When you know your passion but need to survive, sometimes dreams get lost. This is how I harvested my dreams and learned to be patient.
The truth in numbers about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus, its origins, comparisons to the flu and what we have learned.
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love for many couples. And there are many different types of couples, not all are human.
A quick guide to understanding the difference in sexes
How to market yourself and your brand with little to no money
Breaking down the discrimination of recovering addicts and what we can do about it
Is there a specific time frame or guideline to asking someone out on a second date or does it just depend on each individual situation?
Ink by Rosana Modugno An enabler is someone who helps or enables something, especially in destructive behaviors like drug or alcohol addiction. Some will use any means possible to keep you addicted because they do not want you to quit, while others...
In an age where single parent households are common, teens without fathers need security emotionally, not just financially.
How to stop harassing phone calls.
If your partner is cheating, there are clues. Here are 10.
A look into the mysteries of Reincarnation through personal experiences.
Ways to network around the web and get your work noticed and read.
Quick and easy snacks to impress your date into thinking your know a lot about food, even if you don't.
A true story of a family of Charruas brought to France for exploit and financial gain in a human zoo.
Make a plastic planter pot look like stone using nothing but acrylic and bathroom tissue. Can't be done? Learn how.
Impress your dinner guests with this easy to make dessert.
A quick and easy, healthy salad using the wonderful Mango.
When you've shared your life with someone and conformed to the rituals of married life, learning to live alone again will feel strange. But it's not the end of the world. Embrace your new beginning.
Creative, safe ideas and recipes to get your kids into healthier eating habits.
Woman's 85 Boyfriend Requirements: It was all over the web this week. If you don't have a list for the man you want in your life, you may want to start one.
Before you throw away those old dolls in your garage, revamp and make them creepy cool!
A Poem
In a modern world where polygamy, porn and religion run amok, why do we still hold such high regard to the traditional marriage?
Why do we worry so much over our children? A funny way to look at why parents worry and the best way to handle it.
Save money, stay protected and make your own suntan lotion.
Are you a stepfather who feels unappreciated in your new family role? You are not alone. You may not replace the birth father but you do deserve kudos. Read here and get them.
Tired of the "rules" involved in texting etiquette? That may be good for kids but adult dating is on another level. Read these tips on better texting without the games.
A constant love
Short narrative on what a typical night of nightmares is like, then waking up only to find I am still in it.
How I went from a sultry redhead to a sexy blonde in 2 weeks from the privacy of my own home in this easy step by step tutorial. If I can do it, so can you.
The dark secret the egg industry does not want you to know. Before you eat another egg, this is a must read to educate yourself on where your egg comes from and tips on how you can do your part to help.
If you love fur, then know the truth about what happens to the animals you wear and what you can do to help them.
Love beaded curtains and want to make your own? Here are some fun ways to make your own beaded curtains from things you may have laying around the house.
Does your dog act like something just bit their butt? Do they scoot across the floor? They may be in pain due to impacted anal glands. Read how to do it at home and watch instructional video.
Ugly pillows? Revamp your old into new with a little creativity. I show you how to cover up those boring pillows and make them a real work of art.
It''s not too late to make your own Christmas tree. Go green with these 20 creative ways to make them from things around your home or apartment.
Do you have sudden rapid or irregular heartbeats? Does your child seem out of breath or lethargic? 1 - 3 out of every 1000 people are born with this heart defect. Learn how to fix it before it's too late.
Want to dress up your table a little this holiday season? Try these cool ideas from household items and make napkin holders your friends will love.
Here are 10 great ideas to revamp those old books.
Love to upcycle? Here are 12 great ideas for Christmas ornaments you can use with things laying around your house. Includes easy to follow steps the whole family can enjoy.
In 2005, National Geographic ran a story about the barbaric activities of using dogs and cat as bait for sharks on La Reunion Island, a French run country. The laws have changed but has the activity stopped for good? Read and draw your own conclusions.
Konjac Root, a surprising zero carb, high fiber, no starch root that when used in powder form, can be an excellent alternative to flour and corn starch. Is it something you can use in your diet? Find out here.
Another great way to use a potato in an Arts and Crafts project for the whole family to enjoy. Get creative with spuds.
12 handmade Christmas wreaths you can make yourself from things around your house. Great project ideas with simple how to steps.
Post-Mortem Photography was an important part of dealing with the death of a loved one in the Victorian era. This article explains the fascinating truth behind the photos of the dead.
20 sites filled with the coolest, weirdest and most unique gifts you'll ever find on the web. From toys to science kits to things you would only buy as a collector, everything for everyone on your list is here.
If you or anyone you know suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, this guide will show you what foods you should and shouldn't be eating. Take control of your ADD. Don't let it control you.
20 smells that turn men on isn't just something you wear. Invest in things that smell nice, surround yourself in an essence of luxuriously yummy scents.
Looking for a quick side to add to your turkey dinner this year? Try these healthy veggie sides, that take no time at all.
If you love bacon and turkey, why not wrap your turkey in bacon this year and make the best tasting turkey with the most wickedly tasting gravy ever? Add my special stuffing recipe with rice, almonds and orange marmalade and you're in for a special yummy treat!
A fun way to make a cute kitchen curtain using bathroom hooks, scissors and fabric. Quick, fun way to keep things in your kitchen unique and fun!
A cool way to decorate your bread crumbs can using nothing more than hot glue, ribbons, buttons and duct tape. Make a cute and colorful place to store your buttons, so you don't have to open the lid to see what's inside.
Grade your doctor and if he isn't the one for you, find another. Ask yourself the tough questions about your doctor/patient relationship. It may be time to cut the cord.
Quick and easy vegetable omelet done in 3 simple steps.
Quick, easy way to make turkey bacon wrapped chicken with lettuce and cheese filling. Eat hot or cold and serve with your favorite side.
Pork chop recipe using apples and cinnamon for a sweet flavor over fluffy white rice. An awesome new way to eat pork.
Try some or all of these 10 ideas to cook potatoes. Quick and easy recipes that anyone can make. And a few surprise recipes you may have never heard of.
Prose poem about a man's fear for change, taking whatever is given to him because he feels the need to justify his guilt, appeasing people he feels he owes something to, in exchange for his own true happiness.
The best way to know who you really are is to learn to be with yourself, completely alone, even for a short while.
Prose of the monster called revenge, vindictiveness and true evil.
If you recently became unemployed, be prepared with these 10 tips.
This Halloween why not make something different like a cool and unique Pentagram made from recycled products? Used as a wreath or wall decoration, this pentagram is made from old newspapers, scrap fabric, and cardboard you probably throw out every day. All you need are newspapers, fabric,...
Domestic violence is not just physical. It is emotional as well, and sometimes goes unnoticed. Don't get used to being treated badly. Recognize it for what it is; violence. Nothing more.
Whether it's music, candles or more, change your bedroom from boring to sexy with these 10 great steps. Bringing sexy back into your bedroom has never been so much fun.
Dress your dog like Lady Gaga this Halloween with three great versions of costumes everyone will love, even your dog. :)
Do you have a plain sofa? Why not paint it? Do you love tattoos? Why not paint it with tattoo designs? An awesome cool idea to decorate your sofa!
Never forget.
With warm weather around us, keep your family safe from insect bites. Do you know the safest bug repellents to buy? Here are a list of some of the safest repellents on the market.
Organizing and displaying your earrings can be a challenge. Here is a great way to display your earrings with little effort using candles in your home.
Just a poem.
Too lazy to clean the entire place? Company coming over? No worries. Easy way to organize your space, lessen the stress and get it all clean without sweating it.
Labor Day barbecues are fun when you have crafty recipes to bring. Easy, fun and cool recipes that will surprise everyone. But only you know how easy they were to make.
Be prepared when a hurricane hits. Keep everything in one place so you don't have to run around in the dark searching for those important things.
There are many ways to save on vet bills but here are just ten of my favorites. Everything from expressing your dogs anal glands to finding cheap and affordable neutering and spaying services in your area. This is a great way to save money.
Here are ten cool ways to save money at home by doing these easy tricks. Being frugal is not being cheap, it's being smart.
Poem about love and pain and loss.
Poem about the moon and the sun depicted as lovers who visit through a window.
Poem of a secret love.
Love poem about denial.
A poem about a bridge we created together, connecting us to our past, our present and future.
Poem of love
A prose poem about a life without apologies, regrets or guilt.
A poem about love, torture and longing.
How do you get rid of roaches if you have pets or small children? Here are 10 ways to get rid of roaches effectively and naturally.
Ten ways to save money on makeup/cosmetics. How to make makeup last longer. Tricks to cut costs on cosmetics.
10 things a man should never do on a profile pic for dating sites. Profile pics for dating sites are first impressions. Put in your best shot if you want a good response from women.
What is Yerba Mate? This traditional South American drink has been known for years for its health benefits. Find out what it is, where it's from, how to prepare it and where you can get it.
10 yummy yogurt ideas. Make yogurt part of your healthy lifestyle by incorporating it into your meals. Easy and healthy ways to eat yogurt.
Alternatives to painting your apartment rental. Can't paint your apartment walls? Look at this great idea to still get decorative without the paint.
How to make a low cost rug from recycled fabrics around your home. Use the rug for hallways, bathrooms or for your pet. This home made rug will cost you next to nothing to make yourself and you choose your colors.
True story of paranormal experience and the interaction with ghosts.
True story of a little girl who saw ghosts that asked for her help. Soon her family was drawn in and what they all witnessed was not only scary, it was wonderful. A testament to the after-life and the unexplained.
Quick tips to cure bad breath at home. Find simple and easy ways to keep a clean mouth. Home remedies for bad breath.
Tattoos are painful, but the result is usually totally worth it. Are there ways to make a tattoo less painful? Here are some tips on managing tattoo pain and some aftercare suggestions.
Why is it that dogs are man's best friend and diamonds are for women? Give it up to the doggies who teach us every day what complete and unconditional love it, without asking for anything more than a biscuit.
Where does time go when love doesn't work out? Did you waste your life? Years are never wasted, they are invested in your experience of life.
Need a great new idea for a headboard? Need an extra window in your room? Make your own faux window from scratch complete with a view of your choice.
A poem about a love that won't go away. It is a story about a man that loves the icing on his cake but forces himself not to eat it because he knows when he does, he won't be able to let go. This love won't let me go.