  19. Bud Gallant profile image60
    Bud Gallantposted 13 years ago

    If I could only recommend one method it would be leaving genuine comments on the hubs of others, after reading them.  Because if you did only this, you'd eventually be led into all the other vital strategies as well.

    Commenting not only will build backlinks (internally), but it will create the type of reciprocation you'll need to actually keep producing the hubs, which is obviously the most vital component to being successful here.  Hubs, hubs, hubs...  So the community involvement is essential to maintaining your morale.

    I wrote a very large hub devoted to strategies, but having the limit of just one thing, that's what I'd recommend.

    1. profile image0
      Jacobb9205posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I actually try to comment on as many hubs as I can for this reason smile

  20. profile image54
    andr4043posted 13 years ago

    I would recommend answering questions, which relates to your hub's content. At the end of your answer post a link to your hub. By doing this you will create a massive amount of backlinks and you will get targeted traffic.

  21. rembrandz profile image75
    rembrandzposted 13 years ago

    To share it on your social network sites like twitter, linked, FB, redgage and backlink to your blog, shetoldme ...many out there.

  22. Savvycruzr profile image60
    Savvycruzrposted 13 years ago

    Hi Zubair and everyone!

    In my opinion, the use of Digg can bring in quality Web traffic to your hubs -
    provided you have original or unique content. You'll have to participate
    on the site as well by submitting useful short descriptions of the articles
    and post a link to your hub.

    This will also create backlinks for you and boost your Page Rank. :-)


  23. am9905d profile image60
    am9905dposted 13 years ago

    It depends on the type of hub and content.
    If it is a hub with information that could go viral, for example Top ten list. 5 things you didn't know about x etc I would prefer to promote it through social networks/bookmarks.
    If it is a hub in a boring niche then I would go with article marketing.

    That is of course if I only had to choose one way of promoting it and only one.

  24. profile image0
    Jacobb9205posted 9 years ago

    Post your hub on Reddit under the appropriate sub-reddit, as long as you interact with others, I don't see why you wouldn't get many viewers, especially if you have helpful/interesting information.


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