Why is it that without money one can't survive?

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  1. moneyfairy profile image61
    moneyfairyposted 10 years ago

    Why is it that without money one can't survive?

    It seems as if one doesn't have money they can't survive in this world. Why is that?

  2. Rob Winters profile image74
    Rob Wintersposted 10 years ago

    This is very 'relative' issue and primarily a matter of perception and It really depends on what you mean by 'survives'.Over three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day and it's estimated that at least 80% of the worlds population survive on less than $10's a day. Only about half the worlds population even have bank accounts with the majority of those that don't stating that they simply don't have enough money to use a bank.

    Despite the relative financial pressures many of us are and have experienced in the economic climate of recent years i think we sometimes forget that on a global scale 'financially speaking' we're the lucky ones.

    1. profile image0
      CalebSparksposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I see what you are saying, but we aren't just "lucky", Rob. We have what we have because this country was built on solid, proven principles. We need not be ashamed of what we have, just mindful of why we have them.

    2. Rob Winters profile image74
      Rob Wintersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you Caleb - people need never be ashamed of what they have, be it wealth or anything else (unless of course it was aquired in knowingly shameful ways). Lucky in terms of our accident of birth as opposed to how our forefathers got us here

    3. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Rob Winters: Could you survive here in the USA without $$$?I know people in other parts of the world can survive barely but not thrive.(ie: disease, flies in their eyes,malmutrition etc..) what kind of life is that?

    4. Rob Winters profile image74
      Rob Wintersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi moneyfairy - I do understand your sentiment but your question said 'survive' not 'thrive' and you did not specify or limit the question to the USA. In fact you use the word 'world' in yor additional info. I can only attempt to answer what you ask.

    5. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Rob Winters:
      So could you live without $$$ here in the USA ?

    6. Rob Winters profile image74
      Rob Wintersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Would i choose to do so?Obviously Not
      Would it be easy?Absolutely Not
      Could i do it if i'd no other choice? I wouldn't be the first and i wouldn't have a choice so yes it's possible but you couldn't know for sure without being in that situation

    7. profile image0
      CalebSparksposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your explanation to my comment, Rob. Indeed many survive on much less than we spend in a typical day.

    8. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Rob Winters: Exactly!!! and it's not a good stiuation to be in. The just getting by mode. Very  Challenging indeed. Thank you for all your responses.

  3. profile image0
    christiananrkistposted 10 years ago

    thats actually  not true. one can survive without money. many people have a hobby off living off the land in a primitive kind of way. there are also still tribes in certain parts of the world that dont have any kind of concept of money and also just live off the land and build shelters for themselves. Evidence of uncontacted Amazon tribes exist in Ecuador, Peru, and most notably Brazil where the number of uncontacted tribes is thought to be the highest in the world.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      christiananrkist: You are correct some people in  foriegn places survive without $$ but I was not taught how to do that. So when I am without $$ life seems to be cut off.
      Could you survive here in the USA without $$$?

    2. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't personally.  Look up Daniel Suelo from Utah. He has lived without money for more than a decade. Granted he is probably a special case. I'm sure if most people in the US were found to be living in this manner would be arrested.

    3. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is correct, That is why I asked the question as it is next to impossible to live with no $$$ here in the USA. Even for people who live off the land they have to buy it or they will be kicked off right?

    4. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You are correct sir. Maybe rephrase the original question though? because you asked why is it one cant survive in this world without money.

    5. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      chritiananrkist: I will be more specific next time sorry about that. i was just making a generalized question about surviving on nothing as I am on very hard times myself and wanted to see how others would react to a similar situation. thank you!

    6. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for ya.

    7. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      christiananrkist: me too. Thank you.

  4. Rosana Modugno profile image66
    Rosana Modugnoposted 10 years ago

    You can live without money, here in the U.S. as long as you live outside the grid, in a tent somewhere on a mountain, like a survivalist.  You may have to keep moving but you wouldn't need money if you knew how to live off the land.  But I hear what you're trying to say.  The world is made of money.  There are worker bees and queen bees.  smile

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Rosana for your answer. Maybe they should have survivalist classes but then that costs$$$ too. Just sucks being poor.

  5. jaydawg808 profile image80
    jaydawg808posted 10 years ago

    Surely you can't live without medical insurance!!

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well I don't have insurance and never have and I am still alive...so I guess one can live without medical insurance. Sucks not to have it but it's possible.

    2. jaydawg808 profile image80
      jaydawg808posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So this means that you don't see a dentist & eye doctor because of the perfect teeth and eyes you have then.

    3. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jaydawg808: Welcome to poverty in the USA!!!
      I get free female stuff from planned parenthood, but if and when I get to the dentist or eye dr. I work out payment plans or I don't get done. That's just life in poverty.

    4. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @jaydawg. are really criticizing for not having medical insurance? Not everyone has that luxury. isn't this the same as criticizing for not having money? do you spit on the homeless when you walk by?

    5. jaydawg808 profile image80
      jaydawg808posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No, not criticizing at all.  Just merely wondering if OP goes to the dentist or sees the eye doctor, that's all.  No, I don't spit on the homeless. I work HARD for my medical insurance. I despise people who expect FREE things from the gov't.

    6. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jaydawg808: You need to walk in the shoes of someone living in poverty before you place judgement. I work my ass off, pay my taxes,rent that keeps raising, car payments w/11% interest..all my money goes for bills.I make it they take it. Nothing left.

    7. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jaydawg. I understand what youre saying to a point. there are always people that take advantage. many people are just trying to get back on their feet though, also working very hard. so, im willing to pay a little extra to help brothers/sisters out.

    8. jaydawg808 profile image80
      jaydawg808posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Understood. That's why the economy sucks. Spending billions of dollars on wars & not taking care of our own people. Go figure. Not knocking troops, just saying. Moneyfairy, 11% interest on a CAR? Kind of high. Why is it so high? My rate was only

    9. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I think we have spent trillions on war the last decade or so. Imagine what good that could have gone to. I dont have anything against the troops either. just the gov.

    10. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jaydawg808: Long story,poor credit ..best offer=11% interest. Again welcome to the working class poor. Not a fun place to be.

    11. jaydawg808 profile image80
      jaydawg808posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Moneyfairy, not a problem. I'm also poor. And this is how America is today. This is sad & depressing.


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